The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: GermanNightmare on February 05, 2003, 06:22:12 am

Title: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 05, 2003, 06:22:12 am
For those of you who have wondered about the origin of that word ever since SC2 came out - the word really  d o e s  exist!!!

I found it in my 'Encarta - World English Dictionary' on page 752:

frump (pronounced as written),
a term used to insult a woman considered by the speaker not to be good looking or to dress well (informal insult)
[Mid-16thC. Origin uncertain: probably a shortening of earlier 'frumple' meaning 'wrinkle', from, ultimately, Middle Dutch 'verrompelen' meaning 'to rumple completely'. The original English meaning was 'sneering speech']

Does any of that sound familiar?  :D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Garthor on February 05, 2003, 06:28:25 am
Yeah, but it's not that amazing, no offense.  It's a translator, and when it encounters words that it doesn't know, then it finds the closest match.  It doesn't make words up.  What I'd be more interested in is how Paul or Fred found this rather obscure word.  Did they just stop on a random page in the dictionary?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Matticus on February 05, 2003, 06:38:38 am
This is really nitpicking, but there is a case where the computer makes something up, although it's definitely not a word.

Busy is because Orz have reason. It is secret for *campers*. You must going quickly to my *house*. It is too bad you cannot **HYUIVBHJHG** there but flying the *heavy* ship is okay.
Guess it just couldn't find a word close enough. =)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Garthor on February 05, 2003, 07:11:37 am
Meh, there was no closest match, or there was a bug in the program.  So bleh.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Fotsev on February 05, 2003, 08:13:37 am
Maybe it was a power surge?  Or, maybe it wasted so much time trying to find a "best fit" that it just gave up. ::)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 05, 2003, 08:15:08 am
 What I'd be more interested in is how Paul or Fred found this rather obscure word.  Did they just stop on a random page in the dictionary?

That's what I was wondering about, and since I've found a lot of words that I didn't know before in that book... I just took a look and amazingly enough found it, too!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 05, 2003, 08:29:01 am
This is really nitpicking, but there is a case where the computer makes something up, although it's definitely not a word.

Busy is because Orz have reason. It is secret for *campers*. You must going quickly to my *house*. It is too bad you cannot **HYUIVBHJHG** there but flying the *heavy* ship is okay.
Guess it just couldn't find a word close enough. =)

Interestingly enough, the translating computer seems to have put  t h a t  word in two stars (128bit encryption?)  :)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Cyamarin on February 05, 2003, 09:41:14 pm does the Orz voice-actor pronounce that word?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 06, 2003, 12:30:43 am
Quote does the Orz voice-actor pronounce that word?

He doesn't - it sounds just like turning a dial on an old radio...

Listen to orz068.ogg to hear that weird noise!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 06, 2003, 02:17:47 am

hehe I think I have a new nickname for that b**** girl in class  ;D

Or, in the worst case, I'll just try to make a dial sound  ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 06, 2003, 02:21:30 am

hehe I think I have a new nickname for that b**** girl in class  ;D

Or, in the worst case, I'll just try to make a dial sound  ;D

Good Lord! Never let  h e r  get her fingers on that dictionary!!! 'Cause you ain't gonna go back to the *playground * once  s h e  started *dancing* with you  :D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Mu on February 06, 2003, 03:06:41 am
Hey, look at how "**HYUIVBHJHG**" is entered on a key board. The letters are adjacent, and seem to make a pattern.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Mu on February 06, 2003, 03:10:10 am
Sorry, but a pattern made by *fingers*.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 06, 2003, 03:15:13 am
Mmh - interesting!

Never thought of that since on the German keyboard, the Y and Z are placed the other way around...

Have you ever tried to place that on the Hyperspace or Quasispace maps?

Maybe it's the way you're supposed to travel to finish the game the fastest way?

Sort of like all the rainbow worlds pointing to the core?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Cyamarin on February 06, 2003, 04:53:06 am
I can't help but think it was probably just 'cause the programmer mashed his hand on the keyboard to type it.

Here, I'll try hitting random keys in that general area:


Pretty close, no?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Mu on February 06, 2003, 07:24:45 am
I have no idea if it means anything, but I did think about it the "mashing on the keyboard" thing. If it isn't, than why not a real word? This is, at least, the most confusing job the translator's had. The Orz are damned fascinating..

