Title: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: alanahikarichan on May 27, 2008, 07:32:41 pm Star Control 2 Dressing Room (http://community.livejournal.com/sc2dressingroom/profile) @ Livejournal
(Yes, another LJ RP. ;D I'm a bit fond of them, after all~) All the explanations can be found in the link up there, but basically: - You create a character journal --Only limit is that it has to be a character based on StarCon; otherwise, it can be anyone or -thing you want, including crazy alternate universe versions of SC characters or species. Even characters that're already in the game! - You start posting. - Crazy awesome pretendy fun-time games are had by all! Low commitment level, you can do whatever you like, and it should all be brilliant fun~ (crossposted from the Discussion Board) Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: Lukipela on May 27, 2008, 08:14:21 pm Your link is slightly broken Alana, might want to fix that. Looks interesting.
(crossposted from the Discussion Board) Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: countchocula86 on May 27, 2008, 08:20:01 pm Im not good at these LJ RP thingagummies, but I whole heartedly approve of SC fanaticism in all its forms.
Man, 3 Zexs...what is it about the VUX Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: alanahikarichan on May 27, 2008, 08:36:38 pm Im not good at these LJ RP thingagummies, but I whole heartedly approve of SC fanaticism in all its forms. In this one, it's more important that you have fun than being any good. XDMan, 3 Zexs...what is it about the VUX And they're adorable is what. 8D *Is biased* (if it makes it seem more reasonable, two of the ZEXes were already being played in other RPs; only one, thewarcommences, was made just for the dressing room.) Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: geocorn on June 03, 2008, 04:22:34 am A crazy alternative universe? Like SC3? lol
Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: alanahikarichan on June 03, 2008, 05:25:03 am XD YOU COULD SAY THAT.
Though it's a bit more crazy than even SC3~ and more plotless. XD Title: Re: SC2 RP on Livejournal Post by: countchocula86 on June 04, 2008, 12:45:48 am Ah well its a loose and fun RP, cant expect a solid coherent plot :P Judgining by the number of ZEXs and the things Ive heard about the LJ SC community, I can only imagine fearfully the madness that ensues.