The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Loadtheorig on May 10, 2011, 11:29:05 pm

Title: Combat controls do not work.
Post by: Loadtheorig on May 10, 2011, 11:29:05 pm
Hello all, have played this game since it's first release. This is the first time I have tried your recode, so far it is awesume.  I have ran into one issue that even remapping the fire control button is no fixing it.  When I am in combat, first the default key (Numberpad enter) then I remapped to (Left Control) would not fire anything, in any ship I tried.  The one time I turned on the Cyber function, it did fire normally as long as the game handled tehe firing.  Is there some other area that the commands to the keyboard get lost?  I am using a Logitech wirelees  keyboard with the newest drivers installed.
I have not had this issue with any of the Dos box games, any help would be appreciated

Load 8)

Title: Re: Combat controls do not work.
Post by: Novus on May 11, 2011, 02:15:23 pm
What operating system are you using? Which version of UQM are you using? What is your keyboard layout (amount of keys and language)?

Is this in SuperMelee, the main game, or both? If the cyborg can fire weapons (and you've tried several ships), we can rule out not having weapons installed on the flagship as the problem.

Do the rest of the controls work, i.e. can you turn and move and use secondary fire in combat correctly? If not, you may have selected another set of controls for player 1. If they do work, have you tried using the other default primary fire key, Right Control?

If none of this helps, please post your UQM key configuration file (keys.cfg in UQM 0.6.2). RTTFAQ to find it.