Title: Now is a good time to say thank you... Post by: Ph@nToM on March 11, 2003, 03:30:36 am to all the people who worked hard enough to bring back SC2. The ALPHA runs flawlessly on my system, and I can hardly wait for the FINAL release. ;)
Cheers Title: Re: Now is a good time to say thank you... Post by: Omni-Sama on March 12, 2003, 04:47:24 am *cough* Kiss-Ass *cough*
Darn, I guess that whole coughing words out doesn't work quite as well when typing it out on the internet. ;D BTW, I'm just joking so don't be offended. I'm the epitome of an ass-kissing, brown-nosing wannabe. But to be serious, it's good to know that people still understand the meaning of work in this day and age, and that starting a game project like this on the internet isn't just about making it and then forgetting about the whole thing when times get rough... *cough* Timewarp. *cough* Keep up the good work! BTW, sorry in advance to all those I have offended in this post. ;D Title: Re: Now is a good time to say thank you... Post by: Shiver on March 12, 2003, 06:17:17 am Omni has a point. Most projects like this that are done over the internet for free are abandonned shortly after they're started. Good work, SC2 team.
Title: Re: Now is a good time to say thank you... Post by: Sudo_Nym on March 13, 2003, 01:49:03 am You know, its times like this that I realise that I've been a selfish parasite living off the works and deeds of others. While these moments of remorse and desire to do something with my life do not last long, I at least will have time to thank the good people who have brought us this remarkable game. You have my gratitude and respect.