The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Largo on January 14, 2003, 07:02:28 am

Title: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Largo on January 14, 2003, 07:02:28 am
I have to see it!!
Is there a patch for it or does anyone know of a website that has it?  

It's such a let-down to beat a game and not have the victory sequence to enjoy...

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Kloreep on January 14, 2003, 07:29:11 am
I think TPNF has videos of both the intro and ending 3DO sequences. Should be easy downloads if you have broadband, and it is still gettable with dial-up.

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Largo on January 14, 2003, 07:40:10 am
Great, Thanks!!!

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Nic. on January 14, 2003, 09:08:22 pm
It's such a let-down to beat a game and not have the victory sequence to enjoy...

You kids today, with your "victory sequences"..

Back in my day, when you beat a game, your reward was to play it again, at double speed!  We didn't need any "victory sequences"..


Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: guesst on January 15, 2003, 01:08:59 am

You kids today, with your "victory sequences"..

Back in my day, when you beat a game, your reward was to play it again, at double speed!  We didn't need any "victory sequences"..


Oh, man, do I remember this. I so much appreciate victory sequences after beating Radar Rat Race's 7th level and being put on permant slow motion while the enemys zipped around you. I actually beat one level like that, but it was tough.
Of course a victory sequence with unlockable bonuses are sometimes even better. (I'm waiting for the game that will have unlockable bonuses that will give you an edge in multiplayer games. Maybe someone already did.)

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Captain Smith on January 15, 2003, 01:59:36 am

Back in my day, when you beat a game, your reward was to play it again, at double speed!  We didn't need any "victory sequences"..

And back in our day, games NEVER ENDED!  You could play them 10-12 hrs and they'd still be didn't beat games back in our day set goals and when the game offered what it had it kept bringing it back at double time again and again and again!  If someone else could turn the score over 10 times, you turned it 11!!!!

Lucky kids to have ENDS to their games!


Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: arcain on January 15, 2003, 02:22:05 am
I remember playing Asteroids and Space invaders on my Atari 2600.  (THE best game system ever, next to Vectrex!)  Ahhh, the incredible blisters I would incur from that jolly orange button.. I remember how you could build up a callous hard enough to crack coconuts.  Those were the days :)


Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: plam on January 15, 2003, 09:34:50 am
I think TPNF has videos of both the intro and ending 3DO sequences. Should be easy downloads if you have broadband, and it is still gettable with dial-up.

Yes, I've downloaded the videos of the 3DO intro and ending sequences.  The appropriate files for the PC versions are also in the content/slides directory, but there doesn't seem to be code (yet) for playing it.

But I remember when I played SC2 originally on the PC, there was some post-credits fun stuff that TFB put in, where you had dialogue from all the species.  Where's that?!

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Nic. on January 15, 2003, 01:10:18 pm
Dropped on the floor.  According to legend, they forgot to record the end credits for the 3DO version, and then when they realized this, they were not able to get all of the voice actors back to do it, so they came up with a new end credit sequence out of necessity.

I can't see this as a bad thing, however.  I cannot in any way imagine the actor who voiced the Ur-Quan Kzer-Za being capable of delivering the line "Blah blah blah!  Mary had a little lamb!" in character, and have it be funny.  But I guess noone will ever know for sure..

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Death 999 on January 16, 2003, 01:30:40 am
And of course my personal text came from the ending sequence, in which the Kohr-ah reveal that they don't know how to pronounce (spell?) "annihilate".

We also find out that Star Control 3 can be blamed on... the Yehat!

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: brent on January 17, 2003, 11:18:47 am
can someone link me to that site please =)

Title: Re: Victory Sequence...
Post by: Cyamarin on January 18, 2003, 02:06:06 am