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Fotsev on February 06, 2003, 07:30:00 am
I think that your right about mashing a hand into the keyboard.  I tried it too, and got pretty damn close.  ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 06, 2003, 07:05:12 pm
Maybe the Orz were getting to the programmer and it ain't been his hands but his HEAD?

Sort of like "no, No, NOOOOO!!! I HATE Orz!?!

Just thinking  :D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Death 999 on February 06, 2003, 09:42:20 pm
If you do it on a dvorak keyboard, it spells 42 ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 07, 2003, 04:00:06 am
That makes sense!
but instead of mashing the keyboard, just let your cat walk around on it

n,g,h are close enough for a paw  ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 07, 2003, 05:49:00 am
Okay, here comes another theory:

Since our computer has had troubles translating that Orz word (and those smart guys knew about it), they tried to type it themselves, but...

they only had an old IBM 386 25MHz 80MB HD 16MB RAM that they somehow aquired from the Androsynth and just hacked away at the keyboard which is completely unfit for their fins

Just look at them, you'll understand ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Mu on February 07, 2003, 06:44:14 am
Well, their monitors DO look like cga..

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 07, 2003, 02:29:48 pm
Impressive that htey still run in that Ethane soultion that the Orz breathe and swim in... Microsfot and IBM could larn a few things from the Androsynth

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 07, 2003, 04:20:06 pm
It does look more like touch-pads, doesn't it?
That other-dimension technology can be quite versatile I guess :P

Who knows, if we had fins we might have had touch-pads a thousand years ago!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 07, 2003, 05:35:10 pm
Impressive that htey still run in that Ethane soultion that the Orz breathe and swim in... Microsfot and IBM could larn a few things from the Androsynth

I really like that MicrosFot. Isn't that a sister-company of MicrosZoq and MicrosPik, whereas ZebrankYBM went out of business?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 07, 2003, 05:53:19 pm
To be honest, it's an example of how a typo can produce a great idea :) I didn't even notice it til I read your post...

Yes, MicrosFot is the leading software producer on the ZoqFotPik homeworld. Their newest operating system is called MicrosFot 60 -Liberation Version. although it includes a screensaver consisting of famous Frungy games throughout the times, it's main attraction is actually the rather chilidish and pointless "Whack the Zebranky" game.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: creativename on February 07, 2003, 08:21:47 pm
I really like that MicrosFot. Isn't that a sister-company of MicrosZoq and MicrosPik, whereas ZebrankYBM went out of business?



Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Death 999 on February 07, 2003, 08:56:20 pm
Isn't MicrosPik a really small company that produces lenses?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 07, 2003, 09:42:10 pm
Guys, I gotta be honest with you! I'm really having so much fun right now!

Good to be here!

Would like to have that "Whack the Zebranky" game for my free time!!!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 08, 2003, 01:55:04 pm
Actually, Whack a Zepranky is a K-18 game. Outside MicrosFot, there are loads of worried mothers and angry activists demonstrating with slogan such as "Down with needless violence in games!", "Not my Zebranky!", "More FRUNGY for the people". (the last one is something that appears in every major demonstration among the ZoqFotPik for some reason

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: PsiPhi on February 08, 2003, 03:55:11 pm
since this discussion has gone completely off onto a ZFP tangent, any guesses on which of them really is the Fot, and why?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 08, 2003, 04:13:45 pm
Why, it's Fot Gates, the richest Zberanky-killer on their planet. He owns MicrosFot. But everyone knows that! :D

He's the one with the glasses. You cant miss him!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 08, 2003, 04:28:32 pm
Yeah, the other two are just around to make it look like he doesn't own the whole thing himself, seeing as monmopolies are forbidden on ZFP world. The others make a lot of noise to hide fact that Gates makes all the decisions, in all three companies!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Matticus on February 09, 2003, 02:28:27 am
I think the one-eyed guy in the middle is the Fot. He probably knows it too but since he never says anything the other two will never find out. Or maybe it's just that he enjoys watching them argue over it so much. =)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Animal on February 09, 2003, 04:33:25 am
But how would they call the MicrosFot gaming platform?

1) Zoq-Box
2) Fot-box
3) Pik-box

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: EnjoyTheSauce on February 09, 2003, 07:24:52 am
Fot-Box, duh!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 09, 2003, 08:40:49 am
Fot-Box, duh!

Double-Duh! (I think)

But what would their television programs be called?

