The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: metamorphosis on November 23, 2015, 05:38:13 am

Title: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on November 23, 2015, 05:38:13 am
Hi folks,
I saw that the UQMHD project hadn't moved along for a while, and was tired of waiting, so I sat down and fixed some of the undocumented bugs myself.
The other big change is the inclusion and enabling of the use of the remix music, which I think suits the game and higher-resolution graphics better.

The changes so far:
* Better detection of correct fullscreen resolutions (previously was broken for desktops using 5:4 ratio resolutions)

* Copied the updated english dialogue across from UQM vanilla

* Enabled the remix music in the intro and ending sequences

* Changed the volume options so the dialogue is more audible aginst the music

* Corrected a bug related to building the game in VS2013

* Game now autodetects correct resolution factor (2x, 4x) based on screen resolution

* Optimised release build - faster on both older and newer equipment. Works with SSE2-capable processors only, so if you're still using a CPU from 2001, firstly, Congratulations for keeping it alive that long! But secondly you're out of luck.

* Remix music is now the default, 3DO music still selectable if preferred. This excludes the beginning and ending sequences which have the remix music, because the UQMHD team somehow broke the code which overwrote the intro/end sequence locations if you had installed the remix packs, so I had to hardcode it into the main .txt's.

* Graphical menu and planet-scan options are the default, as they feel more 'game'y. I didn't originally like the 3DO graphics, but the hi-res versions are really good.

* Removed dev files from the release, for easy identification of which files are relevant to end-users. This includes currently-half-finished features like russian, finnish, japanese support - mainly so that the user doesn't get a second-rate experience in those languages and also to be fair to the original devs working on them.

* Removed 'partial pickup' code for planet lander - now you only pick up the whole unit, or you don't. This re-engages a small strategic element of planet-landing which was removed by the partial pickup stuff, that being the need to check your supply hold and see whether you were going to lose out if you picked up a large bit of materials in the small amount of space you had left. Keeping keenly aware of this made the difference between a light load and a heavy one, in the original UQM.

* Changed the star pattern in solar systems to be slightly more atmospheric.

Download ( (~807MB)

I did try to contact the UQMHD devs (mainly dzanik - oldlaptop seems to be active on here but that's about it) via various channels, but so far no response.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on November 26, 2015, 08:43:05 am
Update v1.02:
* I toned down the nebulae - they were interfering with gameplay mechanics (eg. being able to see the planets and orbit rings), and in my opinion, the atmosphere. Nothing quite like seeing that black sky and wondering what's in it.
* Added some .txt instructions for newcomers.
* Corrected the intro/outro/credits text based on the UQM vanilla changes.
* Re-added the updated mycon dialogue.
* Log is now outputed to uqm.log (unless redirected), not the console.
* A few small corrections.

I probably won't do too much after this point, as the game is pretty done and has been for years.
However if I find anything, I'll update it.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on November 29, 2015, 06:04:52 am
Update v1.04:
* Corrected speech files - previously had taken a naive approach to updating based on uqm vanilla changes, which led to some timing probs. Had to go back and do it more or less manually for each file. Fixed.
* Changed solar system star draw algorithm to be more atmospheric.
* UQMHD Remix now uses it's own folder to store savegames and settings, so that it doesn't read the default settings from a previously installed version of UQMHD. If you've got previous savegames, you'll need to copy the %appdata%/uqmhd/save folder to %appdata%/uqmhdremix/save.
* Removed 'partial pickup' code for planet lander - now you only pick up the whole unit, or you don't. This re-engages a small strategic element of planet-landing which was removed by the partial pickup stuff, that being the need to check your supply hold and see whether you were going to lose out if you picked up a large bit of materials in the small amount of space you had left. Keeping keenly aware of this made the difference between a light load and a heavy one, in the original UQM.
* Further adjustments to nebulae.

Also really appreciating some of the large things the UQMHD team did - like replacing all of the utwig voices! Dear lord the original was s***. It actually made me dislike the utwig, who previously I'd found quite funny. I was thinking about replacing it myself then to my delight found they'd already done it. Good job team. I agree with most of the changes they made, though a few I've altered as above.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 02, 2015, 08:03:08 am
* Added code so that some solar systems do not have nebulae.
* Further nebulae and star generation tweaking.
* Added 5 more variations of nebulae.
* Small starbase speech fix.
* Correction to UQMHD code (previously was not using all available nebulae).


Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: dogchainx on December 04, 2015, 03:05:11 am
My Dell u3011 16:10 (2560x1600) display won't work well with fullscreen.   :(

Any ideas on how to fix?

