The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: tomt on October 19, 2007, 09:28:38 am

Title: Copying game to friend's computer
Post by: tomt on October 19, 2007, 09:28:38 am
This is probably a dumb question - I just installed the game on my computer, and I want to install it at a friend's house, except he doesn't have a high-speed Internet connection.  I figure I could burn it onto a CD for him, but my question is, what files do I transfer over?  The main program directory (obviously) - but when I used uqm-0.6.2-installer.exe , did it create any other directories or files in other locations that are critical to making the game run properly?  I did a very basic install, no extra music packs or the 3D0 material.    We're both running Windows XP.

Title: Re: Copying game to friend's computer
Post by: Novus on October 19, 2007, 10:10:06 am
As long as you don't need the saved games, uninstall, desktop/start menu shortcuts or configuration, you can just dump the installed program directory. If you can still find the files the installer downloaded, copy those and the installer instead into the same directory on a CD and the installer will read them from the CD instead of downloading.

Title: Re: Copying game to friend's computer
Post by: lakota.james on October 19, 2007, 11:40:44 pm
That didnt work for me. so i posted a thread. here it is: