Title: is there a way to "declock" melee? Post by: Deathy on January 27, 2003, 11:31:59 am I've played SC1/SC2 both on Genesis/3DO and DOS (486 66hz), and currently in UM (XP, 2ghz) the melee game speed seems roughly doubled.
Basically, my hypermelee is hyperactive. Full game (hyperspace etc.) seems about right. Is there a command line switch or any other way to influence the combat game speed? Title: Re: is there a way to "declock" melee? Post by: Deathy on January 28, 2003, 04:30:15 am I suppose I should clarify.
I read a post from a few months back adressing this issue, and the response was "game speed is CPU max, this will be fixed later". My real question: is there a build of UM with some sort of internal speed metering? I'd love to do some medium-core beta testage, but I can already tell you I'm not going to be able to get very far in the game. To wit, CAPTAIN TANAKA KILLED MY MOTHERSHIP!!!!!!!!!! Title: Re: is there a way to "declock" melee? Post by: Niahak on January 28, 2003, 09:46:07 am For one thing, I just have to say that hearing Tanaka killed your mothership is one of the funniest things I've heard in awhile. ;D
But for another, if you want it to run a bit slower-ish I would try a slowdown device. Like Turbo, if it runs in XP, or find one that does if Turbo doesn't. |