Title: So who can we blame... Post by: JHGuitarFreak on June 29, 2012, 05:59:34 am ...For the broken "mark as read" button?
I might have asked this in the past or maybe the administrator decided it wasn't important enough to fix. Also SMF has reached 2.0.2, it might be time to update. Title: Re: So who can we blame... Post by: meep-eep on June 30, 2012, 12:28:13 am Well, I'm the one who maintains the forum installation on forum.uqm.stack.nl, so I guess you can blame me, if you like.
Though no-one told me that that button was broken. Any idea around what time this happened? (I don't use the thing myself.) As for upgrading, I really want to avoid that for as long as possible, as the theme could very likely not be kept, and would have to be remade. The 1.1 branch still receives security updates, and there is no other pressing need to upgrade that I am aware of. And personally, when the time comes that 1.1 no longer suffices, I'd rather abandon SMF altogether, and switch to something not written in PHP. (Keeping the forum history would be paramount though.) Edit: Button is now fixed. Title: Re: So who can we blame... Post by: meep-eep on June 30, 2012, 01:12:47 am Apparently, I did once (http://forum.uqm.stack.nl/index.php?topic=4535.0) know about this problem, but forgot about it.
The "new" link should work ok now as well. Btw, these issues were caused by the last major upgrade, which is exactly the reason why I'm not jumping at the chance to do that again. Title: Re: So who can we blame... Post by: JHGuitarFreak on June 30, 2012, 12:15:16 pm Nice, didn't expect an answer so soon.
It's been broken for quite awhile, I just never thought of asking before now. |