The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Nazeleth on May 07, 2007, 03:01:38 pm

Title: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Nazeleth on May 07, 2007, 03:01:38 pm
Iv'e searched through the FAQ and seen the "how do I fight ship X VS ship Y" but I still havn't found the answer... I am pretty much new at this game, and any time I play against the ilwrath avenger with my earthling crusier (or any other ship) I just keep losing . they go invisible, that way the missiles can't hurt them, and when they get close they just destroy my ship in 3 seconds with the fire... anyone has some tips how could I win over them ?

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: AngusThermopyle on May 07, 2007, 03:39:36 pm
Hey Nazeleth :

The Ilwrath is generally not a good matchup for the Earthling Cruiser. You'll have to aim directly opposite of where your ship is and hope you land a few shots. If you're playing the 'Adventure' part of the game, avoid Ilwrath space until you have other ships that can handle thier ships better.

Here's a nice write-up on the Earthling Cruiser for further reading: (

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Elerium on May 07, 2007, 06:06:13 pm
Earthling Cruiser vs Ilwrath isn't a good matchup at all, but the Humans can still win.

What you have to do is try to line him up, you'll need a lot of practice to determine when he is level enough so that you can fire your nukes. Make sure to keep at the opposite side at all times, then switch. If you are particularly skilled, enter rotation with the planet and start firing nukes at the Ilwrath, then when he gets close, gravity whip off away from the Avenger- lots of guess work to destroy it. Use the Point Defense Laser to destroy asteroids that will knock you off course. You can sometimes see the Ilwrath through various stars in the background- this is his cloaking device, and when you do see it, fire nukes at it. Most of the time though, you'll have to use your 'Sixth Sense' by firing nukes randomly to hit the cloaked Ilwrath.

Despite all of the Human weaknesses, I consider the Cruiser to be powerful in the right hands.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Zeep-Eeep on May 07, 2007, 06:42:04 pm
I agree, the Cruiser isn't a good choice against the Ilwrath. I'd recommend the Syreen
as the best against the Avenger.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Valaggar on May 07, 2007, 08:39:06 pm
Even better, the Orz. And it's also easier to control, faster, and good against all sorts of ships.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Shiver on May 08, 2007, 04:05:05 am
He's pretty obviously playing the campaign, so multiplayer advice is irrelevant. Get the Spathi ship that's crash landed on Pluto and use it.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Death 999 on May 08, 2007, 09:30:20 pm

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Shiver on May 09, 2007, 01:17:21 am

Oh, that's right...

Hey! Shut up over there.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Azlak on May 11, 2007, 02:40:49 pm

Oh, that's right...

Hey! Shut up over there.

As a new melnorme trader in this region I'll share some information with you at no cost at all (Means that I'm a new poster on this forum).

The Spathi you are talking about, did not crash (I believe that you knew it already :D). Nazeleth maybe you should visit on the surface of Pluto (if not already done that) and have a converstation with that spathi yourself.

And no, earthling isn't very effective agaisnt avenger.

Well.. nothing new to say really so just had to write my first post.. Nazeleth: good luck agaisnt those Ilwraths ;)

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Holocat on May 28, 2007, 02:21:02 am
I should add that although our Cruiser is not an effective match against an Avenger, the first one you encounter (at the starbase) is damaged and will not cloak;  If you start at a reasonable distance and remember to fire off-centre (slightly to the left or right of straight at your target) you should be able to destroy that particular avenger without much trouble.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Shiver on May 29, 2007, 04:47:20 am
This thread was mocked relentlessly in "ITT we are posting on the internet". Just thought everyone would like to know.

Title: Re: The Earthling Crusier VS The Ilwarth Avenger
Post by: Bluhman on May 30, 2007, 12:28:02 am
If you're talking about the very first avenger you fight in the intro after returning to base, just fire off 2 missiles into his face.

Otherwise, get your butt to Pluto and rescue Fwiffo so you can use the Eluder to complete fights against... Practically any ship. In the campaign, the Spathi Eluder is very well capable of taking down even the most rugged of enemy ships.

I never really tried venturing into Ilwrath space, nor do I really recommend it. Some enemies are really difficult in this game if you don't have the right ships to fight them.