The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Starbase Café => Topic started by: Amiga_Nut on November 08, 2008, 06:34:34 pm

Title: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Amiga_Nut on November 08, 2008, 06:34:34 pm (


Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 09, 2008, 08:56:23 am
lol funny!
But the news never shuts up about it.... 20 minute special blah blah blah..... there seems to be plenty of nothing to talk about! Even in down under

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 09, 2008, 09:07:32 am
McCain voters spotted in this thread?

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 09, 2008, 09:12:54 am

Just annoyed the the constant news coverage. Especially being in Australia, a week or so after the election and after all do I really care what the to be president ate for breakfast that morning. There are other things happening other than elections. (I hope)

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 09, 2008, 09:17:39 am
Weird how that varies. in Finland there's been some discussion on the challenges the new president faces and the obligatory pictures of happy americans, but otherwise not much.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 09, 2008, 09:22:50 am
Ok ok I exaggerate lol

But still they talk about the happy Americans and stuff in the news for ages and ages. But only have a small report on the fighting in the congo. Drives me nuts!

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Shiver on November 09, 2008, 11:19:50 am
If you think Australia has got the Obamarama bad then you should visit the US itself.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 09, 2008, 11:45:04 am
Yeah, I bet it is 20 times worse there.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 09, 2008, 12:00:00 pm
If you think Australia has got the Obamarama bad then you should visit the US itself.

Heh, I'd actually like to. It must feel good to be around when history is being made, and I bet some of the parties are just amazing.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: RTyp06 on November 09, 2008, 03:39:07 pm
I live in  Nevada, which was possibly to be the deciding electoral  for  the election (which is was not)  During the last week or two before election day, I'd come home to an average of three Obama/Biden flyers on my front gate, the windshield of my parked SUV, front of my garage, the entrance door to my garage and the front door to my house. This occured daily! Even my union's international journal last month had a huge article on Obama and Biden with a companion CD ROM. My E-Mail had an average of five  pro obama messages per day for the past month, supposidly from Barrack, Michelle and Joe themselves. All that coupled with the insescant polititical adds hammered into our skulls from local and national televison, needless to say, I'm happy the campaign is over.

To me, Obama/Biden was the only presidential choice at election day and it took me 10 minutes to cast my ballot including drive time to and from the polling station. Many of us are hopeful and excited. I'm also happy with the numbers from the election results. The landslide victory for Barrack means we will not have weeks/months of law suits and recounts from the GOP.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: 0xDEC0DE on November 10, 2008, 03:42:16 am
Quote from: Winston Churchill
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.


Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 10, 2008, 07:27:46 am
Alright mabey I shouldn't whine then!

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 10, 2008, 01:42:04 pm
I live in  Nevada, which was possibly to be the deciding electoral  for  the election (which is was not)  During the last week or two before election day, I'd come home to an average of three Obama/Biden flyers on my front gate, the windshield of my parked SUV, front of my garage, the entrance door to my garage and the front door to my house. This occured daily! Even my union's international journal last month had a huge article on Obama and Biden with a companion CD ROM. My E-Mail had an average of five  pro obama messages per day for the past month, supposidly from Barrack, Michelle and Joe themselves. All that coupled with the insescant polititical adds hammered into our skulls from local and national televison, needless to say, I'm happy the campaign is over.

This sounds so weird to me. We recently had our council elections, and only one party sent me any post. Pretty much the same for our parliament elections last year.  Sure, there are some peopel in the streets handing out flyers and posters on buses and stuff, but very little seems to be sent home around here. That kind of constant barrage would have driven me nuts.

Still, I guess it payed off for you guys. Or at least it seems that way, but I suppose we won't know in a while eh?

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: jaychant on November 10, 2008, 10:03:44 pm
Still, I guess it payed off for you guys. Or at least it seems that way, but I suppose we won't know in a while eh?

Well, hopefully, Barack Obama will keep us in America from tumbling into disaster (you know, like the Romans did when they collapsed). Who knows? Maybe McCain would have driven us into Anarchy! (Feudalism all over again...)

You know, on that note, doesn't America seem so be REALLY similar to ancient Rome? Like look at the similarities:

1. It's good to be American, it was good to be Roman
2. Inflation, just like the Romans
3. Huge military vs huge military
4. Both are/were military-based
5. America is hated by most of the world, just like Rome was
6. America has corrupt leaders, so did Rome

ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE: Rome didn't start facing this sort of trouble for several hundred years, but America has only been around for 230 years and is already facing this trouble!

ANOTHER MAJOR DIFFERENCE: Rome didn't kill the environment like we do

AND ANOTHER: Rome wasn't as wasteful as we are!!!

It's kind of sad, isn't it?

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Elvish Pillager on November 10, 2008, 10:28:09 pm
You know, on that note, doesn't America seem so be REALLY similar to ancient Rome? Like look at the similarities:

1. It's good to be American, it was good to be Roman
Not true. A lot of crap goes down here, and we have to pay for our bread and circuses.
4. Both are/were military-based
Not true. Rome's income came from military conquest. The US loses money in wars.
2. Inflation, just like the Romans
6. America has corrupt leaders, so did Rome
...and just about every other country
3. Huge military vs huge military
5. America is hated by most of the world, just like Rome was
So they're both military powers. That's a really big similarity that offsets all the huge differences. ::)

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: AngusThermopyle on November 10, 2008, 10:31:50 pm
Rome is an interesting comparison, but I will address one of the points you make:

ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE: Rome didn't start facing this sort of trouble for several hundred years, but America has only been around for 230 years and is already facing this trouble!