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 09, 2015, 01:00:17 am
Hi dogchainx,
when you say won't work well, what do you mean? Do you mean it doesn't go fullscreen? Or that it's stretched? Or something else?
For the moment you should be able to force the resolution using the command-line parameters as described in MANUAL.txt

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Defender on December 10, 2015, 04:13:53 am
nice work, are taking over or just forking. i would love to see some ideas from net melee balance mod incorporated into uqmhd. the ai changes and such would be intersting to play in the main game. anyways good job, appreciate it. good day.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 10, 2015, 05:10:54 am
I'm contributing and also forking.
Not sure about the net melee stuff, it looks good to me but not sure whether it would fit the team's requirements. Probably best if you talk to oldlaptop, he's still fairly active round here, he may have a better understanding of whether it's a 'fit'. I'm more focussed on the single-player experience, myself.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 10, 2015, 05:11:54 am
Update to build:

* General code comment updating
* Correction to UQMHD code on display of past Orz conversation summary
* Corrections to Vux, Slylandro, Utwig, Starbase, Pkunk dialogue based on 3DO voiceovers
* Minor correction to UQMHD options code
* Update to credits
* Updated menu delay values so it no longer takes an age to (a) fill up your fuel tanks (b) fill up your crew (c) search through your saved games.
* Changed main menu so that game restarts if music type is changed (otherwise music will not change), as it does with a resolution change
* Updated previously-unusable acceleration value on the starmap and fixed autopilot cursor snap so that trying to autopilot to Sol no longer selects Sirius all the damn time when not zoomed in.
* Corrections to various new Utwig voiceovers based on original script
* Resampled all utwig dialog down to 11khz to match tone of all other original voiceovers
* Correction to fluctuating volume levels between voiceover lines for shofixti

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Defender on December 12, 2015, 02:20:40 am
I'm more focussed on the single-player experience, myself.

i too was meaning the single player aspect as well. i like some of the ai changes and stat changes made in net melee mod. i wanted to know if they could be incorporated into the single player experience.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 13, 2015, 02:32:56 am
It's possible. I don't know How possible though. For starters it'd need a couple of people to playtest from beginning to end, preferably one of them a newb, so as to check that  it doesn't break the game difficulty, particularly for newcomers. I'm not willing to do it, I've just played through the whole thing to test it.

Secondly, at some point someone may update the UQMHD codebase to the current UQM vanilla core code, at which point, the balance mod would need reworking in order to fit. However, that's the future, in the present situation that's not a concern.

I've just done a diff between the netmelee code and the UQM/UQMHD v0.70 code - I think it's something where, if the original balance author wanted to do it, it could be done, but if I or someone else tried to do it, it would either muck up UQMHD in a variety of subtle and unsubtle ways, or it would break the netmelee code or both.
It's a big job, and there's a ton of differences in the code. I won't do it personally, though happy to help.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Defender on December 13, 2015, 06:52:19 am
no worries and thanks for breaking it down for me. i dont want to take away from any work getting done with uqmhd...
i just long for the day when uqm gets an ai improvement or change. thanks again for your time.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 18, 2015, 11:35:36 am
No worries-
final update:

* Corrections to Talking Pet subtitles based on 3DO voiceovers
* Further reduced galaxy map snap so that it was less annoying for dealing with stars which're very close to one another eg. Vela
* Fixed syreen dialogue and edited syreen voiceover to remove annoying narrator voice
* Fixed credits speed
* Corrections to intro and end sequence timing
* Correction to ending slides (explosion)
* Removed utwig credits voiceover (as none of the other races have voiceovers for this section, it feels wrong)
* Correction to setup menu for 320x240 (would not allow alternative scalers previously)

* Corrections to mycon subtitles based on 3DO voiceovers
* Added the hi-res ship pics to supermelee ('alt' at ship-choice on main menu) - work by Dczanik, Schizoid, Brytag and myself
* Fixed the dumb bug where the planet textures and sun corona would 'pop' onto the screen half-a-second or so -after- seeing the solar system pre-draw.
* Subtitle formatting consistency updates to thraddash, slylandro, talking pet, utwig, safe ones

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Schizoid on December 18, 2015, 06:18:49 pm
* Added the hi-res ship pics to supermelee ('alt' at ship-choice on main menu) - work by Dczanik, Schizoid, Brytag and myself

The creator of these images and ships - Zenzmurfy ( Damon Czanik used it in UQM HD. This can be seen - here ( Some of these ships can be seen in 3D - here ( Especially - here (
I'm not sure that the UQMHD Remix will work correctly with other languages addons, but in any case, thank you for this good work.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Defender on December 19, 2015, 04:49:21 am
for fixes, could you look into changing the shuttle text color and background to be more readble. like for instance the green background but with the blue text...or visa versa.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Schizoid on December 19, 2015, 06:54:24 am
Shuttle text color is easy to change. Its location:




For example, for the russian version we used turquoise color:

( (

But we also changed the font too. With original bold font, this color does not look very good:

( (

But it is also possible to pick up.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: Defender on December 19, 2015, 07:03:23 pm
ill look into it, thank you ;D

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 20, 2015, 01:20:58 am
The creator of these images and ships - Zenzmurfy ( Damon Czanik used it in UQM HD. This can be seen - here ( Some of these ships can be seen in 3D - here ( Especially - here (

Thanks for that correction - I remember him from doing the covers for the remix pack 4.

