Title: crash before combat Post by: jpmeyer on February 28, 2003, 10:47:57 am I'm running UQM v.2 under Win2k. I've found that once that Spathi put up their slave shield (which for me is taking place in January 2156,) the next time I enter combat the game crashes. It doesn't seem to matter how long it takes until I enter combat for the next time (I've managed to delay it up to a month or so in some cases,) it always crashes. I've reloaded saved games from a few months before and every time this seems to be the case
Title: Re: crash before combat Post by: PhracturedBlue on February 28, 2003, 07:46:38 pm Can you send us a save-game right before the game crashes (i.e. a savegame right before an encounter that will cause the crash).
The best way to do this is to open a bug, and include the savegame as an attachment. Title: Re: crash before combat Post by: jpmeyer on February 28, 2003, 11:20:59 pm I filed the bug report, but where can I find the saved games so I can attach one to it?
Title: Re: crash before combat Post by: PhracturedBlue on March 01, 2003, 12:53:29 am they should be in a directory like:
C:\Documents and Setting\Username\Application Data\uqm\save\ the save numbers are 1 less than what you see in the load screen (so game '10' is starcon2.09) |