The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Dave Morse on February 15, 2003, 03:55:08 am

Title: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Dave Morse on February 15, 2003, 03:55:08 am
My girlfriend "invented" this tactic last night.  Flying her Chmrrr avatar against a Druuge mauler, she would only tractor me when I was to the left of her.  I got thrown off the right side of the screen before I could react, and then she'd start tractoring me again.  Repeat ad naseum.  Pretty soon I was going Impossibly Fast (tm), whipping around the screen, powerless to steer (even massive recoil was negligible relative to my huge velocity).  Evertime I flew past her ship (about 1 time per 1.5 second), her wingnuts would zap me for a point or two.  Pretty soon I was D.E.A.D. dead.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Captain Smith on February 15, 2003, 04:34:50 am
This is very effective - I discovered it myself once I realized some ships wouldn't tractor in but some would...especially with the lighter ships like the Pkunk I'd wait until they stopped going away from me....then I'd slam on the tractor and hit them when they come close...

I referenced this too with the "bad mistakes" the AI makes...the Druuge turns away and tries to resist your tractor with it's engines...wrong tactic...he flies in and dies...

Although I find too the screen whip tactic can really hurt you too if the other person knows what they're doing...and they're in a ship that can deliver that a Druuge Mauler...actually the AI will do you damage with that ship if you try to screen whip it...without finishing it off very quick...

My favorite...tractoring the Mycon after he releases his plasmoids  Boom Boom Laser Boom! heh heh

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on February 15, 2003, 09:02:06 am
Such a constructive reply...

Sounds like a nice tactic, I'll be sure to try it out.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Death 999 on February 16, 2003, 04:01:29 am
dude, my girlfriend plays SC some... it can happen

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on February 17, 2003, 02:49:00 am
Yeah right you have a who plays star control no less....

Your buddy tommy probably made it up.

You're just jealous, man.  Admit it.   :P

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Censored on February 17, 2003, 02:51:45 am
A girlfriend who knows how to use a computer?


any plays games inc/ Star Control ??


not around here they don't :P
Maybe I'll go to class tomorrow and tell all the girls I have Star Control 2.. you think that'll work?  8)

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on February 17, 2003, 03:06:26 am
Maybe I'll go to class tomorrow and tell all the girls I have Star Control 2.. you think that'll work?  8)

I'm sure they'll think you're a total stud!  There's no doubt in my mind!

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on February 17, 2003, 06:57:57 pm

Maybe I'll go to class tomorrow and tell all the girls I have Star Control 2.. you think that'll work?  8)

Just don't forget to meantion the fact that you also have a HUGE hardrive, and a "wicked" modem :) Oh, and before they come over, paint your computer black, put some leather and studs on it, and tell them it's a punk thing :)

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Culture20 on February 17, 2003, 11:17:32 pm
If telling them you have SC2 doesn't work, just remember the last line of the description of Timewarp:

   *  It will make you irresistible to members of the opposite sex.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 21, 2003, 05:38:07 am

Just don't forget to meantion the fact that you also have a HUGE hardrive, and a "wicked" modem :) Oh, and before they come over, paint your computer black, put some leather and studs on it, and tell them it's a punk thing :)

Or if everything fails and you want to get rid of them: Start talking funny, about joining your relatives, dress in feathers and tell'er it's a PKUNK thing   :D

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on February 21, 2003, 09:16:57 pm
And if she threatens to leave you, glue whiskers on your face, don't shave, and strap a big kettle onto your stomach. Then tell her that if she leaves you, you will have no choice but to make outr sun go navo with your Glory Device...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 21, 2003, 09:25:52 pm
If she leaves you and your Glory Device should malfunction, you could always wear a mask, talk in a really whining voice and befriend flowers - just a thought  ;)

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on February 27, 2003, 11:05:00 pm
Some of my best friends are flowers... Maybe I should start socializing with ppl instead?

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Censored on February 28, 2003, 02:20:26 am
I should do that too :P

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on February 28, 2003, 05:50:27 am
Hey *Smell* controller and *Many Bubbles* - guess what! I'm THE FRUNGY CHAMPION!