I'm not sure that the UQMHD Remix will work correctly with other languages addons, but in any case, thank you for this good work.

Well there's no basis for that idea, as both remix and hd share the same code for language support and addons. No alterations on my end. And no worries :)

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: darklord42 on December 21, 2015, 05:05:22 am
Anyway I can get a working mac-osx version?  I imagine the source code has changed and you are using a new binary correct?    So it needs a new compile?  Where is the source code?

{Edit} or the fork is right there on sourceforge!  Fantastic!


Umm oops, looks like you made a variable type error in your code.  I find Visual Studio lets you get away with a lot of things that no other compiler ever would.

src/libs/graphics/sdl/sdl_common.c:132:1: error: conflicting types for 'TFB_InitGraphics'
TFB_InitGraphics (int driver, int flags, int width, int height, unsigned int *resolutionFactor, BOOLEAN forceAspectRatio) // JMS_GFX: added resolutionFactor - MB: added ability for function to change res_factor

src/libs/graphics/gfx_common.h:70:5: note: previous declaration is here
int TFB_InitGraphics (int driver, int flags, int width, int height, unsigned int resolutionFactor, BOOLEAN forceAspectRatio); // JMS_GFX: Added resolutionFactor

I guess C is not suppose to let you overload functions. (that's a C++ feature)

I changed the function declaration with the pointer from TFB_InitGraphics to TFB_InitGraphicsWPt and then the function call in uqm.c which seemed to work.  Do you mind making the change on git?

Also when you moved all the content you forgot to update the build script. (Because you use visual studio?)  The script is suppose to compress the content and addons and move them into the app. (or where ever they are suppose to be on non mac system) Right now the zip command doesn't find the folders. Mind making the change in build.config with your new locations?

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: darklord42 on December 22, 2015, 04:54:14 pm
I got the app working I'd be happy to bundle it.  Great work!  I have one minor question.  As you approach earth I get a couple of random orbit paths that look like arrows?  It looks like someone had fun with the paint tool.  Why is that? 


Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: darklord42 on December 22, 2015, 09:48:18 pm
And another thing, for some reason solar system planet textures arn't appearing in both hq4x and 2x anymore  (not just the moon in this picture) Are files missing from the source? or is it a code error

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: darklord42 on December 22, 2015, 10:48:38 pm
I just tried it with your version of the .uqm files with your windows release. Strange that's not what is in your source? You should do something with the build script so it comes out the way you want it.

Still had the same graphical issues, but great job on the nebula and intro music. It's great to have the High quality music instead. Perhaps you can have it switch the intro sequence files depending on the selected music option? That can't be too difficult to do. No more difficult then switching between 2x and 4x textures you would think.

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: metamorphosis on December 23, 2015, 02:11:53 am
I got the app working I'd be happy to bundle it.  Great work!  I have one minor question.  As you approach earth I get a couple of random orbit paths that look like arrows?  It looks like someone had fun with the paint tool.  Why is that?  


[EDIT: okay, I read your initial post and get where you're coming from now]

You could try building the original UQMHD and see whether you get the same issues.
None of these issues occur on the Windows version that I've released.

I don't work with build scripts, I manually compile things.

Switching intro script files is possible but also a further hack for something that is broken in the UQMHD code that I can't isolate, and I'm done with programming at the moment. Sorry.

PM me if you get it working under OSX, but I haven't altered the planet lander code, and that brown nebulae background you've got there doesn't exist in the UQMHD Remix release, so I'm not sure what you've done wrong.

My guess is that you've downloaded the wrong repo, the one I used to update UQMHD.
The correct repo for uqmhdremix is noted earlier in the thread.

Thanks for the appreciation though-

Title: Re: UQMHD Remix - an update
Post by: darklord42 on December 23, 2015, 05:24:12 am
Ah, dang I missed that post.  It wasn't on the first one, serves me right for not looking closer on the thread.  I bet the lander graphics was on the original HD code, but if you didn't notice it in your build.  I guess that's good news. :)

hmm i think your branch will compile fine.  Once I figure-out what's going on with build script.   I'll keep you updated