ZFPNN is way too long for a news station! PNN is more like it - lotsa sports coverage ;-)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 09, 2003, 02:48:28 pm
Then, just in the name of equality, you must be able to log onto ZoqNet and join newsgroups and boards where you complain about those Frungy mad Pik

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 09, 2003, 10:46:22 pm
Actually, I think it's not PNN, but the ZoqNewsNetwork ZNN, since the Frungy-mad Pik are all watching ESPikN...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 10, 2003, 12:00:42 am
Either that or they're playing console games on the FotBox's competitor - the Pik-Station 2   ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Krogoth255 on February 10, 2003, 07:30:37 am
IMHO, as for Zoq, Pik, Fot, I think it goes as that the green plant is Fot, Zoq is blue puff-ball spring thing and Pik is the Middle guy with the eye

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Nic. on February 10, 2003, 08:18:15 pm
IMHO, as for Zoq, Pik, Fot, I think it goes as that the green plant is Fot, Zoq is blue puff-ball spring thing and Pik is the Middle guy with the eye

Nope.  According to the source, the races go from left to right.

Zoq = left
Fot = middle
Pik = right

This actually makes the "Which one of you is the Fot?" dialog a joke, as the Fot never says anything..  :)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 10, 2003, 10:00:29 pm
Do you think that represents their political beliefs as well? The zoqualist party might well be striving for a more equal society, while the Pikracy is more in favour of survival of the fittest (just like in Frungy!! WOOOHOOOOO!), where it's every Pik for itself in a win-lose world.

It's a good thing that the Fot's have most of the places in their goverment and keep the rest in check....

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 10, 2003, 10:08:46 pm
Good thinking!

Question is: What role did the Zebranky play in the political past of the Zoq-Fot-Pik world?

My best guess would be that Zebranky-Khan tried to wreak havoc on all the other peace-loving gov'ments on their homeworld (as we are told time and again -> 'Worse than Zebranky'!)

"Blood, gore and anarchy!" was the Zebranky-Khan's favorite battle cry   ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 10, 2003, 10:33:01 pm
Just to retrace this topics origin, I think the Zebranky's famous battle cry was actually : Now you've made me *frumple*! You *silly* ZFP *political silly cows* will soon be *sqyueezing juice* with your *lonely bubbles* friends!

To which the ZFP would reply *Frumple* off you *Frumpy* *frump*!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Cyamarin on February 10, 2003, 10:56:49 pm
Wait...where in the source code does it tell you which one is which?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 11, 2003, 12:40:25 am
Just to retrace this topics origin, I think the Zebranky's famous battle cry was actually : Now you've made me *frumple*! You *silly* ZFP *political silly cows* will soon be *sqyueezing juice* with your *lonely bubbles* friends!

To which the ZFP would reply *Frumple* off you *Frumpy* *frump*!

LMAO! I really enjoy the Pkunk's 'blasphemous' battle cries as well! Jerk, Baby, Dodo, Moron, Idiot  :D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 11, 2003, 12:56:50 am
You know, the first time I flew the Fury I was in such a world of pain... I emptied my entire battery into the opponent, a VUX I think. Or i tried to, but I wasn't quite prepared for the three directional shots.. Then I tried to blast him with my special... This didn't work too well, my ship just screamed something. I flew off, narrowly avoiding death, and waited for my batteries to recharge, which of course they didn't. I had a little left in my batteries (well, I'd actually reloaded them but didn't know that). So I went in for another run and emptied the batteries. After that I flew around for ages without recharging. In the end I attempted a suicide run on the planet. And reincarnated... I guess it pays to read the manual.

But yeah, otherwise I like them :)

Title: Heh...
Post by: Cyamarin on February 11, 2003, 02:22:21 am
First time I played Star Control it was SC1.  I played with my brother, in one-on-one battle.  We figured out the controls and the basic concepts pretty quick, and all that was left was to figure out the abilities of each ship.  So we went one on one down the line, my brother choosing the Hierarchy ships and me choosing the Alliance ships.  Finally, I chose the Shofixti scout.  The ensuing battle went something like this:

Me: "Take this!"
Me: "Huh?  Nothing happened."
Me: "Nothing's happening!  This ship sucks!"
My Brother: (hysterical laughter)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Captain Smith on February 11, 2003, 02:31:56 am
Here's a wierd thought when I scanned the ship names during melee...

There's a VUX ship called "ORZ"....I wonder....  ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Omni-Sama on February 11, 2003, 02:45:48 am
Hehe.  Look at all the laziness on these boards.  All you needed to do was read the steenkin' manual!  I have big troubles in TW, with all the new ships, because I'm always trying to figure out what the heck the ship is supposed to do.  It's a surprise every battle.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Cyamarin on February 11, 2003, 03:36:06 am
Are you kidding?  If I had read the manual, I would have deprived myself of the joy of that experience.

