Title: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: Neonlare on January 14, 2007, 02:36:44 am Was reading through Arne's artwork for a proposed Star Con Tactical Game, and decided to do some spriting, here are das results!
(http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9936/starcontacticsob8.png) Any comments? :D Title: Re: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: Jumping *Peppers* on January 14, 2007, 03:32:14 am Heh, not bad. Are those scratch or edited?
One thing though, I think Arne's idea was closer to the original SC - it was a 2D and stuff, but instead of controlling 1 ship at a time in arcade-style combat, you led a whole group of ships. While what you've got here seems more suited to an isometric game. Still, that gives me an idea: It would be awesome to be able to walk around your ship as the Captain and talk to crew, manage non-combat stuff, etc. (when I first saw this thread I thought it had something to do with me XD) Title: Re: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: Neonlare on January 14, 2007, 03:35:36 am Thanks for the input! Most of them are from scratch, except the Orz Robot thing, which is an edit from something else (I couldn't draw the damn thing :().
Title: Re: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: Arne on January 14, 2007, 08:23:36 am These remind me of Ant attack, one of the first 3D games (isometric).
They also vaguely remind me of LaserSquad (XCOM/UFO forerunner). I suppose it would be possible to do a siege/boarding game in that style... Yeah, my 'game' idea is more of a SC universe simulation (as far as it can be taken on a modern PC) than a whatever genre game. 2D topdown with realtime rotation. Title: Re: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: darkheart on January 14, 2007, 07:02:00 pm cute, but how do you plan making a 10 foot long ur quan ? ;D
Title: Re: *Jumping Peppers!* Post by: guesst on January 15, 2007, 07:40:25 pm You know, Star Control has always been about mixed genres. SC1, action and straegy. SC2, RPG and action.
I'd be completely down with mixing a sort of board like strategy element like Final Fantisy Tactics, PoxNora (http://www.poxnora.com) or Tactics Arena (http://www.tacticsarena.com). I remember Waazal (http://www.monkkonen.net/wazzal.php) was a bit like that but I could never get into it. It's actually not quite like that. One day I gots to get back into programming. |