Title: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Shiver on September 02, 2007, 10:13:03 pm Hey you. Yeah, you. I don't mean that other guy. I am talking to you, the person reading this sentence. You've been tossing and turning into the long hours of the night wondering this: "How can I, a n00b, play against other people in online Star Control melee without being struck down, dismembered, chopped up and then eaten by ravenous wolves?" Worry no more newbie, we've got your back covered. This is the tournament just for you!
(http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb278/SunBloom/PillowFight04.jpg) Date: Sunday, September 9th, 2007 Place: #UQM-Arena on irc://chat.freenode.net Time:
Tournament structure: It's a Swiss tournament. If you lose a round, you aren't ejected from the tournament but instead play against the other beaten players. There will be three rounds, then possibly a final bout between the two top participants if a clear winner has not emerged. This, of course, assumes enough people show up to play a proper tournament. ---Game rules--- 1) Maximum fleet size of 200 points. 2) Only one of each ship type is allowed in your fleet. 3) You must have your team set up before connecting to another player for melee. Do not adjust your fleet once you've connected to an opponent. 4) All ships (including Thraddash) are allowed. 5) The organizer’s decision is final on all matters. Hopefully I won't have to make any. 6) The following horrible jerks cannot participate in this tournament:
Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: NoSoup4you on September 02, 2007, 11:23:29 pm Hopefully by next sunday I won't fight like a noooooooob.
If anyone wants to give me some practice in the meantime, my AIM is RapidfireHodsdon Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Arbaal on September 03, 2007, 11:27:31 pm I do hope I can participate in this one.
Last time there was a thunderstorm so I was too afraid to power up my computer :'( Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Lurker on September 04, 2007, 06:39:16 am What happens if I win this time as well?
Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Amiga_Nut on September 04, 2007, 11:34:30 am >:( DEATH ! DEATH TO YOU AND YOUR KOR-AH !
;D Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: TheUnderking on September 05, 2007, 09:31:44 pm TheUnderking will join this tournament.
(and perhaps continue to refer to himself in the third-person.) Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Shiver on September 06, 2007, 03:22:01 am It has come to my attention that Amiga Nut's style of play is as revolting as the rumors say. I would not want to subject a newbie to Amiga's time-wasting insanity so he is barred from Pillow Fight from this moment on. Additionally, because no other amateur player can beat Lurker at this point, I am putting him on the banlist as well. However! Assuming Lurker stills shows up, the winner of Pillow Fight can play a bonus match against the old champion if they so wish. This change of events will make this particular tournament especially n00b-friendly.
Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Megagun on September 06, 2007, 06:59:38 pm Bah. I'd rather want to kick Lurker's ass in the tournament itself, rather than in an extra game after tha actual tournament.
Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Shiver on September 07, 2007, 12:19:32 am Bah. I'd rather want to kick Lurker's ass in the tournament itself, rather than in an extra game after tha actual tournament. He's too good, anyway. I should have moved him out right at the end of last sunday's series. Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Arbaal on September 07, 2007, 08:13:34 pm This is great, now I have good chances of winning this tournament :D
Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: TheUnderking on September 08, 2007, 01:47:41 am My university firewall is proving to be much more strict than i had previously believed. Is there someone i can try a game against before the tourney?
edit : I definately cannot play in this weeks tourny, but im hunting for a 3rd party isp right now. Title: Re: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 4 Post by: Shiver on September 09, 2007, 10:13:08 pm This is great, now I have good chances of winning this tournament :D And this turned out to be true. Arbaal won the final round against Captain Bob by 46 points to become champion of Pillow Fight 4. Turn-out was terrible this week, so I don't plan on running another one straight away like I have previously. |