Besides, it was a Genesis rental.  Didn't have a manual.  ^_^

Title: Re: Heh...
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 11, 2003, 04:56:44 am
First time I played Star Control it was SC1.  I played with my brother, in one-on-one battle.  We figured out the controls and the basic concepts pretty quick, and all that was left was to figure out the abilities of each ship.  So we went one on one down the line, my brother choosing the Hierarchy ships and me choosing the Alliance ships.  Finally, I chose the Shofixti scout.  The ensuing battle went something like this:

Me: "Take this!"
Me: "Huh?  Nothing happened."
Me: "Nothing's happening!  This ship sucks!"
My Brother: (hysterical laughter)

Oh, I remember those days! How does this work? I dunno!
And then you just hack away at the keyboard, and all the sudden the ship did something you didn't expect - how I did it? Don't ask me!

As for the manuals - I've ALWAYS tried to avoid reading those (if I ever had them) - I still figure that a good game is sort of self-explainatory. If you need a manual, it's already too complex (like in the good ol' Falcon 3.0 - who needs a landing gear anyway?)

As for Lukipela - you just described my first flying experience on a fury!!! Great once you figured out how to recharge your batteries, huh?
What is your largest number of reincarnation you've ever had with a single fury?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Captain Smith on February 11, 2003, 07:35:36 am
Yeah I remember those "figure out how the ships worked" moments...this is something completely sad, but I never figured out how to release the Orz marines until I accidentally hit upon pressing Special and Fire at the same time (and that took QUITE a while).  Guess it pays to read the manual - I never did on any of the games I've played...let's just say I started liking the Orz ship a LOT better after I found that one.

And I think I had the Shofixti experience once too if I recall...;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 11, 2003, 08:25:38 pm
Uh, I really hope nobody reads this... but I think that I'm going to like them Orz a lot more now. Why? Go figure  ::)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 12, 2003, 12:14:38 am
I already posted this somewhere in the forum, but I think it's relevant now --

my first (second?) game in SC1 - I was the Syreen and my friend was a VUX

Him: "OH NO! You've used your special ability and all my green dots are fleeing from me.. damn, I have to get them before you do!!"
Me: "MUAHAH!! I'm much faster!! come to me, green dots, cooooooome!!"


Me: "Hmm, this is weird, I'm becoming slow! DAMNIT! YOU TRICKED ME!" ..... *BOOM*.. .*VUX victory ditty*

That was just plain cruel!  :D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 12, 2003, 12:15:51 am
I was quite confused while first playing the Orz as well. After trying to fire the special a few times I tried to steer away while firing. I hit the enemy head on, but suddenly my cannon was bent at a weird angle.... Also the first time I made the *GO GO* I was so confused... "What the hell, I'm losing crew and there's no syreen around!" Then my enemy suddenly blew up without me touching him... eerie.. Real Orz like :)

German_Nightmare: Well, everyone always goes on about how they reincarnated 12 or 13 or 19 time, but I catually reincarnated 567 times! Well, actually my personal best is no more than 4 or so... I suppsoe I just have bad karma :)

I think part of the fun the first times you played it was figuring out what everything id wo. reading the manual. Seeing as I was given the Starcon1&2 pack for xmas, I had a lot of ships to play with. It took me a long time to figure out how the Supox spoecial actually works... I was going "WHAT? nothing is happening whatsoever... wait a minut? I'm not where I should be.. what just happened?"

Title: Re: Heh...
Post by: Omni-Sama on February 12, 2003, 03:17:49 am
What is your largest number of reincarnation you've ever had with a single fury?

I can't remember the most times I've reincarnated in a Fury (I just call it "Halleluja"ing), but I was in melee once against an awesome computer pkunk opponent with a Kohr-Ah Marauder under my control and I counted that damned thing ressurect 21 times!!!  It was nuts.  The thing just died and reincarnated so quickly, I barely had enough time to prepare my FRIED system for another shot before they'd get a couple hits in and fly away.  It was funny, but not for the Marauder.  It successfully survived the karmic orgy of the Fury, but it took a might beating when all was said and done.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Fotsev on February 12, 2003, 06:06:40 am
The most resurrections I can recall having with a single Fury is 16.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 12, 2003, 11:38:46 pm
I remember after playing SC2 melee for so long, we grew bored with the ships, so a friend found this program "Hex Editor" (well, we were like 9 years old, we didn't know s*** :P) and we started just editing different bytes off the .shp files..

