The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Shiver on December 17, 2008, 12:48:49 am

Title: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on December 17, 2008, 12:48:49 am
Yeah so, there's this guy with the screen name TheMisterCat who hangs out in #uqm-arena but won't post on the forums for some reason. He might be allergic, I really don't know. This fellow has made several very high quality Star Control remixes and I am taking it upon myself to show these off to the rest of the community. TheMisterCat's remixes are so good that they might even give the Precursors a run for their money! I have another remix to share by someone else, a personal friend of mine who cobbled something together after I finally convinced him to play The Ur-Quan Masters all the way through.

This is also my 100th topic on the UQM forums. If you would like to partake in this momentous occasion, please include the phrase "stop posting, Shiver" somewhere in your post. Thanks in advance!

TheMisterCat's Remixes:

Starbase Commander (

Exploration (

Hyperspace (

Quasispace (

Syreen (

Androsynth (

Spathi (

Mmrnmhrm (


Bonus Remix:

Outfit the Vindicator (

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: jaychant on December 17, 2008, 01:43:53 am
stop posting, Shiver ;)

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on December 17, 2008, 04:25:29 am
STOP POSTING, SHIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: SweetSassyMolassy on December 17, 2008, 05:46:18 am
ooh, nice. Especially quasi-space. C chords and techno go together so well

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Lukipela on December 17, 2008, 05:53:10 am
STOP POSTING, SHIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice to see that Shiver managed to lure you out of IRC. Lovely music.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Death 999 on December 23, 2008, 06:41:02 pm
Here are my first impressions

Exploration: I love what you did with this one. The several (but not too many) layers interlaced nicely.

Syreen: I like, as stated elsewhere.

Hayes: I like this fine. Your playing with the shaped-gray noise sample worked nicely. Except now my ears are hearing false modulations in the ventilation. Kind of left me dizzy. But that's all right, it's kind of what you expect from this one.

Outfit the Vindicator: That's a somewhat interesting change to the tune that you wrought there, but you don't develop it at all. Also, the last half minute needs something to happen.

Hyperspace: I don't care for this one much at all. Sorry. The change in rhythm in the main tune kind of throws me, and there isn't much it really brings. I could try it again and see if I like it better the second time around.

Quasispace: This almost hurts me to listen to. Not quite, but I don't see any reason to listen to it ever again. You did a lot of the things that worked well for Hayes, here. But it doesn't work here.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on December 23, 2008, 08:56:26 pm
Outfit the Vindicator: That's a somewhat interesting change to the tune that you wrought there, but you don't develop it at all. Also, the last half minute needs something to happen.

That's not a TheMisterCat remix. Its creator won't hear of it either as I've fallen out of touch with him.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Elerium on January 20, 2009, 01:02:44 am
I like his stuff, Space Exploration has a nice chilling atmosphere to it than the strange original (which gave the impression of "space is scary" rather than just exploring) and the Hayes theme is catchy too.

Hyperspace remixes are always solid.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Malrunus on January 30, 2009, 01:20:33 am
I'd like to hear some Spathi, Kor-Ah and Vux.   ;D

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on February 11, 2009, 08:41:26 pm
I've got a good surprise for you folks. An Androsynth remix (!

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Lukipela on February 11, 2009, 08:45:23 pm
Interesting, I like the it.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: JHGuitarFreak on February 11, 2009, 09:03:28 pm
I've got a good surprise for you folks. An Androsynth remix (!

wait a minute, the androsynth only have a ditty...  :-\
they really don't even have a "theme"
So i guess this is an interpretation of what a remix would sound like if said androsynth had their own music?  ;D

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: jaychant on February 11, 2009, 09:04:26 pm
I've got a good surprise for you folks. An Androsynth remix (!


Since when was there an Androsynth theme? They're not even in the game. ???

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on February 11, 2009, 09:07:36 pm
Listen to the Androsynth victory ditty, then the TheMisterCat song. It's based off of that. Which would make this a Mongoloid remix, I guess?

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: jaychant on February 11, 2009, 10:33:44 pm
Listen to the Androsynth victory ditty, then the TheMisterCat song. It's based off of that. Which would make this a Mongoloid remix, I guess?

It sounds REALLY nice and makes me with the 'Synth were in the game, but...

