Title: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Messiah on February 15, 2003, 07:11:33 pm First I would like to thank everyone who has contributed in bringing back one hell of a game.
It has been many moons since I have played SC2 and when I found toysforbob.com a couple days ago I was ecstatic to find out SC2 was getting re-released. I could bore you all with my gratitude but, that will come another time. =) I have one question that I was never able to answer way back in the day that has to do with the Melnorme. The question is if I remember correctly there is a question that you can ask about why the background changed from pink to blue (old age = forgetfulness) I may be wrong about the colors. However, the Melnorme says that he would answer it for I think it was a million or so credits. Was anything ever scripted for the answer or did the question come before you could even get credits. If there is an answer anyone mind sharing that with me? Thanks again guys. Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Lukipela on February 15, 2003, 07:19:56 pm The purple bridge question is impossible to answer. It's not actually scripted into the game, you cannot even get that amount of credits, even if you cheat, the counter wraps round back to 0 agter a certain amount...
For more discussion on this see http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Gendiscuss;action=display;num=1038884710 And of course, here : http://uqm.stack.nl/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Gendiscuss;action=display;num=1041224481 Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Messiah on February 15, 2003, 07:25:07 pm ohh yes it turns out I am once again the normal n00b. hehe I should have looked closer.
Thanks for the quick reply. Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: JonoPorter on February 20, 2003, 10:53:24 am now the real question is "did the creators have a answer for that question?" i think they probley put that in as a joke to ad to the many others they put in :P
Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Cyamarin on February 21, 2003, 02:38:14 am Incidentally, if you threaten the Melnorme, their bridge will turn red. Interestingly enough, they'll part with the explanation for THAT for free. Save, try it and see.
Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Omni-Sama on February 21, 2003, 02:52:30 am When do the Melnorme change the bridge colour of their ship? I always thought it was the first time you meet them, and you introduce yourself.
I used to think it was like "yellow alert" to "green alert" sorta thing. They're cautious when they first meet you, but once you tell them who you are and they see you're worthy of trade, their bridge changes colour and you get to be pals. Of course, there is no solid explanation, I just offer you this theory from way back in the day. Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Cyamarin on February 21, 2003, 06:13:54 am Actually...the bridge is blue when you meet them EVERY time you talk to them. It changes to purple when you say "let's start trading now", or whatever it is you say. The bridge turns red when you threaten them.
Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: Nightclaw247 on February 21, 2003, 06:58:57 am I don't know about the original PC version, but in the 3do version once the bridge turned purple when you began trading with the Melnorme, it started and stayed purple for every encounter after that.
Title: Re: The Melnorme's secret. Post by: JonoPorter on February 21, 2003, 07:36:58 am Yes the background turned purple when you started trading, but every time you talk to them after that the screen starts is red then turns to purple.