Title: CVS *nix install instructions are incomplete Post by: Adam on January 04, 2003, 04:42:26 am The CVS *nix install instructions, located in sc2/doc/users/unixinstall, omit the "./bulid.sh uqm install" instruction, saying only to "./build.sh uqm".
Newbies like me can waste a lot of time on critically incomplete instructions. I spent a day figuring out the problem. Did I miss something obvious? Thanks. p.s. I'm on FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE Title: Re: CVS *nix install instructions are incomplete Post by: Gary Fowler on January 04, 2003, 11:51:46 pm And if you don't have SDL_mixer-devel rpm installed, the build will try to use OpenAL.. Had all kinds of problems getting OpenAL working on my RedHat 8.0 workstation..