The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Starbase Café => Topic started by: NamelessPlayer on July 21, 2007, 08:49:59 pm

Title: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: NamelessPlayer on July 21, 2007, 08:49:59 pm
Here's the list. (

So far, it's got a nice balance of classic and modern games.

However, there is absolutely NO mention of Starflight or Star Control II.

But 9-1 have yet to be shown, so there's hope...

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Galactic on July 21, 2007, 09:57:19 pm
What is this exactly? Looks like just an list of old & new games to me.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Lukipela on July 21, 2007, 10:35:35 pm
Er, if you read the text after clicking the link it pretty clearly states what kind of list, whose voting and so on. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if UQM was in the top 10. This is a hugely successful remake of an old game. What with running on new computers, adding things that were meant to be in the original, providing options for running both traditional PC and 3DO, and using new music for remixes (to say nothing of NetMelee!), I quite often marvel at this being done by volunteers. It is quite an amazing feat when you think about it.

EDIT: Although I must admit some of these games don't really seem to fit a remake list, I can still play my original System Shock 2 without any trouble. Also, very few games seem to have links back to whatever group created these remakes. Seems a bit sloppy. Or maybe I misunderstood the list to begin with and just made a crappy reply...

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: NamelessPlayer on July 21, 2007, 10:52:31 pm
It's a general game list, and not just one for remakes.

That said, it's nice to see other obscure games like Exile(though I'm suprised they used the BBC Micro version and not one of the Amiga remakes)and Speedball 2(Wait, they didn't say "Ice cream! Ice cream!"? Oh well.), as well as classics like Lemmings(I remember playing a bit of the DOS version of it).

And, on other notes, I think I saw Sensible Soccer twice, and Exile bumped down to 90. Also, if there's going to be a few Sensible Software games, WHERE IS CANNON FODDER?

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Lukipela on July 21, 2007, 10:59:53 pm
Ah, I see. It's just a tad misleading when they call it "The Retro Remakes Top 100".

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Galactic on July 21, 2007, 11:26:41 pm
General game list? But with Retro Remakes? Sonic the Hedgehog is retro but no remake...

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: NamelessPlayer on July 22, 2007, 12:00:31 am
Ah, I see. It's just a tad misleading when they call it "The Retro Remakes Top 100".
That's what I was thinking initially as well.

Though, remake or not, UQM had better end up in that top 10...

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Bluhman on July 22, 2007, 12:52:53 am
I predict UQM Will either show up on that list with a rank below 5, or not show up at all. On one hand, the game is awesome, deep, and has really fun battles, but on the other hand, next to nobody has heard of it, or at least nobody I'm aware of outside of this forum.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Sheridan on July 22, 2007, 01:47:03 pm
I just checked and the top 10 is there. UQM is not in any of them.

That said, Deus Ex came in at a well-deserved 11.

Also, hilarious rage at lack of UQM/SC2. Yes it's an awesome game, but the problem is the fanbase is somewhat small. The initial learning curve is more of a steep cliff, and it's one of those games where you're screwed unless you're really inquisitive and lucky, or you know what to do. Or maybe both.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Lukipela on July 22, 2007, 01:52:49 pm
I just checked and the top 10 is there. UQM is not in any of them.

That said, Deus Ex came in at a well-deserved 11.

Also, hilarious rage at lack of UQM/SC2. Yes it's an awesome game, but the problem is the fanbase is somewhat small. The initial learning curve is more of a steep cliff, and it's one of those games where you're screwed unless you're really inquisitive and lucky, or you know what to do. Or maybe both.

Well, I erroneously thought it was a Remake list. In that case, UQM would have been a strong contender. But for this kind of list I suppose there's very little chance of UQM appearing before System Shock 2 or suchlike.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: NamelessPlayer on July 22, 2007, 10:06:13 pm
No Starflight or SC2. NO STARFLIGHT OR SC2!

I'm not saying that they should always be in the top 10 or anything-hell, I would have settled for SC2 at 100-but they are TOTALLY ABSENT FROM THAT LIST!

Needless to say, I'm quite *frumple* about this. I think we ought to start cleansing some filth right about now...

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: RTyp06 on July 22, 2007, 10:19:41 pm
Looks like SC2 is a bit more of an obscure of a game than I had thought. I was certain it would have been in there somwhere. Also curious is the lack of Wing Commander games. Oh well, at least R-Type made the top 10.

Agreed that "Retro Remakes Top 100 games" is a bit misleading.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Bluhman on July 23, 2007, 01:11:31 am
I just checked and the top 10 is there. UQM is not in any of them.

That said, Deus Ex came in at a well-deserved 11.

Also, hilarious rage at lack of UQM/SC2. Yes it's an awesome game, but the problem is the fanbase is somewhat small. The initial learning curve is more of a steep cliff, and it's one of those games where you're screwed unless you're really inquisitive and lucky, or you know what to do. Or maybe both.

I knew it. SC2 just isn't publicized enough. You're also completley right about the steep learning curve. Took me a while to figure out a good strategy to finish the game.

Title: Re: Retro Remakes Top 100 Games
Post by: Cedric6014 on July 23, 2007, 01:58:40 am
Accolade must really have dropped the ball when it came to marketing SC2 in 1993. What a great shame.