The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Vasaka on October 11, 2010, 06:41:17 pm

Title: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 11, 2010, 06:41:17 pm
Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.

Which I have found references (links) at this forum any more do not work. Somebody knows where it is possible to take these videoclips?

P.S. I use the automatic translator. In advance I apologise.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Angelfish on October 11, 2010, 07:29:52 pm

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 11, 2010, 08:50:04 pm

Wait... where in that message did the OP say he/she was Japanese? Was it changed or something? :-\ Because all I see is "I use the automatic translator", which only seems to say that he/she is not an English speaker. Not to mention, I am quite amazed if automatic translation software translated Japanese to English so well.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 11, 2010, 09:46:19 pm
Thank you very much. It that is necessary.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: ziper1221 on October 11, 2010, 09:54:36 pm
this thread makes me lol

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Alvarin on October 11, 2010, 10:07:38 pm
Wait... where in that message did the OP say he/she was Japanese?

The resulting sentence structure might be the clue.
Of course one would need to know the original language to make the distinction.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Gekko on October 11, 2010, 11:50:07 pm
Nice one Angelfish. Didn't see that myself

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Angelfish on October 12, 2010, 07:24:22 am

Wait... where in that message did the OP say he/she was Japanese? Was it changed or something? :-\ Because all I see is "I use the automatic translator", which only seems to say that he/she is not an English speaker. Not to mention, I am quite amazed if automatic translation software translated Japanese to English so well.

I just guessed ;). I knew Vasaka is an asian herb :D.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 12, 2010, 08:17:23 am
Generally I Russian. :) But all the same, all many thanks. The main thing I could find video.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Spektrowski on October 12, 2010, 09:57:19 am
Glad to see a fellow Russian here :D

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Alvarin on October 12, 2010, 10:54:15 am
That's strange, I am russian speaking guy myself, but wouldn't guess the original post to be in russian... Probably the translator also changes the words order...

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 12, 2010, 12:39:10 pm
Glad to see a fellow Russian here :D

Thanks the friend. I too am very glad to all of you. And as it is glad, that Star Control it is still live.

I work over a computer game in Universe Star Control. It 4X strategy, but work on game only right at the beginning. I think, at the best there can be something of years through seven.
For this purpose it was necessary for me to video of the ships. We will make 3D models on the basis of it video.

That's strange, I am russian speaking guy myself, but wouldn't guess the original post to be in russian... Probably the translator also changes the words order...

I not always understand about what you speak, unfortunately.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: dczanik on October 12, 2010, 05:10:08 pm
There are some 3D models here: ( (

It might make things quicker for you. Perhaps we can share? I'm creating a game too. I've created some 3D models that I planned to share with everybody anyways.  If you want 2D artwork  ( I can help there too.  Good luck with your game.  :)

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 12, 2010, 06:58:54 pm
There are some 3D models here: ( (

It might make things quicker for you. Perhaps we can share? I'm creating a game too. I've created some 3D models that I planned to share with everybody anyways.  If you want 2D artwork  ( I can help there too.  Good luck with your game.  :)

I have translated the text in two different translators. Tell me which option is best?

Really great thanks for the links. Some I've seen, but not all.

Our project is at a very early stage. Thank you for your offer to help us, but we do not even know what technologies we use in the project. While gathering material and working on the design document.

PS Thank you for your help project 6016. I really liked it.
Only upset that I was not able to gather minerals and improve the ship. I like it a lot in Star Control 2.

I have translated the text two different translators. Tell what variant better?

Many thanks for links. Some I already saw, but not all.

Our project is at the most initial stage. Thanks for your offer to help us, but we still at all do not know, what technologies we will use in the project. While we collect a material and we work over design the document.

PS Thanks you, for your help to the project 6016. Very much it was pleasant to me.
Has afflicted only that I had no possibility to collect minerals and to improve the ship. It very much was pleasant to me in Star Control 2.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: dczanik on October 12, 2010, 08:02:49 pm
I understand you. Both translations were fine. It is more difficult  understanding the Orz. :)

If you ever need assistance, just ask.

I think your problems with the 6014 demo (ship improvements and mineral gathering) will be fixed in an update or the full game.  I hope to play your game soon. :)

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 13, 2010, 08:11:24 am
I understand you. Both translations were fine. It is more difficult  understanding the Orz. :)

If you ever need assistance, just ask.