I looooooooove those little ones! I should print out a picture of them, frame it and put it on my wall!

(and I should read what I write before - maybe even think? Nah!)

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on March 06, 2003, 01:18:05 am
And now even my plant has died! Darn.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on March 06, 2003, 02:19:30 am
I truely sorry to hear that, LP.

Can you at least honor its ultimate sacrifice by rolling and smoking it?

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 06, 2003, 02:51:40 am
I truely sorry to hear that, LP.

Can you at least honor its ultimate sacrifice by rolling and smoking it?

I thought you were German, not Dutch.

Sorry, I just had to refer to the Toking-est Capital of the world, Amsterdam.  Is it just me or is legalizing marijuana a bad idea?  Hehe, all I know is that tourism has gone up in the Netherlands...  correlation?  I think so.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Azzizi on March 06, 2003, 03:22:07 am

All I have to say is, my girlfriend is not only a gamer chick, but she's almost a bigger gaming geek than I am. we're putting in DSL next week, and she squealed with joy when the hardware showed up today.

Also, she keeps saying how nice it'll be to have a connection worth playing online games with. Jedi Knight 2, modified, in particular.

And, unlike most girls I've known, her only question when I told her I had preordered a dreamcast was "When can i play it?", and it's *her* fault I spent money I shouldn't have on a Gamecube.

Gamer chicks are the absolute BEST. Cherish them. Nuture them. And if some non-gamer chick wants to try out some game you've been playing, by all means, patiently teach her. :) You might be able to convert her.

I know we've just got a couple people making noises of disbelief that a girl'd be at all interested in games, and SC2 in particular, but I have to put in my 2 cents on the topic of girls and their ability to be sexily geeky on principle. I'm a man with a mission to promote equality of the sexes in the gaming world. ;)

Cause let's face it, when girls play games with us, we all win. :D

Anyway, getting abck to the original topic, that's one of my favorite SC2 amusements-- Ship-throwing. i don't really do it to win, though. Just out of amusement. Another fun trick is to practice aiming with a Chmmr Whiplash, so you can throw small ships at planets.

the trick, of course, comes if your opponent is smart, and wipes out your zapsats in one of a few ways. The tactic fails *miserably* against a Thraddash Torch if the Chmmr is moving, for instance, and an Umgah Drone's primary will do a lot of damage if they're good, too. Plus the secondary, if I recall correctly, will stop a tractor whip cold.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on March 06, 2003, 04:53:39 am
Azzizi - spoken like a true Jedi - uh, Warrior, - no, GAMER!

I wish there were more than just a few girls interested in computer gaming. Usually it's very frustrating to even bring up the topic 'cause all THEY wanna do with a computer is check out the net or write eMails or whatever, if even!

Usually they just treat one like the geek one tries not to become (maybe too late?) - They just don't understand that gaming is a lot of fun. Okay, there's always interesting board-games and other stuff you can do with a woman, but...

Oh, Omni-Sama, I am a German, living about 2hrs away from the Netherlands, but I've only been there once during 10th grade (and that was a time when I didn't know yet what was good  ;D

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 07, 2003, 12:55:03 am
Oh, Omni-Sama, I am a German, living about 2hrs away from the Netherlands, but I've only been there once during 10th grade (and that was a time when I didn't know yet what was good  ;D

I want to go to Amsterdam!

Gamer chicks are few and far between.  Let me tell you, I've met some butch gamer chicks who I thought were men and who probably could have kicked my ass.  So, I'm just saying the female gaming crowd is more... varied than the geeky, nerdy Star Control II-obssessive geek males.  (i.e. me.  :-[ )

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on March 07, 2003, 04:27:29 pm
What? I'm a 3 metre tall weightlifting champion with a black belt in Karate! How dare you call me a neerdy geek! I will break both your legs!! You shall be cleansed!!  ;D

One a more serious note, don't assume all gamers are nerdy. One can combine  aperfectly "normal" life with endless hours of SC2 (and this forum apparently) without ever giving away ones shameful secret....

