The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: Vee-R on March 09, 2003, 03:51:37 am

Title: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 09, 2003, 03:51:37 am

I don't think I've ever heard anyone give the Thraddash tune a try before, so I decided to tackle it today. Didn't turn out half bad, IMO... check it out.  It's also already in .OGG format and loops nicely, so you can use it in the game (copy it to content\comm\thradd\thradd.ogg in that case) - might tide you over until we get the official remix  ;D

Enjoy.  Comments welcome.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Shiver on March 09, 2003, 04:12:16 am
.OGG format? Well, it doesn't seem to work with winamp.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 09, 2003, 04:35:28 am
.OGG format? Well, it doesn't seem to work with winamp.

Make sure you have a recent version of winamp 2.x - it definitely works with winamp 2.81 (and should probably work with 2.8, too)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Shiver on March 09, 2003, 06:15:20 am
Sounds great!

Only... it's a little out of character seeing as how the Thraddash were too weak and troublesome for the Ur-Quan to even allow them into a war. This music makes the Thraddash out as mythical titans that gloriously flew in to save their masters and wiped out the Kohr-Ah.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 09, 2003, 06:26:28 am
Well, there's nothing too epic/glorious about it - I think it nicely shows their comically violent/angry nature (comically, that is, when coupled with thier weakness).  But hey, I'm ok with your opinion - that's what I posted this for.
More people? ;)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Shiver on March 09, 2003, 06:28:32 am
I didn't mean to say it sounded "epic". Just too powerful.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: ErekLich on March 09, 2003, 07:09:47 am
hmmm.... I like it.  It's a bit too fast, methinks, but I like it.  I don't think it's too powerful, just... not QUITE "Thraddash sounding" to me.  On the plus side, this is the first remix that I've thought was even close to fitting the race to begin with, so it works.

Nice job VileRancour!

Title: Server down; can't download remix
Post by: Novus on March 09, 2003, 07:23:11 pm seems to be dead; I'm getting timeouts on every single request. It's still responding to pings, so I guess it's a software failure.

Does anyone have a copy on a more reliable server?

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 09, 2003, 10:08:46 pm
First of all... I LOVE THIS TRACK!!!  The guitar accompaniment is wicked.  I especially like the high-pitched, squeeling chords.  Its a little fast to be the Thraddash, but remixes are supposed to change the sound of the piece.  You've really done that, but also kept the hardcore rock sound of the song.  Hehe, this is a really great track!

I haven't tried it in game yet, but I figure it might be a little loud and fast to match the awesome speech of the Thraddash.  No worries, though...  I don't need to listen to them talk with the wicked guitar howling in the background.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Nic. on March 10, 2003, 12:47:58 am
Riku Nuottajarvi is rolling over in his grave  :P

Just kidding.  This is absolute perfection.  This track works in-game amazingly well, too.

The only thing I would suggest is dropping the levels by perhaps 0.5dB, as it is just a touch "too loud" compared to the rest of the in-game music; it somewhat drowns out the speech.

Oh, and take it out of the ZIP file; OGGs don't compress for shit, and those of us who like our music streamed can enjoy it quicker if you do.  ;)

Kudos.  Perhaps the re-mix project will take it and run with it.  After all, it's less work for them if they do.  :)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Dave Morse on March 10, 2003, 09:17:53 am
This song nails it.  Period.   ;D

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Chad on March 10, 2003, 07:37:57 pm
Enjoy.  Comments welcome.

Can I mirror/provide this on PNF?  In the files->remixes section?

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 10, 2003, 08:09:54 pm
Thank you all!

About the loudness level - I myself haven't tried this in-game yet... this can be solved though.
And the ZIP is because I was quite sure Angelfire don't allow file types they don't recognize or want (like most other free hosting sites) - I might be wrong, though. :)
Chad - great! Of course you can.  This will also help Novus and anyone else who cannot download from Angelfire.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Novus on March 10, 2003, 11:41:32 pm
This will also help Novus and anyone else who cannot download from Angelfire.

Angelfire seems to have got their act together now. I'm getting a nice and steady 3.8 kB/s from them now. Even Angelfire is preferable to the insane bureaucracy of FilePlanet. Let's see what this tune is like...

Crikey! None of this "something completely different" remix project nonsense here. Just raw Thraddash attitude and power. And nicely done, too. Sounds like guitars and drums added to the original MOD, which actually works quite well and firmly ties the remix to the original. Hmm... I think this one gets to be uqm/sc2/content/comm/thradd/thradd.ogg.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 11, 2003, 12:37:24 am
Yes - that's what I basically did; I tried to change the MOD instrumentation around a bit but it just ended up sounding lousy, so I stuck with the original accompaniment (did sneak in some changes here and there, though).  Glad you like it.

Oh, yes, and Chad - if you do put this up on the PNF, please credit it to Ringwraith.  That's still my nom-de-guerre over there. :)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: RIku Nuottajärvi on March 12, 2003, 10:32:04 am
Hey VileRancour, you did really great work on Thraddash remix!

I didn't think that it's too powerful, actually i just *loved* the power in the track. Great guitars!  

Riku Nuottajarvi is rolling over in his grave!

- Riku

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: ErekLich on March 15, 2003, 07:25:49 am
Vile - man, at first I wasn't so sure about this song but the more I listen to it the better it gets.  You rock.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Shiver on March 15, 2003, 08:52:20 am
Hm... I wonder if this will be declared an official remix. Assuming that post above really is from Riku, it's entirely possible.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 16, 2003, 12:44:37 am
If this IS Riku - I'm flattered!  Thank you, and the others as well.

It wasn't my intention for it to be an "official" remix, of course - I'm actually interested in hearing what the team will come up with for this one. :)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Slylendro on March 16, 2003, 02:43:52 am
great track\remix\cover\whatever
good job yes!!!!

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Slylendro on March 16, 2003, 07:49:41 pm
just curious, with what program have u made the remix?

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Vee-R on March 16, 2003, 08:42:49 pm
just curious, with what program have u made the remix?

Three programs, actually -
* Impulse Tracker (to program the drums, play with the original .mod instrumentation a bit, and split it into a few tracks for later remixing purposes)
* N-Track Studio (to record the guitar tracks and mix the whole thing)
* SoundForge 5 (for editing individual tracks and later some changes on the whole thing)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Slylendro on March 18, 2003, 05:19:12 pm
i wish that i could make remixes like these
that's what i always wanted to do (besides 3d modelling, but i need some work on it)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Censored on March 24, 2003, 01:16:45 am

I just popped in to check what's up (got the finals in the next two months) and specifically looked for new remixes..

well done!

I'd really like to see (hear? :P) a longer (and more complicated) guitar solo in the middle though, that would really make your remix outstanding.. please? hehe

again - well done.

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: sirving on March 25, 2003, 02:19:12 am
This an older post but oh well, I just downloaded the remix I love it, very cool =)

Title: Re: My new Thraddash cover/remix...
Post by: Burvix_Castrator on March 25, 2003, 07:22:28 am
This music makes the Thraddash out as mythical titans that gloriously flew in to save their masters and wiped out the Kohr-Ah.

If only the Ur-Quan's enemy had been the Chmmr... then just one Thraddash would have taken out their whole civilisation. ;)
