Title: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: Valaggar on February 23, 2007, 02:09:32 pm This thread, of course, is meant for discussing tactics for EP-Mod (http://uqm.stack.nl/forum/index.php?topic=3465.msg43826#msg43826).
For example, one of the very deep ships now is the EP-Androsynth, whose bubbles and blazer have been merged and an all-powerful laser added. Now there are three attacks for this ship: classic blazing, bubbleblazing (blaze around the opponent and swarm him with the EP-bubbles) AND dual-laser assault. This means that a fight with this ship could look like that: - The 'Synth charges unto his enemy in blazer form. - Hits a few times, then misses and starts to circle around his enemy. - The bubbles he emits chop his enemy apart. The 'Synth's energy end, his enemy is crippled and on the run. - The all-mighty Androsynth gloriously charges and engages his laser cannons. With a loud "BOOM!", his opponent becomes history. Title: Re: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: Captain_Smith on February 23, 2007, 06:49:18 pm A good general tactic for all the ships. Just sit and wait until your opponent pinballs themselves off the planets to death. ::)
Title: Re: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: Elvish Pillager on February 23, 2007, 06:50:34 pm A good general tactic for all the ships. Just sit and wait until your opponent pinballs themselves off the planets to death. ::) What's your contingency plan for when the opponent comes at you with weapons blazing?Title: Re: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: countchocula86 on February 23, 2007, 11:19:15 pm Oh baby, just play as Kohr-Ah. Launch a few discs just out a bit and let gravity and homing take over haha.
Title: Re: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: Elvish Pillager on February 24, 2007, 07:11:53 pm Oh baby, just play as Kohr-Ah. Launch a few discs just out a bit and let gravity and homing take over haha. ::)Title: Re: Elvish Pillager's Mod (EP-Mod) Tactics Post by: countchocula86 on February 24, 2007, 07:16:48 pm Of course, the real pain is when a VUX limpets you. Even if you manage to kill the VUX off, any limpits will make it a pain to try and get out of a planets gravity haha.
The only ships that make me sad are the Torch and the Skiff. Frankly, the Skiffs "special" is a little crappy to me. And the Torch losing its speed is a bit of a pain, although if I did have the afterburners, melee would be a lot more like pinball haha! |