The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: epicdave on April 11, 2016, 12:49:55 am

Title: Help Recreating the AI for SC2 Melee
Post by: epicdave on April 11, 2016, 12:49:55 am
Hi all,

I'm doing some research with neural networks with the eventual goal of pitting a swarm of my ANNs against the in-game AI for SC2 Melee. I've checked on reddit and googled around a bit and I haven't been able to find any analysis of what exactly the heuristic rule set is. Some friends of mine and I are going to delve into the UQM source code but I wanted to check in here first to see if someone hasn't already done this and/or knows the code well enough to ensure we've done it correctly. Does anyone here have any knowledge or resources that might help out?

thanks in advance  :)

Title: Re: Help Recreating the AI for SC2 Melee
Post by: Death 999 on April 12, 2016, 02:22:54 pm
I remember there was a library with 3 behaviors defined for all ships - 'ATTACK', 'AVOID', and 'ENTICE'. The latter means to approach and break off in such a fashion the enemy might be lured into following, at which point you turn around and get them.

Each ship had its own main AI function and could invoke any of those, or have additional behaviors like hunting down asteroids (slylandro).

Title: Re: Help Recreating the AI for SC2 Melee
Post by: epicdave on April 12, 2016, 07:00:14 pm
hmm -- looking at the source and pairing that with what you've told me I think this is starting to make sense. Looking at cyborg.c and vux.c, it appears as though there's a MoveState flag and an InputState flag. The InputState flag seems to govern weapons firing and the like. The flags seem to be set at the ship level and acted upon at the cyborg.c level. Is that basically it (excepting of course for a bazillion if/else statements) ?