Title: How Do I Record With Fraps? Post by: DracoCimmerian on September 03, 2014, 03:10:39 am Hey I have started a youtube channel (RookieVideos Co.) and I have been recording and uploading videos fine. I start it up and now the Fraps number in the corner will not pop up and I can not record. Anyone have an idea to fix this? Does Fraps not recognise it as a game?
Title: Answer! Post by: DracoCimmerian on September 03, 2014, 06:35:24 am I Figured it out! Fraps wont recognise certain games as games (I think it does not recognise Star Control 2 because it is so old). With Ur-Quan when you install the game it will show three ways to open it; Ur-Quan Masters, Safe mode and Safe openGL. Fraps will recognise games rendered in openGL or DirectX so open it in safe openGL