Title: Poll: left player controls Post by: meep-eep on December 14, 2006, 02:39:28 am The outcome of this poll will affect what the default key config would be for the left player for 0.6.0.
Which key layout for the left player do you prefer: Config 1: This is the config that was used in 0.5.0. As with the right player, the left hand controls the fire buttons and the right hand controls the directional keys. LEFT: s RIGHT: f UP: e DOWN: d WEAPON: q SPECIAL: a Config 2: This is the config that has been the default for CVS snapshots since 0.5.0. This is a common key config for the left hand for first person shooters. The use of the hands is mirrored compared to the right player. LEFT: a RIGHT: d UP: w DOWN: s WEAPON: v SPECIAL: b Edit: for UQM 0.6.0, not 0.7.0. Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: Anthony on December 14, 2006, 03:40:45 am I'm more used to config 1, since I always use my left hand to attack, and my right hand to move. Both key configs have the keys very close to each other, but it's the only to stop your hand from conflicting with the other player's hands.
Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: Captain_Smith on December 14, 2006, 04:12:05 am I've got the current CVS and I'm still trying to get used to the new key combos - no net melee for me until that happens, kids ;D. Anyhow, hopefully, they can still be configurable enough and you won't have to accept a default key set.
Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: Zeep-Eeep on December 14, 2006, 05:01:35 am The poll question says configuration for version 0.7. But, as
far as I know, we haven't reaached 0.6 yet. Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: Michael Martin on December 14, 2006, 06:35:59 am This is with respect to 0.6, yes, not 0.7.
Also, 0.6 (actually, current CVS) will let you remap keys at will in the setup menu. The interface for this isn't exactly wonderful, but it will at least let you do the basics without mucking around with keys.cfg. To change controls, go to Setup, then Configure Controls, then Edit Controls. You can then change a control by selecting it and pushing the key you want at the popup dialog. It's a bit inflexible (only two gestures allowed per action) and counterintuitive (you have to go through more selections than you should) at the moment, but it's there and we're looking at eventually replacing the interface with something more flexible. That's going to involve more UI work than 0.6 should have, though, so it's going to wait. Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: AngusThermopyle on December 14, 2006, 03:32:16 pm I must still be in the dark ages; I use the defaults from Star Control 1:
q = special w = left e = right r = thrust t = fire Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: JHGuitarFreak on December 14, 2006, 08:29:15 pm I highly enjoy Config 2 only because I'm used to the FPS control scheme ;D
Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: guesst on December 21, 2006, 04:10:53 pm Now, how hard would it be to have multple keys mapped? In other words, use FEDS for controls, and Q or T for fire, A or G for special. That way lefies or righties can just use their pick withtout reconfiguring.
Me, I vote WADS. Don't know why, FEDS is more like the player 1 config. Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: meep-eep on December 21, 2006, 11:42:48 pm As 0.6.0 is released, I've locked the voting. Config 1 won.
Multiple keys is something which is planned for the future. Title: Re: Poll: left player controls Post by: psydev on January 09, 2007, 08:49:47 pm Up until a month ago, I still used the nm,./ key config from starcontrol 1:
n = special m = left , = right . = thrust / = fire Now I use: ~ = special 1 = left 2 = right numpad / = thrust numpad * = fire basically the same key combo, only this one lets me hold my hands further apart, which is better for ergonomics. I would say though that a WASD or arrow keys combo is easier for beginners to learn and might be best for defaults. |