Title: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 3rd of December 2016 Post by: Gekko on November 25, 2016, 08:53:57 am [Date]
Saturday 3rd of December 2016 [Time] Here (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2016&month=12&day=2&hour=19&min=0&sec=0) is how I found the various local times in case anyone's wondering. ---- SATURDAY * 11:00 Los Angeles * 12:00 Denver * 13:00 Chicago * 14:00 New York * 19:00 London * 20:00 Amsterdam/Paris * 21:00 Helsinki/Jerusalem * 22:00 Moscow ---- SUNDAY * 06:00 Sydney * 08:00 Auckland [Place] #UQM-Arena on irc://chat.freenode.net. If you don't know how any of this stuff works, this (http://www.star-control.com/netmelee.php) thing may be of use to you. [Tournament Rules] 1) The game is played using Shiver's Balance Mod (http://wiki.uqm.stack.nl/Balance_mod) (2.08 for UQM 0.7.0) 2) There is a maximum fleet size of 200 points for all players. 3) The "stalemate breaker" rule is in effect. There has been confusion regarding this numerous times, so here is the rule in its verbose entirety: Stalemates Rule: In the spirit of competition, both players should employ whatever tactics they consider most effective. This may result in a stalemate at some point. If so, the faster of the two ships becomes a designated attacker. The attacker does not necessarily have to make a bee-line directly for the defender, but they are required to take the initiative. Explanation: Stalemates are bound to happen. We found this rule to be a relatively painless solution. The decision to use speed as a stalemate-breaker did not significantly reduce the effectiveness of Star Control's fastest ships. As it turned out, the most mobile combatants were best suited to withstand such a penalty. [Tournament Structure] Players will be paired against each other at random. The tournament will consist of three rounds using Swiss tournament rules (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss-system_tournament), meaning that you will play against other defeated players if you lose a match. There will be an additional final round between undefeated contestants if a clear winner has not emerged. If the player turn-out is low, everyone will play against everyone else once (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-robin_tournament). If there aren't enough players for a tournament the date will be considered as a meet-up during which we hope to see even new faces. Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 2nd of December 2016 Post by: Krulle on November 25, 2016, 12:55:18 pm I love you, Gekko, for taking this initiative!
I hope the turnout will be surprisingly good, as I will not be able to participate (having kids at home prevents you from playing all Saturday/Evening - you're either busy with them and/or household, or you're too tired to do things for yourself). May the Supox Blade win! Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 2nd of December 2016 Post by: Scalare on November 25, 2016, 03:14:57 pm I love you, Gekko, for taking this initiative! have the kids play too then :DI hope the turnout will be surprisingly good, as I will not be able to participate (having kids at home prevents you from playing all Saturday/Evening - you're either busy with them and/or household, or you're too tired to do things for yourself). May the Supox Blade win! Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 2nd of December 2016 Post by: Krulle on November 28, 2016, 10:16:41 am Nope, not yet.
Too young yet, for some years to come. Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 3rd of December 2016 Post by: Gekko on November 28, 2016, 08:34:21 pm It was pointed out Saturday is the 3rd of December, not 2nd as was incorrectly stated in the post. The real date is 3rd of December, Saturday.
Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 3rd of December 2016 Post by: Death 999 on December 02, 2016, 09:52:01 pm Awww, you picked the one day that was hardest for me to attend. I'd love to, and if I didn't have a combination of commitments that would make it really unreasonable, I'd spend some brownie points on being able to.
Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 3rd of December 2016 Post by: Gekko on December 04, 2016, 12:16:47 am We had 5 players, although a couple arrived some time later. Onpon had to leave before his final round, but Nuclear was there to play in his place.
Round 1 Oldlaptop vs HawkinsTheWizard (Oldlaptop wins by 110) Limon vs Onpon4 (Limonn wins by 54) Gekko sits out Round 2 Gekko vs Oldlaptop (Gekko wins by 52 (48.5)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfMJber1NHA HawkinsTheWizard vs Limon (Limon wins by 146 (133)) Onpon4 sits out Round 3 Onpon4 vs Gekko (Gekko wins by 68) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrUuPf_3DQU Oldlaptop vs Limon (Limon wins by 30 (25.5)) HawkinsTheWizard sits out Round 4 Gekko vs HawkinsTheWizard (Gekko wins by 68 (65.1)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0msZITEFwR8 Oldlaptop vs Onpon4 (Oldlaptop wins by 40 (31)) Limon sits out Round 5 Gekko vs Limon (Gekko wins by 40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwVnZFXM9YM HawkinsTheWizard vs Onpon (Onpon had to leave, DuchessNuclear acted as his second) (DuchessNuclear wins by 62 (63.0)(bug in the fleet scoring found with Androsynth)) Oldlaptop sits out Final standings: Gekko: 4 points Limon: 3 points Oldlaptop: 2 points Onpon4 + DuchessNuclear: 1 point HawkinsTheWizard: 0 points Title: Re: Balance Mod tournament Saturday 3rd of December 2016 Post by: Krulle on December 05, 2016, 10:09:56 am Congrats, Gekko!