My friend knew some programming so he had some idea on what to look for, but I just ticked them randomly..

He managed to get a Fury to reincarnate forever, and I managed to make the Chmmr's laser 5 times longer and the Slylandro's lightnings much longer ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Deathy on February 13, 2003, 04:00:11 pm
Um, sorry about going back OT after all these fascinating tangents, but I'm pretty sure that everyone (native english speaking) has heard *frumple* before.

As in, frumpy. As is, dowdy, plain, uninspired looking, usually pertaining to clothing.

"In the first few seasons of X-files, Agent Scully looked kind of like a frumpy housewife."

Granted, reverse engineering the word yields something like frumpulated or frumpulized, but still.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 14, 2003, 03:33:00 pm
Well, language evolves during the centuries, so I suppose ther's no surprise in there being several versions of *frumple* around...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 15, 2003, 03:06:00 am
Hey Lukipela, any chance we're ever going to see that image in your profile? it never loads :P

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 15, 2003, 08:42:51 am
Eh, that's due to a slight problem on my side. through the university, I have my own webspace, but until I set up a site, it's only active as long as my computer is on. So if you happen to see the image, I'm definetly online. until I get off my lazy behind and do something about it, that's the way it's gonna be I'm afraid, unless someone will volunteer to put the image up on their website :) It shouldnt really take very long, but i just never seem to have the time to do it, or find out what I need to do...

In case youre wondering, it's an androsynth guradian, but you probably guessed that already : )

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 17, 2003, 02:53:13 am
Oh damnit, THIS was the topic with the icon thingy... so.. congrats again Lukipela ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 17, 2003, 07:10:40 pm
And thanks again. It's nice to know you have something to look at while reading all the strange stuff I manage to spew out :)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 21, 2003, 05:53:49 am
Um, sorry about going back OT after all these fascinating tangents, but I'm pretty sure that everyone (native english speaking) has heard *frumple* before.

As in, frumpy. As is, dowdy, plain, uninspired looking, usually pertaining to clothing.

"In the first few seasons of X-files, Agent Scully looked kind of like a frumpy housewife."

Granted, reverse engineering the word yields something like frumpulated or frumpulized, but still.

And since English is  n o t  my native language and that is the only word I've never heard before in all the 15 years I've been speaking English (and the 11 years playing SCII) I figured better look it up than ignore it  ;)
You never know when you might have to *frumple* - but it could come handy, right?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Death 999 on February 21, 2003, 09:34:21 pm
Not really... whenever I could use "*frumple*", the better phrase is "I grow turgid. Violent action ensues."

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 21, 2003, 09:51:16 pm
I'd disagree - never liked 'shrooms from the start.
But I am *squeezing* the *juice*. More and more *juice!*

That's more like it  ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 21, 2003, 09:58:30 pm
I just go SNORT!

And if I win HARG HARG HARG!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 22, 2003, 01:13:17 am
Hmm, do you think if I called someone a "human fluid sack" he'd be offended?  ;D

Nonetheless, you can never beat ol' Tanaka -
"Ah, so the cowardly slug-spawn has returned! You were most fortunate last time, you hideous, pouchless freak but this time I shall surely destroy your vessel you slithering eater of putrid hairballs."


Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 22, 2003, 05:33:13 am
I'll admit it:

Tanaka beats me right here and now!
No doubt about it. I will not raise my voice again -

or will I? (hehehehe)

But that truely is the one and only response to that.

By the way - I'd like to call myself a human fluid sack myself ever once in a while. That is, whenever I feel it appropriate, right!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 22, 2003, 11:28:04 am
So tell me GM, do you often feel that it's appropriate and right to call yourself a human fluid sack? In what kind of situation does the need arise?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 22, 2003, 04:03:01 pm
Well, the only situation I consider appropriate to call myself a hunam fluid sack is when I chugged down a couple of brews and all I feel is "filled with fluids"  8)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 22, 2003, 07:05:44 pm
To continue the conversation form another thread on SC2 and girls, that must be the romance kilelr of the night. First you refer to yourself as a human fluidsack, and when asked bout it, you enthusiastically explain about this old game, and offer to take her home and show it to her :) Oh boy, it'd almost  be worth doing just to see the look on some1s face...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 22, 2003, 09:40:44 pm
Oh boy, it'd almost  be worth doing just to see the look on some1s face...

Is that the "what the hell are you talking about" look, or the "WHAT! I thought you wanted to *show me* something else!!"  ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 22, 2003, 10:03:12 pm
Being the cool guy I am, only the second ever happens to me *cough cough*

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 23, 2003, 12:16:06 am
Actually, I'd just show her a more efficient way of  "bringing the Shofixti race back into existance".

How did Tanaka put it?
I have been granted the ultimate reward, er..  duty. This humble warrior will take the Shofixti maidens you possess gently wake them
and then perform ribald feats of unsurpassed fertility! I have urgent business to attend to.

If she ain't impressed by that - what else could you do?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 23, 2003, 03:10:05 am
Sorry GM, but seeing as her race isn't on the brink of extinction, it might not work. If you want to learn smooth talk, visit admiral ZEX,

"Luscious, robust human... I have eagerly awaited your return."


""Human... we should be friends, not enemies!
The scope of our relationship can grow as close as you wish."

With just a bit of polishing off (substitute human for her name, and leave out the part about enemies, and most importantly of all the part about robust ), you'll do just fine.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on February 28, 2003, 01:18:03 am
Ha, you all probably thought of it already, but I just realized it!

"That is *funny*. You think you *see* Orz but Orz are not *light reflections*. Maybe you think Orz are *many bubbles* too. It is such a joke.
Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*. Orz are just Orz.
I am Orz. I am one with many *fingers*. My *fingers* reach through into *heavy space* and you *see* *Orz bubbles* but it is really *fingers*. Maybe you do not even *smell*? That is sad.
*Smelling* *pretty colors* is the best *game*. "

light reflections - which is what we in our univese percept as objects - we see a reflection of light  as it bounces off objects!
Orz are not *many bubbles* - they aren't built of many atoms as we are! Maybe you do cannot even percept that we aren't made of atoms? that is sad. *smelling* = interacting in your universe, percepting new things such as light beams - *pretty colors* is very fun for them.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on February 28, 2003, 01:21:28 am
Been there done that :) but it is a ncie idea, no? i think another theory about that is that the orz are one mind, but we humans aremany sad separate minds...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 28, 2003, 05:40:25 am
Talking about Orz - it's way too easy to piss them off.

Our friends the ZFP are much better:

We have revealed ourselves to you. We have held out our appendages to you in friendship! ...and you have treated us like dead Zebrankys. It takes a great deal to anger one of my species, Captain BUT YOU HAVE JUST SUCCEEDED! Attention Shipmates! Man the spray gun! Hoist the tongue! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!
Yeah. Let's toast those creeps!

I like hoisting the tongue - it's the best part  ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Novus on February 28, 2003, 12:52:40 pm

Orz are not *many bubbles* - they aren't built of many atoms as we are!
Personally, I felt *bubbles* would be living cells. After all, an atom doesn't really look much like a bubble (unless you have some weird way of perceiving electrons as a sort of "shell"), while a cell essentially is a bubble.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 10, 2003, 08:59:40 am
You know, the first time I flew the Fury I was in such a world of pain... I emptied my entire battery into the opponent, a VUX I think. Or i tried to, but I wasn't quite prepared for the three directional shots.. Then I tried to blast him with my special... This didn't work too well, my ship just screamed something. I flew off, narrowly avoiding death, and waited for my batteries to recharge, which of course they didn't. I had a little left in my batteries (well, I'd actually reloaded them but didn't know that). So I went in for another run and emptied the batteries. After that I flew around for ages without recharging. In the end I attempted a suicide run on the planet. And reincarnated... I guess it pays to read the manual.

But yeah, otherwise I like them :)

Oye, reading over these older posts of yours, I've been laughing my head off...

I wish my first experience with the Pkunk had been that amusing! I just remember playing with them, and thinking that the only way to regain battery power with them was to kill them off. I'd empty a full battery at a Dreadnought, find a planet to smash into, and then go straight for the Dreadnought again.

However, I remember thinking how incredibly useless the Slyandro probe was, and wondering why the hell it was valued so high when it had such a limited battery.


First time I played Star Control it was SC1.  I played with my brother, in one-on-one battle.  We figured out the controls and the basic concepts pretty quick, and all that was left was to figure out the abilities of each ship.  So we went one on one down the line, my brother choosing the Hierarchy ships and me choosing the Alliance ships.  Finally, I chose the Shofixti scout.  The ensuing battle went something like this:

Me: "Take this!"
Me: "Huh?  Nothing happened."
Me: "Nothing's happening!  This ship sucks!"
My Brother: (hysterical laughter)

I hated that... I remember doing the exact same thing.

