The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: blueboy669 on March 31, 2013, 08:04:30 am

Title: Settings
Post by: blueboy669 on March 31, 2013, 08:04:30 am
Hi there,

Just downloaded The U Quan Masters for the first time yesterday I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to tell me which settings should be used for the best sound and graphics?

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: Tiberian on March 31, 2013, 08:51:26 am
It is a matter of taste.

I personally prefer not to use scalers and play with a 1024x768 window with scanlines disabled.

The slightly more important settings are the 3DO/PC settings. Here's my lottery ticket: "text, gradients, text, smooth, enabled, smooth, slides, static". But once again, it is a matter of preference.

For me the most important settings are the audio options. I strongly recommend using the original music for the first playthrough. That means disabling 3DO and UQM remixes.

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: blueboy669 on March 31, 2013, 09:25:23 am
So the Scaler set to Biadapt?

What about

Show FPS?

Sound Driver?


Sound Quality?

Is there any way to return to defaults?

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: blueboy669 on March 31, 2013, 09:45:22 am
also what about positional audio?

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: onpon4 on March 31, 2013, 06:30:47 pm
Positional audio sucks, don't use it.

I disagree with Tiberian about the music; that's just a matter of taste, too. But I do think that you should not have the voices enabled (not even have them installed), because you miss an important line of dialog from one of the aliens and also because I think it's cool to decide for yourself how they sound. If you disagree and decide to enable voices, see the sticky topic on this forum when it's relevant.

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: Tiberian on April 01, 2013, 02:36:57 pm
Here's one universal piece of advice:

If you don't know what a setting does or don't have a good idea of what you want to select, leave it at default value.

onpon4 is of course correct and the music is also a matter of taste. But I strongly disagree with him about the voices. I believe that a new player gets more out of the game with voices enabled.

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: oldlaptop on April 02, 2013, 03:27:49 am
So the Scaler set to Biadapt?

I personally like biadv - but biadapt is very similar. I do *not* like the HQ variants, but again, this is all a matter of taste.

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: CelticMinstrel on April 11, 2013, 10:38:00 pm
The only problem with enabling the voices is that some important clues are left out.

Title: Re: Settings
Post by: storyyeller on April 21, 2013, 06:37:58 am
Personally, I hate the voices. The Orz just aren't as creepy when they all sound like humans.

I'm glad I decided not to bother installing them for my first playthrough.