Title: Question about quasispace Post by: paskahuussi on May 29, 2008, 09:56:24 pm How am I supposed to find out how to get into quasispace without reading a walkthrough?
Reminds me of Simon's Quest 2.... brr..... Or maybe I missed something? Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: waywardoctagon on May 29, 2008, 09:59:06 pm You talk to your allies, then investigate any interesting phenomena they mention. They'll give you precise enough information that you'll be able to find the way easily.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Particleman42 on May 29, 2008, 10:08:24 pm Namely, the Spathi or Melnorme have the information you seek.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 29, 2008, 11:06:56 pm Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Cedric6014 on May 29, 2008, 11:42:54 pm Please delete the post. that spoiler is enterly readable
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Elvish Pillager on May 30, 2008, 01:56:07 am not here...
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Shiver on May 30, 2008, 02:01:00 am Please delete the post. that spoiler is enterly readable Sounds like a problem between different browsers. If the spoiler function is that useless, we shouldn't be using it. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 03:50:52 am It's not the spoiler function. I apparently don't have proper permission to use spoiler tags, so I just made it "glow" at the same color as the font. In this case, red on red. However, since IE doesn't follow standards, it actually makes the text "glow" when it sees the glow tag, rather than highlighting it like it's supposed to. Because of this, my method only works for people not using IE. (Instead using Firefox, Netscape, Safari, etc. These browsers are all better than IE, BTW.)
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Shiver on May 30, 2008, 04:07:29 am It's not the spoiler function. I apparently don't have proper permission to use spoiler tags, so I just made it "glow" at the same color as the font. In this case, red on red. However, since IE doesn't follow standards, it actually makes the text "glow" when it sees the glow tag, rather than highlighting it like it's supposed to. Because of this, my method only works for people not using IE. (Instead using Firefox, Netscape, Safari, etc. These browsers are all better than IE, BTW.) I'm a Firefox user and don't care much for IE either, but you still need to cut that out. "Oh, that web browser doesn't count. Tough luck, buddy!" is incredibly elitist. Positions like those aren't going to endear the Star Control fan community to the rest of the world. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 04:26:42 am Since when did I say that?!?! >:( I just said that other browsers are better! Next time read before you post, Shiver! And in case you didn't notice, at Cedric's request, I removed the spoiler, although this was in fact because it was such a huge spoiler (I wouldn't have removed a small one). Shiver, you need to calm down a bit and consider what the guy you're criticizing is actually saying. And stop reading between the lines of my posts trying and find larger meanings. I don't do that kind of stuff. If I want to say "Microsoft sucks" (I don't think that anymore, BTW), I will say, in black and white, "Microsoft sucks". I will not say "Microsoft isn't as good as IBM". I myself don't see a resemblance between "this thing sucks" and "this thing is not as good as that thing". I see even less of a resemblance between "Firefox, Safari, and Netscape are better than IE" and "Oh, that web browser doesn't count. Tough luck, buddy!". It also isn't at all like my long description of why my spoiler method doesn't work on IE to you (Shiver). When I explained that IE doesn't follow standards and glows the text instead of highlighting like it's supposed to, I wasn't in any way, shape, or form trying to deliver the message you suggested I was delivering (Besides, like I said, that was to you, not Cedric).
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Particleman42 on May 30, 2008, 04:29:52 am Yes, it's because of the browser that is being used. (Firefox most likely vs. IE most likely) I've confirmed this on my computer using both browsers.
Let's try this for spoilers instead: I'm a spoiler! That is, use a [size] tag to reduce the font size. Please delete the post. that spoiler is enterly readable No, I won't: what I said isn't really a spoiler at all, so I don't think that's really necessary. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 04:31:19 am Particleman, he was talking about my spoiler, which was a huge one. I deleted it.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Shiver on May 30, 2008, 04:35:31 am jaychant: I'm not even reading that tirade, I only said what I did because you initially didn't fix the spoiler and essentially said "well IE sucks". I think you have some similarly marked spoilers in other threads too.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 04:38:24 am I DID delete the spoiler when I saw the request. And again, I didn't say in any way, shape, or form that IE sucks.
