Title: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: Xerus on February 19, 2012, 01:06:51 am Hello everybody,
I have a 'little' problem. I would like translate the file starbase.txt but it doesn't work. The text is always in english. I thinked that it was a path problem and I deleted the starbase.txt (in base/comm/starbase/) for a test and the speech are always present during the game !!! I translated (partialy) other texts (ex: ilwrath, spathi, commander, urquan) and all works, so I don't understand why with starbase.txt my translation don't operate ?! Kinds regards, Xerus. Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: meep-eep on February 19, 2012, 04:12:01 pm Are you sure that the dialog you're testing with comes rom starbase.txt and not commander.txt? The latter is used until you unlock the StarBase facilities.
Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: Xerus on February 19, 2012, 06:25:16 pm Yes I am sure because I translated commander.txt at 100%.
After the starbase is effectively unlocked and the new speechs of Hayes are in the starbase.txt now. But my changes don't work in this file, the text is always in English on the screen ! I did a test with UQMDialogTool and I see my changes. It is truly an incomprehensible story for me. Thank you for your reply. Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: meep-eep on February 19, 2012, 06:47:13 pm UQM actually merges directories from various locations into one virtual directory.
Do you by any chance have some addon or other packed UQM content file? Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: Xerus on February 19, 2012, 07:18:19 pm Here my tree:
packages/ uqm-0.7.0-content.uqm.zip addons/ uqm-0.7.0-3domusic.uqm / uqm-0.7.0-voice.uqm / uqm-remix-disc1.uqm / uqm-remix-disc2.uqm / uqm-remix-disc3.uqm My save game could be involved, perhaps? Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: meep-eep on February 19, 2012, 07:41:03 pm Edit: ignore this posting. It is wrong. Listen to fossil.
Oh... this is not good... we also have some comm .txt files in uqm-0.7.0-voice.uqm. As a work-around, you could probably rename your addon so that it loaded after the voice package, by giving it a name which comes after uqm-0.7.0-voice.uqm in the alphabet. Though I have not tested this. Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! Post by: fossil on February 19, 2012, 08:05:22 pm Xerus, vanilla UQM 0.7 distro contains *two* versions of starbase.txt. One in content/base/comm/starbase and one in content/addons/3dovoice/starbase (or both inside the corresponding .uqm files). One is used when voices are turned off and the other when voices are on. They contains slightly different versions of dialog.
If you are replacing the base/comm/starbase/ file, then turn off voices when testing, otherwise replace the other file. A few other comms also have dual dialog files, so watch out! Title: Re: Problem to translate starbase.txt ! [Problem solved] Post by: Xerus on February 19, 2012, 09:22:12 pm Great, I know where comes from my problem thanks to you, I can rest easy now :)
I tried your trick but it doesn't work. Logically if I remove the addon voices or if I replace the 2nd starbase.txt it works now. Thanks for your precious help, meep-eep & fossil. |