The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Shiver on October 13, 2009, 05:59:54 pm

Title: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 13, 2009, 05:59:54 pm

Saturday, October 17th, 2009.


The whole day is open for games. Two newbies from Australia have been frequenting the arena recently, so the usual estimated time of peak activity is out the window.


#UQM-Arena on irc:// If you don't know how any of this stuff works, this thing ( that Gekko wrote may be of use to you.


Play how you want to! If someone else in the chat room will agree to play by your lunatic rule set then it's legitimate. Virtually everyone you meet will use the #uqm-arena standard stalemate breaker rule (that's "the faster ship is on offense" in case you aren't aware) but someone can play without that too if they find a gullible bastard willing opponent. Game mods, different fleet sizes, Hierarchy vs. Old Alliance, duplicate ships and bizarre rulesets are all on the table.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Angelfish on October 13, 2009, 06:06:35 pm
Coincidentally, I'll be partying my ass off then ;). But depending on what timezone you guys consider saturday I might be able to get my drunken ass to your IRC channel and play a terrible match against you guys ;)

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Gekko on October 13, 2009, 08:01:05 pm
I'll be there.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: 120938 on October 13, 2009, 11:01:52 pm
ok i cant wait to play against a human for once cant wait!

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Data on October 14, 2009, 10:26:39 pm
I'll try to be there since this would be my only chance to play  with someone that played uqm melee even less than me :D

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Gekko on October 15, 2009, 12:26:12 am
I wrote a small tutorial ( for firewall and router issues. I hope this helps. Tell me if you wish to include something in the tutorial.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: DaveStrife on October 16, 2009, 04:28:45 am
I'll join in, I haven't played SCII against anyone in ages.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: CelticMinstrel on October 16, 2009, 05:29:20 pm
Eep, that's tomorrow... I may show up...

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 17, 2009, 09:40:54 pm
The day isn't over, but I'm really impressed by the all the people that have passed through the arena and the games played today. This is better than I've seen all year. Switching from tournaments to the new, more flexible format seems to have done the trick.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Data on October 19, 2009, 04:05:44 pm
So, we gonna post some results then? Because I lost to both Sudden and that guy from Australia (sorry, I can't remember your nick right now), but it was a bit closer than my last humiliating defeat in the tournament :D

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 19, 2009, 04:29:01 pm
Well no, it's not a tournament. I did beat Gekko by 100+ in the mod, though, because someone forgot to bring a Kohr-Ah killer.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Mormont on October 19, 2009, 04:47:18 pm
I was at the beach Saturday, hope I can make it to the next one.

Why not announce the next one on the PNF's board too? Regardless of what you think of that community, the more people we get in the arena the better.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 19, 2009, 04:51:29 pm
Why not announce the next one on the PNF's board too? Regardless of what you think of that community, the more people we get in the arena the better.

Yeah, maybe. I don't have a problem with SCDB on the whole but they uniformly ignored every tournament thread I posted in the past.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Angelfish on October 19, 2009, 04:52:52 pm
Just don't .. it only proves how useless having 2 boards for the SC community is.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Lukipela on October 20, 2009, 08:50:11 pm
Yeah, maybe. I don't have a problem with SCDB on the whole but they uniformly ignored every tournament thread I posted in the past.

And when the SCDB tried opening a NetMelee board Shiver was pretty much the only one to post in it. So it's pretty safe to say that the SCDB old guard isn't too hot on playing. But there are a couple of new persons over there, maybe you'd have more luck with them?

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 20, 2009, 10:49:52 pm
If SCDB people want to play, they'll find their way over one way or another like Smoke353 did a while back or fluffy banana did during the last meet-up.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Rob on October 20, 2009, 10:54:19 pm
Hi, I'm new to both boards, and I saw that net melee is finally possible which is fantastic. I'm curious about the process though. I was looking through the step-by-step and noticed that it's necessary to give out your IP number in order to play. Is that safe in general, or do you just go by the honor system and assume no one will do anything malicious with it around here?

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Shiver on October 21, 2009, 01:49:02 am
Hi, I'm new to both boards, and I saw that net melee is finally possible which is fantastic. I'm curious about the process though. I was looking through the step-by-step and noticed that it's necessary to give out your IP number in order to play. Is that safe in general, or do you just go by the honor system and assume no one will do anything malicious with it around here?

My experience of promiscuously handing out my IP address for years and years has been fine. Someone who knows more about networking should field this.

Title: Re: Melee Meet-Up [Mid October 2009]
Post by: Megagun on October 21, 2009, 01:35:32 pm
You're already giving your IP address away to any server you connect with. All the moderators on this forum can probably look up your IP address, since the forum engine logs it nicely for them. I, too, know your IP address. Somewhat. It's somewhere between and, with a few range exceptions where it just can't be...

Say you hand me your IP address. I can then do two things that might be somewhat harmful to you. I can use GeoIP to find out where you live, approximately, and I can scan your system(s) for any vulnerabilities using Nmap. Finding out where you live might be useful to break 'lost my password questions' (you'd be dumb if you really use those anyways!). Scanning your system might be useful to break into it.


If your system is vunerable, your system most likely has been scanned and compromised already anyways. A lot of viruses/trojans/malware these days converts your system into a 'Zombie PC', a remote-controlled bot that probably gets assigned a task to scan random systems on the Internet and attempt to break into them if they're vulnerable. Chances are, about 10 of these infected PCs try to break into your system each day.

Thus, the danger isn't in giving me your IP address; it's having an unsecure system or password-setup to begin with.