Title: *juicy* is alive again! Post by: zarren3 on December 29, 2008, 02:05:13 pm I'm back with *juicy* (http://juicy.net63.net/) after kinda long break.
I'm sorry about that I let the site and forum die, but now I gonna try to get you people on my forum! Forum has new look, but if you don't like it, you can change old look back! NEW FEATURES: New Blue Style Public Area - post without register Fan Art - use to host your SC related fan art, up to 8mb uploads and 1300mb avaible server space! - you can upload mp3, images, videos, flashes, zip, rar, etc...! Link to there: http://juicy.net63.net/phpBB3/index.php (http://juicy.net63.net/phpBB3/index.php) Also please tell me what I could do better! All feedback helps me! Thanks |