Title: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: MasterNinja on January 22, 2008, 05:06:39 am 8)
I thought I would run this poll to do some "research" for my mod ideas... It's about the Mod I'm propably going to make. The idea is, if I were to replace a race form the game SC2 with another race, which is currently not in the game, which race would be the best choice. But aside from practical reasons like technical things or importance to story, it is also important, which race will be the least "missed" one. Be aware, I am not saying that I'm going to do this... Perhaps I will add a race without removing another one. Or I will remove a race and add no new one... Or I'll add even two races. Who knows? Even I don't know, but this poll is so I could get an idea... You'll notice that not all races are listed in the poll. It's because I need them. Commentary is appreciated, feel free to post anything relating. Perhaps ideas what kind of race could replace the one that is removed... This could be races that already exist in the Star Control Universe or made-up ones. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Censored on January 22, 2008, 05:56:09 am I don't think any of the races can be "missed". They all play a part in the game, and since I really like everything about this game, I can't give any of them up.
Makes me praise The Makers even more! Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: countchocula86 on January 22, 2008, 08:34:02 am The ZoqFot are the least useful, but too much fun to talk to. I like em all, but I guess if I had to pick Id say the Supox.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Elvish Pillager on January 22, 2008, 01:02:45 pm The whole Ultron business feels like a Broken Bridge (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenBridge). The Utwig were tied in with the SC2 plot, but wouldn't have much of a role now that they don't have a giant bomb you want. Plus their ships are weird.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: MasterNinja on January 22, 2008, 06:43:38 pm So, has nobody voted on the poll or why can't I see any results?
I don't think any of the races can be "missed". They all play a part in the game, and since I really like everything about this game, I can't give any of them up. Makes me praise The Makers even more! So maybe you should not play a mod, if you just like everything of the game and can't stand something to change... Relax, it's just a mod... story would be different, so Pkunk never split up from the Yehat and... what? Pkunk are not on the list? Of course they're not, it was just an example and deliberately wrong. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Neonlare on January 22, 2008, 08:33:16 pm Spathi.
Because they aren't actually entirely required to finish the game (you can get another broadcaster from elsewhere). Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Cedric6014 on January 22, 2008, 08:47:34 pm I would miss the Spathi a LOT. And the question is who would be the least missed. However I agree the the removal of the Spathi would result in the least disruption to the game.
The game would be poorer without any of them so I wont do the poll. If I HAD to choose it would be.....arg don't make me choose you heartless bastard. What evil madness is this thread! Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Lukipela on January 22, 2008, 09:53:32 pm Spathi. Because they aren't actually entirely required to finish the game (you can get another broadcaster from elsewhere). You don't need the Utwig or Supox either, if you wait long enough. and they aren't as much fun. a vote against Spathi is a vote against Fwiffo. And that's just wrong. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Toka on January 22, 2008, 10:19:01 pm deleting the zoqfot whould be so not frungy.
i whould miss the thradash less. *voted* i whould prefer if you whouldnt delete any existing race. adding some new ones could be funny. i whould like to be able to fight against the sa-matra with the enemy ships too. so maybe you could create a race of hm.. maybe something space-pirate like, from which the player could buy the other ships from? or how about a race of gamblers to play for RU's with? Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Dancing Fungus on January 22, 2008, 10:25:23 pm You actually want to REMOVE a Star Control race? Wow. That's pretty weird. Why would you want to do that? I can see adding new ones, but..... Star Control just wouldn't be Star Control without it's unique aliens.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: MasterNinja on January 23, 2008, 12:22:43 am You actually want to REMOVE a Star Control race? I didn't say, I would remove, I did say IF I would remove one... perhaps I will HAVE to remove one race for one reason or another...PS: I still can't see any results, why is this? Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: MasterNinja on January 23, 2008, 12:31:30 am or how about a race of gamblers to play for RU's with? Quite a good idea, although I already considered something like that... Problem with RUs is, it's not a common currency but just a number to describe the capacities of the starbase. But I definitely LIKE the gambling idea, perhaps I could add this to either Druuge or Melnorme... !?EDIT: Ooops... ;) Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Cedric6014 on January 23, 2008, 01:59:02 am Gambling - very KOTOR
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: countchocula86 on January 23, 2008, 04:07:47 am I like the idea of adding more races instead of taking away. I mean some of the races you could relegate to very small SOIs so theyre really just encounters, and you have room for other races.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Prowler2885 on January 23, 2008, 08:29:43 am How dare you involve the Spathi in the mix!!!
They'll be missed. Especially ol' Fwiffo. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Toka on January 23, 2008, 08:09:25 pm Quote PS: I still can't see any results, why is this? you have to choose one yourself, than you see the results instead ofhaving the option to choose. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Omne35 on February 13, 2008, 12:28:30 am Personally I wouldn't miss the Umgah. Outside of getting the talking pet they don't serve much purpose and they're not very amusing after the first few interactions. The Zoq-fot-pik were more fun to talk to and more likeable.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Kazagistar on February 13, 2008, 03:47:20 am Supox... they played no real role and just sort of hung out with the Utwig. They could be removed without altering anything.
All the others have some sort of major role in the story; the ZotFot are very important because it's their job to start the crusade of the Kohr-Ah, and however trivial the Spathi seem now, the first time you play, they are the ones who point you in the right direction right at the beginning of the game, and really what gets new players hooked (or so it was for me). Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Cedric6014 on February 13, 2008, 10:24:17 pm Supox... they played no real role and just sort of hung out with the Utwig. They could be removed without altering anything. They do give you the Ultron though - which proves quite useful in the end. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: meep-eep on February 14, 2008, 12:58:36 am Supox... they played no real role and just sort of hung out with the Utwig. They could be removed without altering anything. They do give you the Ultron though - which proves quite useful in the end. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: AngusThermopyle on February 14, 2008, 03:08:50 am Which is all they do. It might as well have been any other race. Agreed. There's no reason to go back to them after your initial encounter. Even if you're curious about them, they don't seem to have as much dialog as other races. Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Dancing Fungus on February 14, 2008, 04:24:41 pm An alternative could be to actually make the Supox into something. It could be a bit of work but the result could be quite cool.
Title: Re: UQM Mod Race Replacement Post by: Megagun on February 14, 2008, 04:42:57 pm Yeah, there are quite a few interesting things you can do with a race such as the Supox.
One of the things that come to mind: After the Supox join the Alliance and start mixing around a bit with other Alliance races, it is found that the Supox aren't being too friendly with the local fauna that reside on Alliance races' planets. Alliance races get moany, Zelnick gets blamed, zelnick moves over to Orz, asks them favour, Orz go and "have their fun" on the Supox, problem solved. Ofcourse, something like that might not actually 'work' in-game, and I probably overlooked something. Thing is, though, that the current UQM races are awesome, yet might need a little more story attached to them. An entirely new user-created race might not meet up to the quality the other UQM races have. You'd need some pretty extraordinary thinking and dialogues/other writing for a user-created race to be a success. Most likely, the only person who would *really* like the user-created new race, is the person designing said user-created new race. That is also the reason why, if a fanmade sequel is done, no new races need to be added. In general, new races = bad; look at SC3. Just keep it to the races we all know and love, and expand those, and you'd have success! |