Rome was a Republic (and a monarchy) long before it turned into an empire. The Republic faced LOADS of problems, including civil wars, political instability, and the sack of Rome itself at the hands of foreign invaders. The Romans were notoriously resilient in overcoming these sort of calamities, and their resiliency was arguably their greatest strength.

Things are pretty down for the US right now, to be sure. Not quite as bad as the Republic, IMO, but it remains to be seen how resilient the US is in the coming years.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 11, 2008, 01:17:16 am
and America has one or two more people... might result in a downfall rather faster. Not that I'm wishing it upon them.

Rome did ruin its environment but it was on a so much smaller scale it didn't really make much difference on the world scale. Stuff like clealing land, just not as massive as we do it now and I mean its kinda hard for one million people to live in Rome and not do any damage. Not to mention the technological advancements since then.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Death 999 on November 11, 2008, 01:26:38 am
I don't see us as having any of the problems that Rome faced, period.

We may be a global empire, but we don't try to rule directly, and we don't rule locally. There is no vaguely convenient road back from our held territories to our home territory. We simply can't be invaded, except through two countries we are and will be for the forseeable future friendly with. The populace of America is generally very happy to be American. There are a few exceptions, but it's a tiny minority of a very few tiny minorities.

Further, we are insulated somewhat from catastrophic leaders by our structure. Rome had a lot of doozies before it went down.

As for the environment... If that's why we fall, everyone's in trouble.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Cattrance on November 11, 2008, 01:29:11 am
Convient road block...... sniffs of oil

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: SweetSassyMolassy on November 12, 2008, 09:32:30 pm

1. It's good to be American, it was good to be Roman
2. Inflation, just like the Romans
3. Huge military vs huge military
4. Both are/were military-based
5. America is hated by most of the world, just like Rome was
6. America has corrupt leaders, so did Rome
It's kind of sad, isn't it?
1. yeah, but why it's good to be both is very different, and for the most part it's much worse to be a Roman

2.  As was said, inflation isn't unique to America and Rome. Other countries have suffered way more from inflation.

5. America really isn't hated by most of the world

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: RTyp06 on November 12, 2008, 11:41:16 pm
This sounds so weird to me. We recently had our council elections, and only one party sent me any post. Pretty much the same for our parliament elections last year.  Sure, there are some peopel in the streets handing out flyers and posters on buses and stuff, but very little seems to be sent home around here. That kind of constant barrage would have driven me nuts.

Still, I guess it payed off for you guys. Or at least it seems that way, but I suppose we won't know in a while eh?

I sure hope so. Many people here seem to think Obama is the second coming of christ or there about. To me it would seem he has more pressure and expectation pressed upon him than is realistic. However, It is encouraging to see such favorable international reactions to his election.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 13, 2008, 06:04:03 am
I sure hope so. Many people here seem to think Obama is the second coming of christ or there about. To me it would seem he has more pressure and expectation pressed upon him than is realistic.

Yeah, the expectations seem a bit too high. Being in the middle of an economic crisis will probably limit his options quite a bit.

However, It is encouraging to see such favorable international reactions to his election.

Don't count on that lasting too long though. The Europeans may be all gung ho about him now, but as soon as they figure out that he isn't going to do everything exactly as they think it should be done those reactions are going to cool down. For some reasons a lot of people here perceive Obama as a president of the world rather than president of the US. Once it turns out that he (naturally) looks out for his own country first and foremost I suspect a lot of people here will start blathering about american cultural dominance and all the usual talking points.

Don't get me wrong, I'm think he looks poised to do a lot of good for both the US  and the rest of the world. But some people around here act as if he's going to change the US in the Europe 2 just because.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 24, 2008, 10:57:17 am
So RTyp06, feeling happy now that your favourite gal might become foreign minister?

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: RTyp06 on November 24, 2008, 11:09:03 pm
So RTyp06, feeling happy now that your favourite gal might become foreign minister?

I don't know where this "favorite gal" came from but then again you always seem to post with a flair for the dramatic. ;) Early in the democratic campaign I knew virtually nothing about Obama and simply thought Hillary, who is a well known figure and seemingly far more experienced, had a better chance at winning the election. I thought the republicans would tear Obama a new one and that the popularity of the Clintons would win the day.

I am gald to see Obama reaching out to his former opponents. If anything, I feel hopeful.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: Lukipela on November 25, 2008, 06:26:24 am

I don't know where this "favorite gal" came from but then again you always seem to post with a flair for the dramatic. ;)

Well, you did argue for her here, which led me to assume that she was your favourite candidate in the primaries. And she is a woman. Have I succesfully explained both "favourite" and "gal"? Onward then. Thus, it'd seem to be a logical conclusion that you'd feel glad that the presidential candidate you originally supported (your favourite candidate in the primaries) is included in your goverments cabinet, and on a pretty important post as well.  But what do I know, I'm just needlessy dramatizing current events in the current events topic. I'll rephrase it in the most PC of ways to not offend you further:

"So RTyp06, isn't it nice that your previously preferred presidential candidate looks set to get an important post in the new goverment?"

I am gald to see Obama reaching out to his former opponents. If anything, I feel hopeful.

I agree. So far it seems that his message on healing the party and the country is working well. The Clintons do have some solid economic knowledge, it's be silly not to use it.

Title: Re: Pointless Current Events Post
Post by: RTyp06 on November 26, 2008, 02:51:52 am
But what do I know, I'm just needlessy dramatizing current events in the current events topic. I'll rephrase it in the most PC of ways to not offend you further:

Nah, I wasn't offended in the least. I knew what you meant. Besides I really do like both Hillary and Obama. I hope they actually listen to other countries and stop this alienating of the U.S.