And since you refuse to read the whole thing, let me highlight the important parts: Quote Next time read before you post...consider what the guy you're criticizing is actually saying...stop reading between the lines of my posts trying and find larger meanings. I don't do that kind of stuff. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Shiver on May 30, 2008, 04:44:49 am I DID delete the spoiler when I saw the request. And again, I didn't say in any way, shape, or form that IE sucks. You had spoilers with red text highlighted in red before. Pretty sure that was what other people were complaining about. It's not a big deal in any case. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 04:49:06 am Your point? :-\
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Culture20 on May 30, 2008, 11:36:52 pm When I view this forum with elinks or lynx, the only spoiler that works is SPOILER
. . . . . . . This kind . . . . . END SPOILER Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on May 30, 2008, 11:44:16 pm ???
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Prowler2885 on May 31, 2008, 12:04:45 am This (http://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=4118.msg53625#msg53625) ought to clear up this whole
(click to show/hide) Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Waylander on May 31, 2008, 07:16:58 am I dont actually have a
(click to show/hide) Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Megagun on May 31, 2008, 06:12:29 pm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rot13 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rot13)
Problem solved.. Works for any browser, with every imaginable setting (like javascript disabled)... Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Lukipela on May 31, 2008, 06:28:55 pm Lrnu, guvf fbhaqf yvxr n gbgnyyl pbby naq hfrshy jnl bs fcbvyrevat guvatf. Be abg. Jr'q unir gb yvax gb n qrpbqre rirel gvzr, naq vg'f fyvtugyl zber uvtu-znvagranapr guna whfg jevgvat [fcbvyre][/fcbvyre] be pyvpxvat n ohggba.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Prowler2885 on May 31, 2008, 09:58:31 pm Nterrq. Nygubhtu guvf qbrf znxr guvatf vagrerfgvat va jnlf bs ohttvat crbcyr, guvf pbhyq nyfb rnfvyl orpbzr n sbez bs gebyyvat.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: waywardoctagon on June 01, 2008, 12:26:55 am People, people, people. Why can't we all just realize that NONE of the tag-based spoiler methods work for the email notifications you get? (Of course, you only get the first one, but still. :/ )
I vote for the SPOILER . . . . . . spoiler . . .. . .. . END SPOILER method. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Particleman42 on June 01, 2008, 01:27:09 am To easily decode the rot13 posts, and you're using Firefox, use this extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/770). It does a bunch of other things too.
Gb rnfvyl qrpbqr gur ebg13 cbfgf, naq lbh'er hfvat Sversbk, hfr guvf rkgrafvba. Vg qbrf n ohapu bs bgure guvatf gbb. Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Waylander on June 01, 2008, 02:20:45 pm Url guvf Yrrgxrl guvat vf cerggl njrfbzr. BU naq ol gur jnl GBEPURF sbe gur jva
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: lakota.james on June 01, 2008, 11:39:52 pm To easily decode the rot13 posts, and you're using Firefox, use this extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/770). It does a bunch of other things too. I remember that addon. How ever, i now use firefox 3b5, and can no longer use it. :'( Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on June 02, 2008, 04:35:44 am I am hopelessly lost and confused. What you guys are typing looks like nonsense to me.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: waywardoctagon on June 02, 2008, 04:42:58 am It's rot13. Follow the link to the wikipedia page upthread. There's an encoder/decoder for it at http://www.rot13.com/index.php if you don't want to use the extension.
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: jaychant on June 02, 2008, 04:51:14 am Well, rot13 is stupid. Why are you using it?
Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: Waylander on June 02, 2008, 05:10:18 am I think it was originally to prevent spoilers but i think they decided to use it cos its kinda fun too!
YBGF bs sha. YBGF bs sha YBGF bs sha YBGF bs sha YBGF bs sha YBGF bs sha Title: Re: Question about quasispace Post by: PakoPako on June 17, 2008, 10:05:02 pm Yeah. ROT13 sucks.
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