Title: Starmap Post by: Dumple on December 31, 2014, 04:45:46 am I think Star Control 2 came with a printed star map. It would be neat if TUQM included an image or pdf of the starmap.
There are some here: http://www.star-control.com/starmaps.php Especially this first one: http://www.star-control.com/files/Starmaps/01.jpg It looks cool, and could be good for finding things (although hitting / to search is even easier). But more importantly, it helps with one of the puzzles: (click to show/hide) Title: Re: Starmap Post by: Krulle on January 03, 2015, 09:59:42 am I do not know in how far the map is open source now...
But then, most users would not look at the files anyway. And those who do would find the map online easily, as they would be the ones also coming online to check more about the game.... |