I don't see how it sounds like the victory ditty.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: countchocula86 on February 13, 2009, 08:52:03 pm
Will have a listen, always love SC remixs

Oh and in order to have another 100 topics you must not stop posting, Shiver

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on April 13, 2009, 10:32:12 pm
Update! Spathi and Mmrnmhrm tracks added.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Terminator on April 16, 2009, 09:16:19 am
Spathi Remix is like...WOW!!! nice blend of traditional and electronic instruments, can't wait to see(hear) what you come up with next!

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on April 16, 2009, 10:48:46 am
I'm in the middle of a VUX theme.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Death 999 on April 16, 2009, 04:26:43 pm
I like the Mmrnmhrm.
The Spathi is... I get the vibe that this is for prehistoric spathi, from back in 1850 or whenever it was before the Evil ones came to their world and they went from rocks to nuclear-powered spaceflight in 2 decades. And the burp at the end seems to bear me out?

Also, why does the meta-information on the Mmrnmhrm music say its genre is Blues?

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on April 16, 2009, 08:18:28 pm
Quote from: Death999
And the burp at the end seems to bear me out?

I didn't like that thing either, but TheMisterCat is crazy and I've learned not to question him.

Quote from: Death 999
Also, why does the meta-information on the Mmrnmhrm music say its genre is Blues?

Mista Cat had it up as an .ogg. I made it into an mp3 myself with Audacity. The "blues" tag is my fault. I completely ignore tags, so it defaults to whatever's on the top of the list.

EDIT: OH YEAH AND THERE'S A VUX REMIX. See the first post. Pretty bad thing for me to forget.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: SuddenDeath on April 30, 2009, 10:21:16 pm
Good work, this is!

Especially Space Exploration and VUX. I can listen to these for hours - and they don't get boring... I think that speaks volumes about their awesomeness :)

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on May 12, 2009, 11:21:47 am
Thanks.  I'm having trouble deciding which song to do next.. plus I broke a violin string :(

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: SuddenDeath on May 12, 2009, 11:32:46 pm
How about Chenjesu? There has been only one theme for them so far, and it was somewhat short...

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on May 15, 2009, 12:05:12 am
I'll give it a try, I don't really have any crystally samples though :O

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on June 17, 2009, 10:49:46 pm
As this thread will eventually disappear into obscurity, I've given ElSeniorGatto's remixes their own page ( on Ultronomicon. He may or may not return with more remixes, I really don't know.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: CelticMinstrel on June 18, 2009, 12:35:38 am
The Quasispace one is quite nice, but it's definitely not a remix. It's a different song!

The others I listened to were nice too (I didn't listen to Androsynth, Mmrnmhrm, or the one by someone else).

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: psydev on June 22, 2009, 04:35:48 am
I must say, I think the Spathi remix is awesome. Minus the burp at the end.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on June 27, 2009, 07:45:24 am
I'm still alive.  Just otherwise involved... sorry!

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: psydev on August 28, 2009, 09:52:23 am
I downloaded your Androsynth track in the same week that I downloaded "courtship dating" by crystal castles.
I love both of them. They sound a lot alike.

I really enjoyed your androsynth tracks. Actually my love for the androsynth is stirred by your music. My imagination has gone wild!

I hope you do more Androsynth remixing or creative composition.

They are kind of my favorite race, perhaps because we know nothing of them from SC2 canon. They are so cool, they can clone themselves and had to create a new society from scratch once they left earth. They were also victimized by humanity and are legitimately angry and vengeful.  That's a cool combination in my books. I would like to talk to an angry, nasty, awesome, hyper-intelligent and creative human clone from a weird society of clones on the viewscreen of the Vindicator who wants to punish humanity.

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: psydev on September 04, 2009, 08:09:50 pm
My enjoyment of the Androsynth tune is tarnished by some artifacts in the MP3 between 16 and 20 seconds into it.
Can this be fixed?

Also, why does the song end kind of abruptly instead of setting itself up to be infinitely looped?

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: TheMisterCat on October 27, 2009, 07:01:51 am
The Quasispace one is quite nice, but it's definitely not a remix. It's a different song!

Clearly you were playing the 3DO version or something, its a note-for-note remix of the pc .MOD

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: CelticMinstrel on November 05, 2009, 12:10:18 am
I was playing the UQM version. :P

Title: Re: TheMisterCat's Star Control Remixes
Post by: Shiver on November 05, 2009, 01:00:23 am
I was playing the UQM version. :P

"The UQM version" defaults to 3DO music when applicable. Only a few of the music tracks are different between PC and 3DO versions of the game, Quasispace being one of them.