The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: guesst on April 07, 2007, 08:24:45 pm

Title: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: guesst on April 07, 2007, 08:24:45 pm
Behold the StarControl lovin'!
Original Size
( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( ( ( ( ( (

Avatar Size (100x100)
( ( ( (

I'm most proud (and had to work hardest on) the Syreen. The original animation didn't have her unfolding her arms and making her do that while not having the crew look funny was tough. I was considering making that my avatar on every board I visit, but I have a policy about using someone else's artwork as an avatar when I have so much of my own to use.

So here's what I'm gussing the FAQs are going to be:
Q1. I've never seen these. They look cool but what are they?
A1. These are animations ripped from the full game portion of StarControl 1.

Q2. How long did it take to put these together?
A2. In actual work time, 3, maybe 4 hours to record, edit, and convert to GIFs. In terms of how long from beginning to end it's been over a year.

Q3. Can I use thse for...
A3. Dude (or Dudette, depending on your denomination), I'm putting them on the internet. If that's not invitation enough to have people use and abuse them i don't know what is. Besides, isn't not like they're my animations. I stole them from SC1. I expect to see these in people Avatars and posts. Personally I think the new "ZING" should look like:
Alliance Base Destroyed (
or something along those lines

Q4. Hey could you do for me...? / I think you should do next....
A4. See A2 above. Over a year on these. I don't do requests. I have a life, a wife, two and a half kids, and a career. I really didn't have the time for the ones I did. You want something done, do it yourself.

Q5. Why are you posting these here. This is the UQM board and A1 says these are from Star Control.
A5. Yeah, but I don't hang out at the PONAF boards ( as much anymore, so I assume no one else does either. Besides, you got a problem with Star Control related stuff on this board you can go stick it up your nose.

For any other questions, prase, or comments, use the reply button below.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Cedric6014 on April 07, 2007, 10:22:58 pm
Wow cool! Reminds me how much fun i had playing SC1 back in the day. Its all good to post anything SC related in this forum as far as i'm concerned.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: cloneof on April 11, 2007, 11:56:00 pm
Awesome! You are an hero man!

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Anthony on April 12, 2007, 04:20:05 pm
Awesome work guesst.  I love it.  I remember the first Star Control.  I still have to get used to the full game starfield, and remembering what those symbols mean.

Takes me back in the day.

I love the gifs. :D

I was wondering, what program did you use to record the animations?

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: guesst on April 14, 2007, 06:01:20 am
I was wondering, what program did you use to record the animations?

Well, here's the story. I discovered DOSBox had movie recording capability, so I started up a game and as quickly as possible triggered all the events seen and surprsingly managed to get them all in a relatively short movie.

Then I took them into Adobe's video editing program (I don't remember it's name right now) to crop and seperate the clips.

It took me a long time after that to discover that Adobe's Image Ready did animated GIFs. It only took me an hour or so to get from the clips to what you see.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Arne on April 16, 2007, 05:26:43 am
Awesome, I sat here several minutes just staring at them.

...that Syreen is in her underwear, isn't she? Given that they're blue and all I mean.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: countchocula86 on April 16, 2007, 06:26:08 am
Ahem, I believe its a Tactical Syreen Officer uniform :P

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Valaggar on April 16, 2007, 02:26:46 pm
Hmm... looks like FF/PR3 had a ZEX-like perverse attraction to blue women...  :P

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: guesst on April 16, 2007, 03:38:35 pm
That's funny. I always thought the in ship picture for the syreen had their skin LIGHT blue, I'll have to go check. But if that's the case, that she's standing on that hill top (in the shadows perhaps?) I don't understand how the crews are managing to make it into the ship. With their neck craned to see her they should all be bumping into the wall.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Valaggar on April 16, 2007, 04:47:01 pm
They're always dark blue, save for Talana, who's light blue (except for that beautiful picture hosted at the Ultronomicon article about Talana ( Maybe she's just hypnotizing Zelnick into believing that she has that skin color/Maybe the light on her is so brilliant, combined with the fact that Zelnick has just awakened and his pupils are dilated. She may be naturally either light or dark blue (maybe there are two varieties of Syreen, or Talana's an exception). Or maybe they're all light blue, but the one in these GIFs and in the Penetrator's captain portrait are sitting in the shadows.

As to how the crew members can be so disciplined - probably the Syreen promised them an entire night spent with them, secondary effects on both parties included.  ;) She doesn't have to keep her promise though.  :'(

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: countchocula86 on April 16, 2007, 07:49:16 pm
Maybe Syreens are naturally dark blue, but during the first war with the Ur-Quan when the Syreen and Humans were allied, there was some lurve makin', and some lighter skinned offspring were produced.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Cedric6014 on April 16, 2007, 10:18:04 pm
Maybe, like humans, Syreen skin can be many shades - depending on how close to the equator their ancestors lived. Can you imagine supox, shofixti or anyone arguing about whether humans were black or white?

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Elvish Pillager on April 16, 2007, 11:14:16 pm
Can you imagine supox, shofixti or anyone arguing about whether humans were black or white?

No. But I can imagine them arguing about whether humans are pink or brown.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Cedric6014 on April 17, 2007, 01:08:57 am
Just looking at ‘white’ folks around the office here, and most of them are really a very light brown – its weird colour really. Where there is no pigment (looking at my own palms) it’s a pinky-white. Are we off topic yet?

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Gaeamil on May 20, 2007, 05:43:00 pm
I don't understand how the crews are managing to make it into the ship. With their neck craned to see her they should all be bumping into the wall.
Most of the Syreen space thing (WHAT did they CALL that?!) was female, in contrast to our male-dominated Star Control.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Holocat on May 22, 2007, 03:45:06 am
The space patrol?

edit: wonder where the laser fort animations are...

Edit 2: That is sooooo nostalgic man.  'Cept the artifact animation, always played with artifacts off.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: guesst on May 22, 2007, 04:03:10 am
Hmm, I did forget the fortification animations, both putting them up and taking them down. Ah well, I don't want to go through all that again so I guess they'll have to be undone.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Death 999 on May 22, 2007, 05:05:42 pm
I don't understand how the crews are managing to make it into the ship. With their neck craned to see her they should all be bumping into the wall.
Most of the Syreen space thing (WHAT did they CALL that?!) was female, in contrast to our male-dominated Star Control.

This animation is of the Syreen recruiting from an enemy colony. These colonists would not necessarily be mostly female.

Title: Re: SC1 Animated GIFs
Post by: Lukipela on May 22, 2007, 05:45:43 pm
Great work this.