Title: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: Mark Vera on February 02, 2007, 08:09:38 pm McMartin asked if I had ogg version of the old Electro Blast remix available anywhere. I couldn't find it, so I though I could re-export the song from my sequencer software. However I ended up touching up the mixing a bit, so it's a bit better mixed and mastered now. Song itself is 100% the same. So now you can listen how much I've improved my mixing skills over the years ;)
Star Control 2: Hyperspace (Mark Vera's Electro Blast 2007 Mix) (http://www.markvera.net/music/mark_vera__starcontrol_2_hyperspace_electro_blast_remix_2007_mix.ogg) Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: Novus on February 05, 2007, 10:51:37 am At one point I considered "Electro Blast" to be the ultimate HyperSpace mix, as it successfully manages to be both a fresh remix (unlike "Re-enter", which is nice but not very original) and remain true to the spirit of the original (unlike Riku's "Across the Galaxy" mix). Then Mark released his "Lightyears Away" mix, which was even better. However, with this update of "Electro Blast", I honestly can't say which one I like better.
With all these quality remixes of the HyperSpace theme, we could have UQM choose one of them every time you enter HyperSpace (at random, or according to where in space you are, for example). Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: Zieman on February 05, 2007, 12:15:07 pm With all these quality remixes of the HyperSpace theme, we could have UQM choose one of them every time you enter HyperSpace (at random, or according to where in space you are, for example). Great idea!One for each sphere of influence (only when the sphere in question is visible), and one outside them. Or maybe PC version for all 'Old Alliance' SOIs, 3DO remix for general hyperspace (= outside any SOI), one new remix (the same) for both Ur-Quans, etc. Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: RTyp06 on February 06, 2007, 01:18:10 am Very 8) ! Thanx for the effort.
Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: Megagun on February 06, 2007, 09:35:44 pm Ah, favorite Hyperspace remix. Always a point of discussion and questioning yourself which one you like most. I, too, can't really decide.. This one's neat though. :P
Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: ZiM0917 on February 11, 2007, 03:25:22 pm I admit that this is my favorite music remix of "Hyperspace".
This remix is very close to the original one and I am not tired of listening to this music over and over again! P.S. By the way the "slyhome_bonus" "Sushi Delivery Cart" is awsome too! It is from one of the extra bonus packs... ;) Title: Re: Mark Vera, Hyperspace Electro Blast Remix 2007 Mix Post by: Tiberian on February 14, 2007, 10:11:58 am I must say that the idea of having multiple hyperspace musics (chosen each time by some algorithm) is one the best ideas I've seen in a while here.