Title: Super Melee Internet Post by: Lord999 on November 16, 2008, 11:34:04 pm Hello all, i just don't get the Super melee internet thing. First off, i can't get on it (it won't connect). Secondly, what does it even do? Clone the person, or have an online match?
Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: jaychant on November 17, 2008, 03:06:08 am The way it works is, you enter the IP address of someone waiting for you and then you play. Usually, you arrange games using the IRC channel, #uqm-arena. But you could potentially (though not easily) use some other method. (The best alternative would be IM). If you have Windows, you can find a bunch of IRC clients. If you use Linux, try Pidgin. (That's what I use)
Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Lord999 on November 17, 2008, 04:06:13 am The way it works is, you enter the IP address of someone waiting for you and then you play. Usually, you arrange games using the IRC channel, #uqm-arena. But you could potentially (though not easily) use some other method. (The best alternative would be IM). If you have Windows, you can find a bunch of IRC clients. If you use Linux, try Pidgin. (That's what I use) i have windows live messenger, its just that i don't know where to pu the IP on UQM. is it where that "280 something something something" is?Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Gekko on November 17, 2008, 07:28:54 pm I made a tutorial.
http://gekko.frud.biz/uqmtutorial/ (http://gekko.frud.biz/uqmtutorial/) This does not mean that we will tolerate random idiots, though. Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Cedric6014 on November 17, 2008, 08:52:37 pm I made a tutorial. http://gekko.frud.biz/uqmtutorial/ (http://gekko.frud.biz/uqmtutorial/) This does not mean that we will tolerate random idiots, though. Only carefully selected idiots Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Lord999 on November 18, 2008, 05:19:58 am Oh okay.... so if you are waiting for a connection, then someone has to put in YOUR IP address? also, i am not an idiot (I can just be stupid at random points).
Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Gekko on November 18, 2008, 11:34:59 am When you are waiting for connection, it means that your computer is acting as the battleground. You are providing the football field where the game will be played. The other team comes from New York and does not know your address. You need to guide him to the football field, and that is what your IP is for.
Title: Re: Super Melee Internet Post by: Lord999 on November 19, 2008, 12:47:36 am When you are waiting for connection, it means that your computer is acting as the battleground. You are providing the football field where the game will be played. The other team comes from New York and does not know your address. You need to guide him to the football field, and that is what your IP is for. funny way to put it, but Okay! |