I think your problems with the 6014 demo (ship improvements and mineral gathering) will be fixed in an update or the full game.  I hope to play your game soon. :)

Oh! Yes! * ORZ * this is something incredible. Try to imagine how I understand them with my level of proficiency in English! :)

Thank you. I will remember that you are willing to help. :)
Wanted to ask if you can make a concept arts?

I should also add that our project will be a free open source software.

Oh! Yes! *ORZ* it something improbable. Try to present what to me them to understand with my level of knowledge of English language! :)

Thanks. I will remember, that you are ready to help. :)
Wished to ask, you can make concept arts?

I should add still, that our project will be free with an open initial code.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 13, 2010, 08:49:15 pm
Hey, Vasaka, this isn't a complaint, but more like friendly advice. Maybe you should post in your native language if you don't know English? If you were studying English and typing it yourself, that would be different, but auto-translation software is a bad thing to rely on. :) Of course, there is nothing wrong with posting an auto-translation as well, but if you post in your native language, another speaker of that language can more easily answer your question.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 13, 2010, 10:14:46 pm
Hey, Vasaka, this isn't a complaint, but more like friendly advice. Maybe you should post in your native language if you don't know English? If you were studying English and typing it yourself, that would be different, but auto-translation software is a bad thing to rely on. :) Of course, there is nothing wrong with posting an auto-translation as well, but if you post in your native language, another speaker of that language can more easily answer your question.

Actually, I've found everything I needed.
Thanks to everyone who helped.  :D

P.S. I doubt that anyone here can answer in Russian, so use an automatic translator.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: ziper1221 on October 13, 2010, 10:38:17 pm
I know nekron is from Ukraine, but I dont know if he speaks Ukrainian or Russian.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 14, 2010, 07:27:01 am
I know nekron is from Ukraine, but I dont know if he speaks Ukrainian or Russian.

I think all or almost all Ukrainians speak Russian. :)

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Alvarin on October 14, 2010, 10:14:11 am
Also I'm from Israel, but was born in Ukraine and speak Russian. (actually, I don't speak Ukrainian)

About posting in languages other than English - it contradicts forum guidelines.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 14, 2010, 12:28:54 pm
About posting in languages other than English - it contradicts forum guidelines.

You mean this forum? Well, the only thing there seems to be for rules/guidelines in this forum is the little blurb you agree to when you create an account, which doesn't say anything about English.

With that being said, I can understand that it's a good idea to post in English, because English is the dominant language on the internet. What I was suggesting was something more like this (pretend that the dominant language on the internet is French for a moment):

Salut, j'aime Le Ur-Quan Masters, mais je vais avoir un problème. Lorsque je démarre, il montre juste moi un écran vide. Est-ce que quelqu'un sait pourquoi ce qui se passerait? Je veux vraiment jouer à ce jeu génial!

Hi, I love The Ur-Quan Masters, but I'm having a problem. When I start up, it just shows me a blank screen. Does anyone know why this would happen? I REALLY want to play this awesome game!

This way, if someone happens to know English (again, we're in pretend-land where French is the dominant language), they can answer in English, which would be really helpful to me. In addition, if Google Translate gave an incomprehensible translation, an English-speaker will be able to read the English text instead of the badly-translated French text. But because the French translation is also there, non-English speakers will still be able to help me with my problem.

I suspect that translation software will translate my presentation of an example badly, so this is a note to those using Google Translate (i.e. Vasaka) to prevent confusion: The above is only a hypothetical example. I realize that English is the dominant language, and I don't actually have a problem with the game.

In retrospect, while I went to French-speaking pretend-land to take less time, considering how carefully I wrote that "clarification" message after, it probably would have been faster to just stay in the real world and translate Japanese text (of my own writing) to English. But, oh well.... :)

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Alvarin on October 14, 2010, 01:44:00 pm
About other languages - I was absolutely certain, but probably just got it from elsewhere...

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: lakota.james on October 14, 2010, 06:52:28 pm
Yeah, I thought you were supposed to post in English too.  If that's not a guideline on this forum, it is on most.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: ziper1221 on October 14, 2010, 11:23:15 pm
About posting in languages other than English - it contradicts forum guidelines.

Which of the six of us is going to care?

The only reason I asked about Ukrainian is I heard a story saying that although the two languages share a lot, the Ukrainians were resisting Russianization for cultural reasons.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Alvarin on October 15, 2010, 06:04:40 am
Not the "common folk", but the heads of state.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 15, 2010, 09:36:09 am
Not the "common folk", but the heads of state.

