Title: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: MasterNinja on January 22, 2008, 04:58:03 am I'm currently in the first phase of creating a mod for the Ur-Quan Masters game. This means a full-scale mod, which includes new dialogs, new quests, changes to races and story, new starmap and propably changes to melee ships. Somewhat similar to what Nicholai does.
While Nicholai seems to be at a final phase of his project, as far as we know from his last post, is my project still in the planning, there isn't anything done to the code yet, I have experimented a while and I made notes about the mod, but I still don't really know, what people would like in a mod and things they won't like. So, now I want to know from you, what you would like and what you would not like in a mod like that. You can post about all parts of the game, including story and dialog. But I do not expect long texts with detailled plans or something. I would like this thread to go fast, so keep yourself short and post only one or maybe two things you would like/dislike. You can of course post as many ideas as you like, but first wait for another post in between... Also please keep yourself back with offtopic posts, thank you. So, post your ideas! Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: Valaggar Redux on January 22, 2008, 02:49:54 pm Here's my mnemonic: Very Many People Could Make Mods, Perhaps Rather Faster.
What do I mean? I see that we already have a group of people who flirt with the idea of a story mod: You, Prowler, Mhrny... Well, if each of you creates his/her own mod, there are not many chances that you'll be able to finish it (much less finish it soon). You'd be Hu-Mans, Weak And Alone With No Gods To Protect You. But what if the three of you (plus others if they want to) band together? I myself would be interested to join too, if such a joint project would be undertaken. I too am in the first phase of a story mod (I already have several ideas, though). Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: Lukipela on January 22, 2008, 08:42:53 pm How much can you change the game with a mod anyhow? Could you conceivably rewrite it to play as an Ilwrath, doing missions for Dogar and Kazon instead? Cause that would be cool..
Also, if you can get organized Red has a point. Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: Zeracles on January 22, 2008, 10:14:50 pm How much can you change the game with a mod anyhow? Could you conceivably rewrite it to play as an Ilwrath, doing missions for Dogar and Kazon instead? Cause that would be cool.. These are both excellent suggestions.Also, if you can get organized Red has a point. Making the mod more general could make it last longer. Also if you leave notes behind, for example on the ultronomicon, on how you did it, it would save any who want do something similar from having to reinvent the wheel. Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: MasterNinja on January 23, 2008, 12:15:44 am Also, if you can get organized Red has a point. Huh? What does that mean?Also if you leave notes behind, for example on the ultronomicon, on how you did it, it would save any who want do something similar from having to reinvent the wheel. This is what I planned to do.Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: countchocula86 on January 23, 2008, 04:09:11 am Quote Huh? What does that mean? He means what Valaggar REDux said has merit. Instead of each working on separate mods, you could join forces and be the mod squad. Title: Re: UQM Mod Ideas Post by: Lukipela on January 23, 2008, 07:02:01 am Quote Huh? What does that mean? He means what Valaggar REDux said has merit. Instead of each working on separate mods, you could join forces and be the mod squad. Exactly. Even if you then go on to do completely separate mods, it would be very beneficial if people don't have to reinvent the wheel, as stated above. Nicholai could probably provide you with a wealth of information for only a few Credits already, if you can get hold of him. This whole conversation makes me wish I'd had more than one course of C and one course of PASCAL at university. Oh well. |