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on March 07, 2003, 06:18:38 pm
Yes, you can torture me, erase my harddisk, but I will NEVER tell (nor surrender).

As for the original topic - I've always sucked in melee and little tricks like this are really helpful. Although I prefer the straightforward attack, guns blazing. If I die, so be it!
I'll be back  8)

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on March 07, 2003, 07:08:21 pm
Indeed, the whiplash maneuver is a very good way of evening out some of the battles. As long as you don't whip yourself staright into a comet, and lose all that precious speed...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 08, 2003, 07:46:03 pm
One a more serious note, don't assume all gamers are nerdy. One can combine  aperfectly "normal" life with endless hours of SC2 (and this forum apparently) without ever giving away ones shameful secret....

You're telling me.  Not that I'm trying to boast or anything, but I certainly don't spend the majority of my time wearing pens in my shirt or arranging my anime action figure collection.  I leave that to the amateurs.

Using the Mauler and the whip is the best tactic, but firing the wrong way can often kill all your speed.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: RockasaurusRex2000 on March 24, 2003, 06:29:19 am

One can combine  aperfectly "normal" life with endless hours of SC2 (and this forum apparently) without ever giving away ones shameful secret....

I dont think so.  ::) Once the drug known as StarControl slowly pulls you in, theres no stopping it. It becomes your life.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on March 24, 2003, 07:09:18 am
So you did go to a supermarket and wanted to pay in R.U.s and when they were declined you offered Credits instead?

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on March 24, 2003, 06:57:56 pm
Hot tip, don't ask them if they have any fresh Supox, or Mycon in butter. It tends to confuse ppl...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Death 999 on March 24, 2003, 10:01:14 pm
They might get the Mycon in Butter, actually. An order for Supox is just wrong -- and, fortunately, unlikely to go filled.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on April 03, 2003, 08:23:29 pm
Waht? Where can you get Mycon in butter??? I must know!! I have to get some!! oooh, i'm craving for Mycon...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 09:40:06 am
Ever had a Chmmr gravity whip so hard that the ZapSats got left behind, and started feebly trying to catch up to you? I had that happen for the first time the other day... it was bizarre to say the least.

The Druuge Mauler's shot giving me a boost to my velocity probably contributed to the whole thing, I'm sure.

Yeah right you have a who plays star control no less....

Your buddy tommy probably made it up.

Girls: inventors of the phrase "what's the difference between 'star wars' and 'star trek' anyway?"

Lovely fellow, that NEMT. Makes me about as sorry to have missed him as I would be sorry about not being hit by a freight train.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on April 16, 2003, 12:47:05 pm
freight trains are fun...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 12:58:53 pm
So are Utwig Bombs.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: GermanNightmare on April 16, 2003, 02:13:48 pm
Tchooo Tchooooooo Kaboooooooooooom!

Lovely combination!

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 17, 2003, 01:36:04 pm
Perhaps I'm a little slow, but I'm getting the impression you've a few loose screws there, GN.

Not to say insanity is a bad thing by any means.

Look at us Kohr-Ah, after all. Insanely destroying all sentient races in a blind rage. Ah the sheer magnificence of it all.

As for NEMT's remark about girls, I quietly point out that of all the Trekkies and Star Wars fans I know, the most fanatic in each category that I know are girls, and this is considering the fact that I know several males that would embody the stereotype of the scifi fanatic convention geek.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: ScreamingTemporalDoom on April 17, 2003, 01:48:22 pm
 Look at us Kohr-Ah, after all. Insanely destroying all sentient races in a blind rage.

Y'know, I never got the impression that the Kohr-Ah went about things in a blind rage. I always imagined them as being calm and collected, perfectly logical. Like a movie serial killer. Always willing to explain calmly and without malice in excruitating detail how they were going to destroy you.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 17, 2003, 01:57:07 pm
True, I suppose the rage is a bit of an icy rage.

But it is a rage nonetheless, one diverted from their rage at the Dnyarri.

It was also 3 in the morning when I wrote that last post, so I plead you to give me a bit of leeway in my poor word usage.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 18, 2003, 10:40:27 pm
It was also 3 in the morning when I wrote that last post, so I plead you to give me a bit of leeway in my poor word usage.