Absolutely! Russian people are fond of Ukrainians, and Ukrainians like Russian.
This political elite seek to divide people and to rewrite history.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 15, 2010, 12:26:36 pm
Not the "common folk", but the heads of state.

Absolutely! Russian people are fond of Ukrainians, and Ukrainians like Russian.
This political elite seek to divide people and to rewrite history.

Hey, since you're Russian or whatever, do you know what the citizens of the Soviet Union actually thought of the government at the time? I'm just curious, because American textbooks seem to suggest that citizens their hated the government and desperately wanted "freedom", which sounds a lot like American propaganda to me.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 15, 2010, 03:41:44 pm
Hey, since you're Russian or whatever, do you know what the citizens of the Soviet Union actually thought of the government at the time? I'm just curious, because American textbooks seem to suggest that citizens their hated the government and desperately wanted "freedom", which sounds a lot like American propaganda to me.

That's not true!
Of course, there are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Russian has always disliked. Also there is the western Ukraine, where the same thing. But that's all. People in other republics of the Soviet Union warmly relate to each other. As friends who have lived very long in the same house in which so many good memories of these times. In my town live 300 thousand people, and among them are representatives of almost all nationalities who have lived in the Soviet Union. And many nations that have never been part of the Soviet Union, all related to each other very well.
History books and television, is the main weapon of greedy politicians. They try to convince the younger generation of children, what they need. Want people to think as profitable for them. It's so sad.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 16, 2010, 01:36:21 am
Hey, since you're Russian or whatever, do you know what the citizens of the Soviet Union actually thought of the government at the time? I'm just curious, because American textbooks seem to suggest that citizens their hated the government and desperately wanted "freedom", which sounds a lot like American propaganda to me.

That's not true!
Of course, there are Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Russian has always disliked. Also there is the western Ukraine, where the same thing. But that's all. People in other republics of the Soviet Union warmly relate to each other. As friends who have lived very long in the same house in which so many good memories of these times. In my town live 300 thousand people, and among them are representatives of almost all nationalities who have lived in the Soviet Union. And many nations that have never been part of the Soviet Union, all related to each other very well.
History books and television, is the main weapon of greedy politicians. They try to convince the younger generation of children, what they need. Want people to think as profitable for them. It's so sad.

That is what I thought. I guess I asked partly because I'm a Communist (Anarchist Communist, to be exact), and partly because I have seen a video of Cuba which, while it was supposed to show how "horrible" Communism is, actually showed that the people of Cuba are perfectly content with their lives, probably even happy.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Lukipela on October 16, 2010, 08:49:23 pm
That is what I thought.

Keep in mind that while you've grown up with textbooks describing the oppressed people of the Soviet Union as freedom seeking oppressed victims, the guy you're talking to has grown up with textbooks describing the Soviet Union as workers paradise on earth, beset on all sides by captialist propaganda. You really think his propaganda textbooks are more accurate than your propaganda textbooks?

As a European, I know that most of the European countries under the Soviet union were not completely satisfied with the arrangement. The Baltic folks hated it, but it's not like Czechoslovakia or Eastern Germany was super happy about it either. Can't say much about the 'stans, but at least parts of Georgia don't seem too fond of modern day Russia either. I suspect love of Russians and fond rememberances of the Soviet Union it's mostly just a function of which countries are geographically closer and have a significant population percentage of ethnic Russians

I guess I asked partly because I'm a Communist (Anarchist Communist, to be exact),

Communism as a principle is all about equality and brotherhood. The communist states we've seen have mostly been dictatorships where some people are slightly more equal than others, and where the state runs things pretty tightly. Anarchism is pretty much the opposite of any Communist state we've seen, without five year plans and whatnot. Is Anarchist Communist something like small scale Communism within a deregulated group?

and partly because I have seen a video of Cuba which, while it was supposed to show how "horrible" Communism is, actually showed that the people of Cuba are perfectly content with their lives, probably even happy.

Well, except the ones killed or imprisoned by their government at least.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 16, 2010, 09:33:29 pm
I do not tell that has been written in our textbooks. I tell that I saw the eyes. I tell how I lived earlier and I live now.

If you ask: "USSR it is paradise?" - I will tell: No".
If you ask: "Russia it is paradise?" - I will tell: "Too is not present".
If you ask: "Where you would like to live?" - I will tell "Definitely in USSR!".

