The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Huggybaby on March 01, 2008, 08:47:30 am

Title: Is it normal to have errors in stderr.txt?
Post by: Huggybaby on March 01, 2008, 08:47:30 am
I promise I googled and searched the forum before posting.  :)

The stderr.txt file gives me errors no matter how I install the program, so I never know if I have a proper install.

Is this normal?

Warning: Can't open 'lbm/mainmenu.ogg'
'lbm/newgame.ani' -- 171 bytes
Warning: Can't open 'lbm/mainmenu.ogg'
'lbm/newgame.ani' -- 171 bytes



Title: Re: Is it normal to have errors in stderr.txt?
Post by: Novus on March 01, 2008, 10:28:26 am
The stderr.txt file gives me errors no matter how I install the program, so I never know if I have a proper install.

Is this normal?

Warning: Can't open 'lbm/mainmenu.ogg'
'lbm/newgame.ani' -- 171 bytes
Warning: Can't open 'lbm/mainmenu.ogg'
'lbm/newgame.ani' -- 171 bytes
They're warnings, not errors. ;D These are normal, since there is no main menu music.

Title: Re: Is it normal to have errors in stderr.txt?
Post by: Huggybaby on March 01, 2008, 09:13:12 pm
Sorry for the sloppy syntax. I guess I'm error free after all. The other warnings appear related to missing content that is planned for the future, like
VideoDecoder_Load: Unknown file type
'lbm/title.ani' -- 20 bytes
'arilou.lst' -- 315 bytes
'arilou/ariicons.ani' -- 50 bytes...
What about this one:
_GetSoundBankData(): loading lbm/menusnd01.wav
SoundDecoder_DecodeAll(): WARNING, called with a small buffer (4096)
Should I be specifying a larger buffer somewhere?

Title: Re: Is it normal to have errors in stderr.txt?
Post by: meep-eep on March 01, 2008, 10:44:29 pm
No, you can ignore that too; it's harmless. That warning will not be generated anymore in future version.

Is something not working?

Edit: warning, not error

Title: Re: Is it normal to have errors in stderr.txt?
Post by: Huggybaby on March 02, 2008, 02:58:53 am
No, everything is fine to my knowledge.