Title: Best Uqm HD version/relationship to Project 6014 Post by: ananke on October 06, 2016, 07:11:59 pm Hi,
I was wondering, what is currently the best/cannonical version of UQM HD? Also, I found somewhere in a description of UQM HD that it was possible to play the original/non-hd version as well with this, is this the case? The reason I'm asking is that I'm considering taking a shot at reviving the sc2 sequel project. After looking at some code I feel like the best way would be to start with the version that has both the original and hd (if it exists), and add an additional "sequel" mode. Then I would start importing assets from Project 6014 and refactoring so that the sequel is more data file driven, maybe by an XML format. That way people can add story and art without having to work with C/C++ code. Anyways, any information on the best/most general HD version is appreciated, also if anyone has feedback on this plan or thinks it's a bad idea for some reason please feel free to respond. Thanks :D Title: Re: Best Uqm HD version/relationship to Project 6014 Post by: ananke on October 07, 2016, 02:25:11 am So I tried pulling from this git:
https://sourceforge.net/p/urquanmastershd/git-new/ci/master/tree/ It's not clear to me that there's an option for running it in the original mode, and when I diff'd the code with the vanilla, it did not seem like this was an option. Is HD "irreconciliably" forked from the main project at this point? Thanks :D Title: Re: Best Uqm HD version/relationship to Project 6014 Post by: Scalare on October 12, 2016, 12:24:40 pm Not sure about the answer to this question but I just came in to say I applaud your effort to create something cool for the SC community :)
Title: Re: Best Uqm HD version/relationship to Project 6014 Post by: ananke on October 12, 2016, 12:45:17 pm Haha thanks :D