Title: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: astkr5 on March 16, 2009, 03:49:25 am I don't know how much this has been discussed, but with the advent of netplay, the Illwrath cloak could be modified to be visible on the Illwrath player's side.
I know most experienced players have little difficulty telling where the Illwrath is in a general sense, but were the ship visible to the player they could tell precisely which way they were turned for involved maneuvers (and to avoid crashing into the planet). Is this a good feature, or is it better the way it is? If it were made visible, do you think the point cost of the Illwrath would need to be inflated accordingly, or is the Illwrath already overpriced? In my opinion, I think it would make the Avenger a better and more interesting ship (I remember the feature was included in a version of Timewarp, and I thought it worked well). I'd also like to ask, not having looked at the source code yet, how easy would it be to add this? I'm interested enough to do the work myself, but when I think of the UQM source code I have this image of a gigantic ball of sticky yarn that takes months to unravel so I just have not gone there. Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: jaychant on March 16, 2009, 03:54:10 am I think this would be good, but it would change the game (setting off purists, like almost everyone here).
Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: evktalo on March 16, 2009, 11:54:40 am Shiver's balance mod (http://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/User:Shiver/Balance_Mod) (a work in progress) is doing this. Among many other things to set off purists.
--Eino Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: SuddenDeath on March 16, 2009, 04:35:33 pm I've tried the tweaked Ilwrath in the balance mod... much easier to navigate. I like it... though I understand why some might prefer the old cloak.
Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: Elvish Pillager on March 16, 2009, 11:36:35 pm It's even possible to make Ilwrath visible to you without the opponent knowing anything about it. :P
Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: jaychant on March 16, 2009, 11:42:46 pm It's even possible to make Ilwrath visible to you without the opponent knowing anything about it. :P Let me guess: you just change the Ilwrath invisible graphics to something that's not black and host in net melee? Title: Re: Illwrath melee visibility - balance/technical feasibility? Post by: Elvish Pillager on March 17, 2009, 12:49:56 am You don't have to host.
It's almost that simple. |