The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => Technical Issues => Topic started by: Curley_Sue on February 27, 2003, 10:56:01 pm

Title: help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on February 27, 2003, 10:56:01 pm
I have downloaded the last version (for the first time) on Feb 25th. I can't seem to get the speech to work. I've tried downloading again the "voice" by the installer, as well as tuning the sound and music to 80 while the speech to 100 and still don't get anything (music and sound effects are working fine), I would appreciate an your kind answer.
Thanking you very much for reviving this game (I was looking for it for ages!!!)

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: PhracturedBlue on February 27, 2003, 11:11:09 pm
Do you see the subtitles?
Can you post the messages you see in the text-output when going into dialog mode?
What platform are you running on (Mac/Windows/Linux)?

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on February 28, 2003, 02:42:55 am
thank u 4 taking the time to help me. I can play the game,
I can see the subtitles, answer, fight and so on. only the speech does not appear to b working. I am using Windows XP on a leptop

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: PhracturedBlue on February 28, 2003, 03:08:17 am
In the background box (the text box)  you should see messages about trying to read the .ogg files (these are the voice files).  Could you tell us what messages you see there?

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on February 28, 2003, 03:27:23 am
Switching to stream comm/comandr/coman003.ogg at pos 0
StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: buffer underrun when playing comm/comandr/coman003.ogg, source 6

StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: finished playing comm/comandr/coman003.ogg, source 6

SpliceTrack<>: loading comm/comandr/coma006.ogg
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
StreamDecoderTaskFunc<>: finished playing comm/comandr/coman006.ogg, source 6
SoundDecoder_Decode<>: looping
SoundDecoder_Decode<>: looping comm/comandr/comandr.mod

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on February 28, 2003, 06:09:20 pm
Dear moderators,
I would love if u could let me know whether u have found a way to resolve this problem...
Thanking u in advance!

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: PhracturedBlue on February 28, 2003, 08:04:37 pm
This is very interesting.
SpliceTrack<>: loading comm/comandr/coma006.ogg
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/comandr.coma006.ogg at pos 0

I see 2 problems here:
1) comm/comandr.coma006.ogg should be comm/comandr/coma006.ogg

2) the second line (pos 0) should be something like pos 32169

For instance, here is a sample of the comandr speaking on my system:

SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb128.ogg
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/starbas/starb126.ogg
Switching to stream comm/starbas/starb129.ogg at pos 0
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/starbas/starb129.ogg
Switching to stream comm/starbas/starb129.ogg at pos 32347

What this means is that UQM did not find the .ogg files it needs to play the game.

So, 1st off:  can you go to the content directory (probably C:\Program Files\The Ur-Quan Masters\content), then go into comm\comandr\ and see if coma006.ogg is in there?
If not, then something  went wrong during installation.  If it is there, then I'll have to do some more digging.

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on February 28, 2003, 08:40:05 pm
besides the ogg.dll I have no ogg files (I looked in the sub dir you suggested)
I am trying at the moment to download again the whole pack - hopefully it was a problem in the installation...
I'll let you know, thanx!

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: Curley_Sue on March 02, 2003, 03:01:01 am
It was an installation problem after all. it works perfectly fine now, thanx for the help!!!

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: ASCI_Blue on March 05, 2003, 07:46:48 am
Any tuxers have this prob? I did a selfie compile, have a /comm/location of ogg dir and also get no voices.

_GetMusicData(): loading lbm/starbase.mod
   decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 170202
       'comandr.con' -- 223 bytes
       'lbm/player.fon' -- 1 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.ani' -- 2731 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.fon' -- 1 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.ct' -- 292 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.mod' -- 67076 bytes
_GetMusicData(): loading comm/comandr/comandr.mod
   decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 170202
       'comm/starbas/starbas.txt' -- 61508 bytes
Found timestamp file: comm/starbas/starbas.ts
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb011.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb011.ogg, source 6

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: PhracturedBlue on March 07, 2003, 08:14:18 pm
Any tuxers have this prob? I did a selfie compile, have a /comm/location of ogg dir and also get no voices.

_GetMusicData(): loading lbm/starbase.mod
   decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 170202
       'comandr.con' -- 223 bytes
       'lbm/player.fon' -- 1 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.ani' -- 2731 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.fon' -- 1 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.ct' -- 292 bytes
       'comm/comandr/comandr.mod' -- 67076 bytes
_GetMusicData(): loading comm/comandr/comandr.mod
   decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 170202
       'comm/starbas/starbas.txt' -- 61508 bytes
Found timestamp file: comm/starbas/starbas.ts
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb011.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb011.ogg, source 6

This isn't actually enough information.  I need to see something more like:

SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb128.ogg
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/starbas/starb126.ogg
Switching to stream comm/starbas/starb129.ogg at pos 0
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/starbas/starb129.ogg
Switching to stream comm/starbas/starb129.ogg at pos 32347

(play a track with multiple pages of text output)

Otherwise, i can't help you much.

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: ASCI_Blue on March 07, 2003, 10:29:11 pm
Found timestamp file: comm/starbas/starbas.ts
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb014.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb014.ogg, source 6
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb038.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb038.ogg, source 6
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb020.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb020.ogg, source 6
       'lbm/starbase.ani' -- 971 bytes
       'lbm/starbase.mod' -- 55024 bytes

How's that? I take it that the voice and 3do music after being unzipped should be in the content directory?

Title: Re:  help!!!: speech does not function
Post by: ASCI_Blue on March 09, 2003, 06:40:50 am
It's a permissions issue.

All right, now I'm freaked out. I'm trading with the Melnorme at Alpha Centauri at 0106 PST and speech worked.

SpliceMultiTrack(): loading...
 track: comm/melnorm/melno196.ogg, decoder: Ogg Vorbis, rate 11025 format 170102
 track: comm/melnorm/melno176.ogg, decoder: Ogg Vorbis, rate 11025 format 170102
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/melnorm/melno203.ogg
SpliceMultiTrack(): loading...
 track: comm/melnorm/melno172.ogg, decoder: Ogg Vorbis, rate 11025 format 170102
 track: comm/melnorm/melno201.ogg, decoder: Ogg Vorbis, rate 11025 format 170102
 track: comm/melnorm/melno181.ogg, decoder: Ogg Vorbis, rate 11025 format 170102
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/melnorm/melno074.ogg
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno196.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno176.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno203.ogg at pos 0
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/melnorm/melno203.ogg
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno172.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno201.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno181.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg at pos 0
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg, source 6

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

And then it stopped again.

SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/melnorm/melno203.ogg
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno172.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno201.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno181.ogg at pos 0
Switching to stream comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg at pos 0
SoundDecoder_Decode(): eof for comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/melnorm/melno204.ogg, source 6
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/melnorm/melno078.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/melnorm/melno078.ogg, source 6