The Ur-Quan Masters Discussion Forum

The Ur-Quan Masters Re-Release => General UQM Discussion => Topic started by: RockasaurusRex2000 on March 24, 2003, 01:01:04 am

Title: quick question about umgah.
Post by: RockasaurusRex2000 on March 24, 2003, 01:01:04 am
allright, after you leave their world by using the escape device for the last time, (when u recieve 4 of their ships) what happens when you go back?

Do they just attack you on sight or what?

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Shiver on March 24, 2003, 01:23:38 am
I'm not entirely sure if these two bits of dialogue are from the Umgah patrol groups or their homeworld, but they're a good read in any case, and I'm positive that they're after you take the Dnyarri.

Well pop my pupae! It human Earthling again!
It just doesn't learn, does it? To Arms! To Arms!... wait a minute! Don't HAVE any arms!
Har! Har! Har!... Never HAD any arms! Har! Har! Har!

Look, we all decided that our treating you this way and by that mean, attacking you without mercy all time well, we decided that it just plain unfair.
REALLY, after all things you've done for our people!
So we decided to make you our honorary KING! Congratulations!
What that sound, officer Flubbo? It was? You sure? King-Killing Horn?
Har! Har! Har! What a sad coincidence, eh, Captain King?

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 24, 2003, 02:40:27 am
The Umgah give you there ships for freeing them from the Dnyarri...  then they immediately attack you, saying it will be "fun" to play that "game".  After that, they will just attack you, although they still call you the human savior, funny enough.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on March 24, 2003, 03:20:33 am
You gotta love those little guys. there may not be a way to get them on your side, they attack you with malicious intent, but at least they smile while doing so.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: RockasaurusRex2000 on March 24, 2003, 04:12:44 am
You gotta love those little guys. there may not be a way to get them on your side, they attack you with malicious intent, but at least they smile while doing so.

I'll drink to that.. :D

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 24, 2003, 05:51:53 am
I'll drink to that.. :D

The Umgah are the party animals of the galaxy.  I love their constant justifications for battle.  They openly admit that it would be a joke just to attack you, so they do it.  Their sense of humour is never-ending.   :)  It proceeds into war and combat (serious subjects), turning such things into farce.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on March 24, 2003, 07:00:17 pm
Well, they are really, aren't they?

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Death 999 on March 24, 2003, 10:03:29 pm
I hope they have a psychically mediated collective consciousness, or else I can't see why those captains would fail to foresee the fatal consequences of their actions. Joking is one thing; killing yourself for the funny aspect of being shot at for a few seconds is quite another.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: OHHDEAR on March 27, 2003, 02:31:58 am
What's funnier about their intent to use the Pet to order the Spathi to attack the VUX? The idea of ordering the cowardly race to attack the relatively vicious race or the idea of said cowardly race slaughtering said vicious race by the millions with negligible casualties.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Scott on March 28, 2003, 07:34:42 pm
I think he was referring to the Spathi slave shield/battle thrall selection incident, anyway.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: EkcoTimer on March 29, 2003, 10:30:16 pm
I like the noise the Umgah ship makes when it scoots backward

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Shiver on March 30, 2003, 12:03:36 pm
I doubt the Spathi would be able to exterminate the VUX. If you're pretty good at melee, you can beat a Spathi Eluder with an Intruder. Plus, Admiral ZEX (assuming he's still alive) would think up a brilliant strategy similar to an Umgah prank that involves scaring the Spathi so badly that the entire Spathi race packs their bags and flys away from the quadrant because they won't fight the VUX and sure as hell don't wanna stick around after disobeying the Ur-Quan.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Omni-Sama on March 30, 2003, 11:16:21 pm
The all-time greatest Umgah prank has to be the switching of the two rods, which led to them picking to be battle thralls instead of slave-shielded.  It was so funny to hear the explanation for the whole thing, because its obviously a challenge to determine why a cowardly race would want to patrol space in hopes of blowing up enemy ships.  They did a good job explaining it, hehe.

Second-best Umgah prank is the whole Ilwrath-Pkunk thing.  Those poor birds...   :(

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on March 31, 2003, 01:02:37 am
I don't think the Umgah need to have a psychically mediated collective consciousness, in order to appreciate the joke of getting blown up. I mean, we don't know what they might be saying aboard their ships just before they blow up. Maybe they believe that anyone who dies through joke participation goes straight to prankster heaven? They might simply not value the physical exitence as much as we do. Or they might have soem sort of backup for their conciousness at homeworld, they are masterrs of biotechnology after all...

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Censored on April 02, 2003, 08:42:34 pm
Or, they're just funny this way.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Death 999 on April 02, 2003, 09:43:43 pm
either that or the name "drone" is more telling than we had up to now suspected, and there are no real crew on board -- only flesh automatons (which are what the Syreen lure when they do)

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on April 02, 2003, 09:53:51 pm
That's an interesting idea. Maybe we've never actually seen the Umgah, this mysterious race? Maybe they remote control these fleshy automatons, or maybe they have a rudimentary intelligence. Sigh, only the Dnyarri could tell us this.

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Omni-Sama on April 03, 2003, 02:29:19 am
lol... maybe everything in our lives in an illusion?   What if nothing really exists at all, and we are just trapped in a fictious world.  What if there really is no spoon?

Wow, I know you wanna get deep on this whole subject, but that's a little too deep for me...   :o

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on April 03, 2003, 02:50:03 am
No more Matrix for you Omni! At least not late at night. Oh, and take off those sunglasses while writing!  ;)

But I think it's worth considering. They are bioengineers after all. It's the same thing that we tried with the Androsynth, only the Umgah have actually succeeded. It'd also explain the warped humour, it might be built into these drones!

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 09:58:19 am
Damn malicious blobbies...
Their pranks are hideously destructive...
Attacking you with their fleets as a joke...
Plotting to send the Spathi against the VUX as a joke...
Sending the Ilwrath to murder the Pkunk...

Despite all of your guys' adoration for these blobbies' sense of humor, they've always irritated me about as much as the Druuge. I think it has something to do with the whole Death_001's no-sense-of-humor thing.

Now what would really make me laugh is if I were to drop an Utwig Bomb on their planet, then hail them.

"Hey blobbies! This is Former-Savior-Now-Ultimate-Enemy! I have a funny joke for you! I was the one that blew up your planet! Now your whole race is going to go extinct! Isn't that funny? HAR HAR HAR!"

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Lukipela on April 16, 2003, 12:53:54 pm
Nice try Primat, but we already know you're really a big softie inside.... You wouldn't do that :)

As for the humor issue, I suppose it takes a certain mindset to like the Umgah...

Title: Re: quick question about umgah.
Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 12:56:25 pm
Depends on my mood, to be honest.

Right now, I could probably sell 2000 crewmen to the Druuge without batting an eye.

I wonder if he'll bitch about it if you manage to sell all 2000 in one visit. (well, 800 I suppose would be closer to reality, given that's the most your ship can carry at any given time)