Title: Game found - Tappo 2. Download inside Post by: wojtx on April 29, 2007, 09:51:11 pm Hello. After playing SC for a long time now, I am in need of a game. It's similar to this game but I don't think that it could be called a clone of star control. It was a game that you could play by yourself, with a friend or computer. You have a lot of ships, some are funny. I remember three ships, one shaped as somekind of bug which shot energy pulses from its antena looking things. The others were a nuclear like rocket, you could use it only one time, and the last was a green ball with spikes which as you could shot made a mess of your enemies. The game was in 3d, you could turn on gravity, there was either lava or water on a map. I don't remember the title, that's the problem. I got it in a pc magazine, but i lost the old cd's ( house burned down a long time ago ). So... I'm begging you, please help me find the game.
Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: Shiver on April 30, 2007, 12:43:20 am That sounds like fun. If this question ever gets answered, I want to know about it too.
Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: wojtx on April 30, 2007, 08:47:00 am Yes I know that it is fun. It was a good game, it's very bad that I don't remember the title. I got it from a cd magazine, but it doesn't function any longer.
If someone will now what the game is called please post here Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: Valaggar on April 30, 2007, 09:19:27 am So you fought with spaceships/fighters above a lava or water map?
Not "The Unholy War", I think (especially since it was for PlayStation). Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: Censored on April 30, 2007, 09:41:27 am What was the name of the magazine, and when (year at least?) did you get it?
Was the game for DOS or Windows? or Linux? etc. Any other details, company, manufacturer? Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: wojtx on April 30, 2007, 03:43:55 pm It was for windows but I don't remember the manufacturer. I had it from a polish magazine, around 2003 year. I will keep looking for it, if i hopefully find it i will post it here
Title: Re: Looking for a game, i'm desperate Post by: wojtx on May 02, 2007, 11:20:17 pm Ok. I got the title of the game: Tappo 2. It's a finnish game. I had a problem with finding a download of it but here it is:
http://www.suomipelit.com/index.php?c=peliarvostelu&id=120 click Lataa peli and download it,after extracting then set compatibility to windows 95 (t2win file) and play. have fun and don't worry it's in english. I don't advertise but it's a not known game, everybody should try it out. Still Ur-quan masters are ma favourite game and star control 3 sucks Title: Re: Game found - Tappo 2. Download inside Post by: Lurker on May 03, 2007, 09:53:42 pm I have played this game. I don't know why, but I think it didn't work on my current computer. I'll have to test it again.
Title: Re: Game found - Tappo 2. Download inside Post by: Tiberian on May 05, 2007, 12:28:25 pm I actually played the First Tappo back in the days. I remember there was a ship called "Truuke" and it was exactly like Druuge.
And for the record: "tappo" means "a kill" or "slaughter". |