Title: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: hano on January 27, 2012, 01:45:30 pm Hello game, this game is awesome. I hope a new installment is released even if the creators don't have the rights to the Star Control Title. I didn't know what this game was about and thought it was outdated, but now that I played it I know what all the fuss is about and as soon as I did that I signed the petition.
My problem is, I've been a successful star captain so far. However, I made a wrong turn and I'm now deep in the conflict ground of the UrQuan and the Kor Ar. The UrQuan are swarming me and if I escape another fleet catches me. Is there like a cheat or something to get me out of this situation? The Urquan fleet is faster than my ship, but at least if I can only stall till I get out of the hot zone :( Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: Death 999 on January 27, 2012, 04:52:05 pm Load from an earlier saved game, and don't do that next time.
If you happen to have a device with rapid extraction ability, you can try to activate it before they get you again. It might work. Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: hano on January 27, 2012, 05:52:39 pm Load an earlier save game.....nooooooooooooooooooooooo, I really screwed up and didn't space my save games properly. No Extracty thingy either :(
I guess I royally screwed up. Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: onpon4 on January 27, 2012, 06:25:47 pm If you've ever played any King's Quest games, this is nothing.
Big tip: maximize your thrusters and turning jets. You'll be able to outrun anything, even the Slylandro. Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: Alvarin on January 28, 2012, 02:30:46 am What you could do is maybe use a memory cheat.
Start new game or load semi-advanced previous one, search memory for all values. Fly some distance right, search for values that are bigger. Then left and search for reduced. do that, until you have just a few addresses. Try changing them and see if your position changes. Then load your 'Quanned savegame and modify your location. Just might work... For Windows, there is a program called "ArtMoney", in Linux, there is "scanmem" - but I think you need to start with a number for scanmem. In that case, before search fly to whatever zero coordinate first. Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: Ace987 on January 29, 2012, 05:03:19 am I've done that before.
Just saved the game before each battle and loaded if I lost my escort or had high casualties. It may take awhile depending on how deep you are in. At least if you make it out that way, you will gain quite a bit of resources. Title: Re: Help I'm Stuck between the UrQuan and the Kor AR Post by: CelticMinstrel on January 30, 2012, 04:51:00 am When I ran into this issue a little while ago, I hunted down a save-game editor to change my location... I think that might be a little better than a memory editor! But I'd recommend doing it on a duplicate of your save, just in case.