Despite many lacks which were in Soviet Union, it was much better than modern Russia and wild capitalism which we now have.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Lukipela on October 16, 2010, 09:50:32 pm
I do not tell that has been written in our textbooks. I tell that I saw the eyes. I tell how I lived earlier and I live now.

You made a pretty broad statement on how people in the Soviet Union relate to each other. Did you actually visit most of the Soviet Union during that time and find people relating "warmly" to you? Otherwise you tell what you read.

Despite many lacks which were in Soviet Union, it was much better than modern Russia and wild capitalism which we now have.

Yeah, the Gulags we're probably a lot better back then. On the other hand your neighbours no longer have to live in fear of being invaded and oppressed by a system responsible for the death of millions of its own citizens. So there is that.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 16, 2010, 10:32:31 pm
I see you at all do not know as there lived people in Soviet Union in 70-90 years.
And still you as at all do not know as in Russia people live now. :)

I do not consider it necessary to prove someone it. I have simply told, that I know and I see the eyes. That's all.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 16, 2010, 10:59:07 pm
Keep in mind that while you've grown up with textbooks describing the oppressed people of the Soviet Union as freedom seeking oppressed victims, the guy you're talking to has grown up with textbooks describing the Soviet Union as workers paradise on earth, beset on all sides by captialist propaganda. You really think his propaganda textbooks are more accurate than your propaganda textbooks?

I realize that there was propaganda from the Soviet Union as well; heck, that was one of the things I considered when I made that post. But I'm talking about happiness here, not whether it's actually a good system. Surely you know how much political and corporate bullshit there is in the US, but if I was to talk to a bunch of people here, chances are most of them would say that they're content with the government. Saying that everyone in the Soviet Union was in constant fear of death is like saying that everyone in the US is constantly struggling to battle the rich class. Sure, the problem does exist, but that doesn't stop people from being happy.

Now, you could easily argue that people in the Soviet Union were only content because of secrecy, propaganda, etc, but that doesn't make the people any less happy. In the same way, I could easily argue that people in the US are only happy because of a false hope of an "American dream" that has been instilled into their heads by the elite, but that doesn't make the people any less happy.

Communism as a principle is all about equality and brotherhood. The communist states we've seen have mostly been dictatorships where some people are slightly more equal than others, and where the state runs things pretty tightly. Anarchism is pretty much the opposite of any Communist state we've seen, without five year plans and whatnot. Is Anarchist Communist something like small scale Communism within a deregulated group?

No, Anarchist Communism ( is the belief that the capitalist market and private property should be abandoned in favor of common ownership of the means of production. It prefers voluntary organizations instead of greed-driven corporations and force-driven authoritarian governments.

I do not think the Soviet Union, Cuba, and North Korea are/were perfect or even close to perfect, but frankly, neither is the US.

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Lukipela on October 17, 2010, 02:34:24 pm
I see you at all do not know as there lived people in Soviet Union in 70-90 years.
And still you as at all do not know as in Russia people live now. :)

I do not consider it necessary to prove someone it. I have simply told, that I know and I see the eyes. That's all.

I see you do not know anything about the Soviet Union. I have simply told what the Russians and other people from that region I work and live with tell me they lived with every day. I do not consider it necessary to prove it to you, I'm just telling onpon4 that there is more than one truth here.

I realize that there was propaganda from the Soviet Union as well; heck, that was one of the things I considered when I made that post.

Fair enough, though it doesn't much show in your answer. It seemed like you were taking his opinions at face value as some sort of universal truth, which is the only reason I stepped into this conversation. I don't care much about your theories on happiness and contentment,  but I will say that the idea of voluntary organizations stepping up and common ownerships taking over has some serious problems in my opinion. If nothing else, it assumes that there is an endless supply of leaders and organizers ready to put in some very hard work though they may be replaced at a moments notice. Not everyone is equal in their abilities, and those abilities are both hard to find and replace even in the current system.

But if you want to debate that further we may as well continue with a new thread and not derail this one. Good luck with your project Vasaka!

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: onpon4 on October 17, 2010, 03:23:05 pm
But if you want to debate that further we may as well continue with a new thread and not derail this one. Good luck with your project Vasaka!

Alright, here's the new thread: (

Title: Re: Videoclips of the ships from 3DO are very necessary to me.
Post by: Vasaka on October 17, 2010, 09:03:49 pm
Good luck with your project Vasaka!

Thank you. :)