Title: Problems with building Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod for Linux Post by: Ahmed on April 25, 2011, 08:30:34 pm I have problems with building Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod.
I have a question: What are the requirements for it to be built? Answer as soon as possible! Title: Re: Problems with building Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod for Linux Post by: Novus on April 25, 2011, 08:45:08 pm Build requirements for EP's Crazy Mod should be identical to those of UQM. Just replace the src directory from the UQM source package with EP's modified src directory and compile as usual.
Title: Re: Problems with building Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod for Linux Post by: Ahmed on April 26, 2011, 10:15:56 am Build requirements for EP's Crazy Mod should be identical to those of UQM. Just replace the src directory from the UQM source package with EP's modified src directory and compile as usual. Okay. Thank you. |