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on April 10, 2003, 06:34:30 pm
Right one! I loved these old posts... I kniow the world has turned a lot more serious since these days folks, but we should try and get back to the feeling we had a while back here, where almost every post sooner or later detrioated into me or GM telling weird jokes.... ;D

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on April 10, 2003, 09:15:47 pm
...which I never considered such a bad thing after all! I really guess it's about to restart the *happy times* and "jubilation"! Waddaya think, LP? You ready for this?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Censored on April 10, 2003, 09:51:45 pm
it all depends on how you look at the world

perhaps you just need to get new, cool, Oakly $500 shades! that'd give you a new perspective ;)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on April 10, 2003, 10:20:27 pm
Well, if you want your perspective to be "I'm cold, wet and hungry cause I can't afford to pay the rent or buy food, but hey, at least I've got my sunglasses....", then I'm sure it's fine. Myself, I'd rather make do with glasses made from the bottoms of two old cokebottles, some string, and a black magic marker, if it meant I could afford a bit more beer....

You're absolutely right GM, we should start *jumoping* during *camping time*, and make the *frumple* go away by *always look at the bright side of life*. Bring it on!!!

Keeping with the origin of your topic, I've been curious about *happy camper* was that an expression b4 SC2 as well? (Bear in mind I heard very litle english when I was young)

Also, in an unarmed battle, who would win? A traddash or an Ilwrath? what about if the judge is a sneaky Arilou?

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on April 10, 2003, 11:47:42 pm
Okay, this is how I'm gonna spend my $500:

2 plastic bottles of CokeR (0,5l): $1,- each,
1 paper-cutter: $0,50
1 piece of string (50cm): $0,25
1 black magic marker: $1,25
1 box of Band-AidsR $1,-

Then I drink the liter of CokeR, get all shaky, cut the bottoms out, paint them black, punch holes in them, cut the string accordingly to arrange the bottoms to make my pair of shades, probably cut myself a couple of times during the process (hence the Band-AidsR) because all that coffein gets to me (and I'm clumsy sometimes!).
That leaves me with $495 to spend on rent, food & bills but more importantly: for beer, cigarettes and girls. Well, definitely on smokes and brew anyway!
Still have a pair of nice shades. It says RayBanR on the glass (plastic) but they cost me only $15,- in the streets of New York City and work just fine!

As for your other idea, LP: I would pay to see that fight. Maybe not to see it real and life in person (way too dangerous - but to see it would really be interesting. A huge, bi-pedal Rhino against a huge eight-legged Spider, huh?

Well, considering the typical short-sighted rhino-attack (great speed, no agility, heavy weight, strong body structure, great strength through muscles) of the Thraddash against a venomous-fanged, web-spinning spider like the Ilwrath (great speed, great agility, low weight, fragile body structure, great strength through exo-skeleton): PHEW! I wanna SEE that!

I guess it all depends on who gets to move first and the way the ring would look like (a cage would give the spider too much of an advantage, a plain hall would take the fun out of it, in close quarter fighting the strength to crush the spider's body would give the rhino an advantage?).
Gee! Good topic! (I hereby open this thread also to good 1 on 1 brawls, whereas ZFP count as one species - tag-team! - and would definitely kick, uh, well, lemme see, there's gotta be someone's butt...)

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on April 10, 2003, 11:54:11 pm
I'd set them up in something like the Thunderdome, with weapons attached to the walls. the Ilwrath's agility and better ability to climb would be offset by the fact that a Traddash is heavy enough to bounce around like a mad bugger, grap a welding torch, and do some seroius surgery o that muthaspidah!

Wee haa! How bout  a ZFP combo versus two Umgah? The ZFP get to use their platforms, and the Umgahs have a toothbrush each!

495$ eh? Not bad, that'd give you the ride of your life. However, seeing as i was simply going to pick two empty coke bottles off the street, and steal the lead off a dog to make string, I'd say I'll have the entire 500! What? the marker? Oh, I was thinking of using mud instead, we have plenty over ehre.... After that, I'd finally be able to by the location of a Rainbow world off the Melnorme!