NO!  If I must be criticised for every word I type in these forums, so should you!  There is no escaping the brutal, intense grilling of the insane members of these boards!  If I have to feel the burn, so do you!!   :P

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 20, 2003, 04:28:44 am
That's 'criticize' not 'criticise'.
*evil look*

Could not resist.

Mmm, feel the burn...
*toggles F.R.I.E.D.*

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 20, 2003, 09:53:59 am
That's 'criticize' not 'criticise'.
*evil look*

Could not resist.

Mmm, feel the burn...
*toggles F.R.I.E.D.*

Well, let me tell you something, young lady!  I dunno where you come from, but I come from a strange and distant country called Canada!  In this strange and frozen land of ice and hockey, we spell our words different than other people!  Why?!  Because we can!  If we want to spell criticize the right way, we will!!!  Just because colour and neighbour are spelt the wrong way in your foreign land, that's no reason to impose your strange language on us!  If we want to drink beer and then hit eachother into glass boards for fun, we will!  And no one's going to stop us!

*ahem* ...  thank you.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 20, 2003, 10:14:43 am
Well I have to admit, being in Canada for the next couple months, I rather love poutine and Aero bars.

*evil grin* 'sides, you Canucks can be dreadful silly in a cute and entertaining sort of way.

Side note... Chmmr tractor is pretty fun with an Umgah as well, especially if they're gearing up (rotating) to use a reverse thrust on you. Then they're sent rocketing past and trying to realign themselves--- then you tractor them in again--- and pretty soon you have this lil guy zipping around the screen like an idiot..

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 20, 2003, 10:19:09 am
Well I have to admit, being in Canada for the next couple months, I rather love poutine and Aero bars.

J'adore la poutine!

What do you mean "being in Canada for the next couple months"?  You must be an American by birth, right?  Have you been wrongfully planted into our strange and radically different Canadian culture?  It's so funny to see the difference between Americans and Canucks when you first cross that border... yup, we're pretty entertaining and we often have our moments of brilliance.  Then we do something stupid like sell nuclear reactors to North Korea, hoping they won't make bombs.  Yup, leave it to Canadians.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 20, 2003, 10:54:26 am
American chick, come visiting a Canadian sweetheart for a couple of months.

Well, what you mentioned rings familiar with the Yehat giving ship technology to the Shofixti--- or the Ur-Quan giving ship technology to the Ilwrath.

Speaking of being the only female SC fan you know--- isn't there a female fanartist of SC2 on the PONAF site? Yukki?
(Or is Kirin a guy...)

And might I mention that those anime-style SC2 fanart works are absolutely adorable :D

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Death 999 on April 21, 2003, 08:31:41 pm
One moment. If you have a canadian sweetheart, doesn't that sort of imply that you're not, well, as a-amorous as you presented yourself in a different thread??

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Lukipela on April 21, 2003, 08:34:40 pm
Yukki is an amazing artist, that's for sure.

Maybe she means it literally? She has a sweet heart waiting for her over there, kind of like a bonus easter egg? You never know with the Kohr-Ah...

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 22, 2003, 04:53:52 am
Mmm... yummy.

Okay, to be utterly candid with my personal life-- (why am I being candid with my life in a SC2 forum, again?) things are going rather crappily.

So the whole cynicism with amor still holds true.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 23, 2003, 03:34:36 am
So the whole cynicism with amor still holds true.

Happens to the best of us.  :P

So where are you visiting in Canada?  Southern Ontario?  Just curious, because as you know, Canada's a pretty damn big place.  Lots of snow, ice and igloos as you know, I'm sure.   ;D

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 23, 2003, 05:49:02 am
Toronto area.

Title: Re: Chmrrr whiplash
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 24, 2003, 02:26:18 am
Wow, back to the topic... the most fun ship to whiplash using the chmmr tractor beam is by far the Pkunk Fury.  Just get it started and then rotate the ship over and over again.  It'll keep spinning as the ship goes flying over and over across the screen.  Imagine how dizzy those poor Pkunkies would be!   ;D