The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: dczanik on December 13, 2011, 07:44:47 pm

Title: P6014: What Resolution are you playing
Post by: dczanik on December 13, 2011, 07:44:47 pm
 ::) I just saw you could post polls on this board.

I posted on the SC-DB board, but I also wanted to get input on here....
And just so the results aren't skewed.... If you've already voted, on SC-DB, there's no need to let us know your vote (again).  We already got your vote.  :)

We are just really curious what resolutions people are really playing the game in. So What Resolution(s) are you playing Project 6014?

Title: Re: P6014: What Resolution are you playing
Post by: hackdx on December 13, 2011, 07:52:28 pm
High-res, but the lower one of the two. I really like the look of the new artwork. The bigger version is far too slow, though, so I just scale up the 640 version.

Title: Re: P6014: What Resolution are you playing
Post by: player1 on December 13, 2011, 08:38:22 pm
1280x960. Better looking and less buggy then 640x480.