Title: New UQM:HD install on Win 10 - not working Post by: Mark II on August 10, 2016, 11:05:31 pm Hey all,
Firstly thank you very much to the development team for bringing this timeless classic back to life :) I tried installing it on a Win 10 system, but after doing so and trying to run it, I get the following error: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000007b). Click OK to close the application." I've tried: 1. Different compatibility settings 2. Installing Visual C Redist. 3. Installing .Net None of the above work. I also tried running uqmdebug-vs2012.exe This works, but I can't get to "Setup" without it crashing. The crash error says: "Netplay protocol version 0.4. Netplay opponent must have UQM 0.6.9 or later. PANIC: Incorrect number of Choice Options: 23. Should be 29." Can anyone advise me what to do? Thank you very much. |