Title: Bug Database? Post by: Starbork on December 01, 2002, 10:59:08 pm Greetings!
Is there a format in place or presumed for entering and tracking UQM bugs? Could such be accomplished via a single thread here, to reduce duplicates and track fixed/version bugs? It seems that a consilidated area and common bug numbering system would be useful. I am new to the open-source community and am unsure how this process is normally handled. I am a games tester by trade, however, and am very excited to help UQM in any way that I am able. Thanks! Starbork Title: Re: Bug Database? Post by: meep-eep on December 02, 2002, 06:21:36 pm There will be a bug database in time. We didn't expect so much people already (then again, we didn't expect being slashdotted)
Title: Re: Bug Database? Post by: Starbork on December 02, 2002, 11:54:27 pm Acknowledged, thanks!
-starbork |