Title: Newbie Guidance Post by: rupertbear on April 04, 2007, 02:25:53 am Hello there fellow star control addicts.
I first became aware of this game when i bought the CD version for my panasonic 3DO. Absolutely loved this game, i remember sitting in my room as a youngster quoting nearly all the different races & their rather fantastic vocals (can't believe some people are against the 3DO version!) Anyway, i truly want to get back into this game, as a recent graduate i have some free time before i lunge myself into the real world so when i came across this website i couldn't quite believe my eyes! *smiles* The point is, any pointers for a newbie? i have just started the game, made allies with the Pkunk, no idea really what to do now... any pointers would be appreciated. (sorry if these kinds of questions have been answered before, if there is a thread about this can someone send me a link please?) cheers peeps, rupert Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Anthony on April 04, 2007, 03:51:31 am Hello back. You joined the Pkunk which is a good step. Here's some things that you could try doing:
- Talk to Fwiffo, make him join you, and go to his homeworld - Spend a while collecting minerals, raise enough RUs to buy weapons to fight off those probes - Save the Zoq-Fot-Pik Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Cedric6014 on April 04, 2007, 04:08:06 am Hi there,
I would also speak to the Comander he gave you lots of leads. More importantly, download the original starmap that came with the PC version - this give you lots of leads too - shows you where spheres of influence of known and unknown alien races are: http://www.abandonia.com/extras/Star%20Control%202_Starmap.jpg (http://www.abandonia.com/extras/Star%20Control%202_Starmap.jpg) Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Valaggar on April 04, 2007, 02:43:15 pm Quote from: rupertbear i remember sitting in my room as a youngster quoting nearly all the different races & their rather fantastic vocals (can't believe some people are against the 3DO version!) I like all the voices save for Utwig. Look at their font, their sophisticated, ceremonious culture, their solemn and sober general look... Their voice should have been low, deep, ceremonious and somewhat morose. Maybe the voice of an elderly actor.Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Draxas on April 04, 2007, 04:30:31 pm You might want to stop by Alpha Centauri sometime. There is something there that can give you some important hints on things to do next as well.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Lurker on April 04, 2007, 05:09:07 pm Well, the most important thing in the beginning is to max your engines (unless you have done that already), so that you can move faster around the map and avoid unwanted battles by outrunning your pursuers.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: countchocula86 on April 04, 2007, 05:16:21 pm Listen to Hayes and follow what he says. Spend the first year mining and outfitting yourship. Hayes gives some pointers on which stars/planets have the best minerals. As you spend time mining minerals and what not you'll meet other aliens (or Hayes will recieve some kinda transmissions).
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Galactic on April 04, 2007, 06:23:56 pm The greatest problem at the start are the Slylandro Probes, since an Earthling has no match against them.
I found the easiest way to destroy them with your Spathi Eluder (with Fwiffo of course!), though this requires a little skill and also time. But basically, avoid them. Try to get your flagship all the speed and turning upgrades that you can easily run away from them. Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Draxas on April 04, 2007, 07:42:47 pm Or figure out a consistent strategy to destroy them with no loss; they have the highest salvage value at 550 per probe, and can be an easy source of income.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Valaggar on April 04, 2007, 07:58:10 pm You can kill them with several ships. It's even simple to do that with a Cruiser - that's what I do until my flagship grows strong enough.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: rupertbear on April 05, 2007, 02:52:09 pm ah thank you for all your guidance! much appreciated! can't wait to get stuck into this again!
*a human in a starship?* Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Valaggar on April 05, 2007, 02:56:32 pm Nope, it was "A Hu-Man In An Alien Starship".
What puzzles the Ilwrath is not only that we're outside of the slave shield in a starship, but also that we were powerful enough to get an alien ship, a Precursor ship!!! Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: rupertbear on April 05, 2007, 03:13:18 pm i have so much to learn! i know i'll probably regret saying this but so far the precursor ship is pretty rubbish in my book! (but i guess that's because it's just a skeleton of a ship as it stands at present)
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Valaggar on April 05, 2007, 03:19:03 pm Yeah, you'll see, you won't need another ship at some point.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Lurker on April 05, 2007, 09:09:55 pm Right in the beginning it's hardly a match for the damaged Ilwrath, but just wait until you get your hands on AT-Systems and Hellbore cannons! It will become seriously overpowered then. I mean it.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Valaggar on April 05, 2007, 09:13:55 pm It's meant to be overpowered. This makes the game funnier.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: Lurker on April 05, 2007, 09:31:01 pm Well, that might be fun for some people. I would prefer it if the rest of the fleet wasn't rendered useless, though. But nothing really stops anyone from not making it a warship. I think I'll play my next game just that way.
Title: Re: Newbie Guidance Post by: countchocula86 on April 06, 2007, 03:11:36 am Ive never pimped my Precursur ship out, I always rely on my fleet complement. Maybe I'll try a new game where I rely on my flagship