What is that you say? Credits and $ aren't the same thing? sure they are, just like € are RUs!!!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on April 11, 2003, 01:09:16 am
A toothbrush each? How did you come up with that one? At least you could give the ZFP (in addition to their disc) the hand-equivilant-held tonguer (like a handphaser compared to a ship built-in phaser).

Oh, I did write that I'd have to pay the rent & bills first, that won't leave me that much $ or Credits or RUs or EUROs to spend... But enough to make, respectively keep me a *happy camper*. I bet that term has existed before, because I've heard it plenty abroad and I don't think that all of the people who used it have played the game - then again, you never know!

As for a good 1 on 1 - how about a Syreen vs. an unchained Druuge. The ring? But of course it's gotta be mudwrestling!
(Yes, I know, but I'd like to see that as well, knife included  :D)

This could become, next to Frungy, a new sport broadcasted on ZFPN: Galaxy Gladiators!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Death 999 on April 11, 2003, 01:29:36 am
Well, maybe if the Druuge in question isn't the fat middle-aged snot-dripping bureaucrat we always saw on the vid-screens. I know, Talana beating the crap out of someone has its appeal, but I think this would be too one-sided to be fun. Now, a battle between Talana and an athletic Druuge devil-woman would be worth something... the Druuge would have an advantage if there was anything to swing around on -- or HANG from...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on April 11, 2003, 01:31:32 am
Well, seeing as the ZFP don't really seem that dangerous, I thought a tootbrush would be arming them about equally, it'd certainly make for a hilarious fight. Maybe we could give the umgah some whopee cushions and itching powder as well...


"LADIES and GENTLEMEN!! Welcome to the 3rd annual Galaxy Gladiators! the best thing since FRUNGYYY!!

In the blue corner, weighing in at a gentle 60 kilos is Commander Talana, professional Syreen Vixen, daring doer of interesting deeds, protector of Gaia, and three times champion of the Galaxy Gladiators!

Armed with only her ceremonial dagger, in more peaceful times known to have decidedly nicer uses, she stands proud and tall, ready to face tonights challenger.

Speaking of challengers, in the red corner we have Tuuga, executive heir to Duulard, the CEO of the Crimson corporation!. Weighing in at a hefty 145 kilos, this Druuge brute is armed with the ceremonial Druuge "Chain of Indebtment", welded from the steel nameplates of those Druuge employees that Tuuga has personally laid off!

In a few moments ladies and gentlemen, this arena is about to see it's bloodiest fight to date! The Druuge hate of anyone associated with the Human Captain is well known, as is the Syreen distaste of these gross, slimy and deceiptful slavers!!!

As an added bonus, a chaos theory cloaking field has been installed for tonight, meaning that our combatants at times will be partially or completely invisible to eachother, depending on the chaos flux within the generator! this product has been kindly installed and sponsored by "The Spiderhood Of Dogar and Kazon". Remember our sponsors folks, they are what makes this go round!

All right, with out further ado.... LETS GET READY TO RUUUMBLEEE!!!"

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: GermanNightmare on April 12, 2003, 02:37:31 am
LP, your little introduction inspired me so much that I wrote a very long answer last night for about 90 minutes. It included knife fights, the cloaking field, the chain and a was a very balanced fight. I was even gonna have Thraddash ring- and bodyguards as well as Talana's special fininshing move: The Syreen sirene ("Ah-woooo-eeeeeeeee!") when all males forget what they're doing (yes, the audience too) and just wants to storm the ring. She would have finished of Tuula in no-time that way.

But when I pressed the "post"-button, I got a data failure and the forum was on maintenance mode. Thanks, guys!
Now I can't get all the pieces back together and am just sitting here all depressed with my new bottle-bottom shades on drinking my $495,- worth of beer...

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Lukipela on April 12, 2003, 02:45:31 am
Awww.... I would so have liked to hear that... Well, I'll give you another one to write about :)

A Black Spathi commando that's been forced to listen to the same Melnorme Funrom for three days n a row vs. A Royal Yehat bird of prey.

The judge is a impartial Supox.

Allowed extra weapons can be hidden in the arena.

At least one hazard in the course (like the partial cloaking)

GO GM!! write your destiny!

Aside from that, I 've decided to save even more money, and make my shoes out of old cornflakes boxes... that'll save me more money, which means more beer!

Title: Re: Origin of Orz' word "Frumple"
Post by: Shiver on April 12, 2003, 02:49:12 am
I know the feeling, GN. My freebie e-mail provider has pulled that one on me at critical moments a few times. I think they got upgraded or something, because it doesn't happen anymore.