Title: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Paxtez on March 30, 2003, 11:25:29 am Don't get me wrong, I've played through the game about a dozen times over the years. I'm trying something new, I'm not using any outside materials. (ok ok, except a quasispace map, I'm just lazy =) )
I'm only allowing myself to go places that I'm specifically told about. I'm also not trying to just search every planet of everystar to find what I need. I know where these things are, but I need to find out where in the game I can find someone telling me about them. I've already bought all the info from Mr.Purple, and did every tree path for everyrace I met. (including the apoligizing to vux thing, that took a while). What I still need people in the game to tell me about: 1) Mycon Egg fragment locations. 2) Utwig Homeworld 3) Illwrath Homeworld 4) Suppox sphere Is this possible? Or was the game designed that I would have to check every planet of the illwrath/uwtig spheres? Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Shiver on March 30, 2003, 11:36:14 am Mycon Egg fragments: there's three of them. One is on Beta Copernicus, the old Syreen homeworld. I don't remember the other two, but it would be a good idea to get more than one if you want to avoid giving crew to the Druuge for the Rosy Sphere.
Utwig Homeworld: I don't remember, but you don't need to go there. Homeworlds are typically in the middle of the sphere of influence. Ilwrath Homeworld: One of the Tauri stars, try Beta first. It's not in their sphere of influence because their fleet is below preying on the Pkunk. Supox sphere: a bit west of the Utwig. Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on March 30, 2003, 12:13:44 pm I understand there's differences between UQM and PC on this...I'm using PC dialogue - some of it got taken out between PC and 3DO that should have stayed...but you can put this stuff together...
1) Deep Child Fragments. The Syreen themselves say in the PC version (which I think was eliminated) You would call our world Beta Copernicus I... we called it Syra. Put that together with Mr. Purple's info: Like you Earthlings, when the war with the Ur-Quan was lost the Syreen chose to be slave-shielded. Their new world is at Betelgeuse. The Syreen's starbase is crewed by the starship commanders and crew who were decommissioned at the end of the war. Though the Syreen hate the Ur-Quan with a vengeance, they are unlikely to offer you assistance unless you reveal to them the truth behind the tragedy of their original homeworld, Syra which was destroyed by the birth of a Mycon `Deep Child' a century ago. We get confirmation of one deep child fragment. Of course if you go check out Beta Copernicus I you'd find out on your own...actually the game is quite solvable without Melnorme information. 2) Utwig home planet. Go to the bomb planet and say you have the Ultron. You get this: Foolish tricksters! Don't you know the Druuge tried that ploy on us just a few days ago? You say you have the Ultron, that you wish to return it to us... LIES! The moment our back is turned, you will sneak down to the surface of this world and deprive us of our destructive device of dignity. If you truly had our Ultron, repaired to its state of perfection you would surely take it to the Proctors at our homeworld at Beta Aquarii. Speak no more of this subject. 3) Ilwrath home planet. You have to remember what the Pkunk tell you about the Ilwrath. They're *NOT* at home at the moment. Earth Captain. You would be well advised to use caution when traveling in this area. We must warn you about the presence of a spiritually corrupt and violent race... the Ilwrath. Ah! I see you already know of them. The Ilwrath appeared almost eight years ago, following a powerful HyperWave broadcast supposedly from Dogar and Kazon, the dark gods of Death and Pain. Ever since, they have ceaselessly attacked our ships and planets. Then to continue - we need to answer the question of where "home" is - the Ilwrath themselves say - can't think of when though ::) : Incorrectness! We Come From The Eye Of Dogar. Such A Quasar Exists Nowhere Near This Location! Look In The Heavens At Location 022.9, 366.6 And Gaze Into The Depths Of Its All-Seeing Eye If You Dare! Only By The Sparing Caress Of Kazon's Anointed Cilia Will You Survive Such An Act. Else, You Will Bless The Altar Of Consumption With Your Ceremonial Blood! 4) Supox Sphere - The Utwig tell you in their story of what happened to the Ultron: (picking up in the middle) to the infamous Lewd Monocle... all consumed by the hungry flames. Even the most fundamental fixtures were committed to this irreversible fate. The Mask of Natural Bodily Excretions once hung in every lavatory! Most of the public facilities have removed the disposable mask dispensers but every once in a while I still see such a repository... always empty. In despair, we gave the broken device to our allies, the Supox, who live at Beta Librae. Of course, all or part of this might not be in UQM... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on March 30, 2003, 12:15:18 pm Shiver: he's asking where he'd find out in the game...sorry...
And as an addtional note if you want to read the PC Starcon2 (now UQM) conversations they're at: http://www.classicgaming.com/starcontrol/sc2/quotes/ Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Paxtez on March 30, 2003, 12:29:16 pm Humm thanks Smith.
Yeah, I think some things are missing from the game. I definatly don't remember the utwig saying they gave to to the suppox, I recall that line ending after the 'always empty'. The illwraths dialog tree hasn't changed and they just keep wanting to die. This 3d0 conversation is kinda confusing... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on March 30, 2003, 12:54:05 pm FWIW, I found out when you get that quote from the Ilwrath...
Find the third ship in space you meet and ask them "What is this Doggone and Quasar thing anyway?" You'll get the quote I posted. Hope this helps. Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Omni-Sama on March 30, 2003, 11:13:48 pm I agree with Smith. I've also seen the Utwig conversation about the Supox. It's when you ask them about the Ultron and they go into great detail about its demise. As long as you've found those crazy Utwig, it should be no problem finding their little plant friends.
Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Lukipela on March 31, 2003, 01:07:31 am I alwyas thought the hardest of those locations to find was the Ilwrath homeworld. The others you can generally stumble across, but what with the Ilwrath Spehere being in the "wrong" place, their slow ships, and the lack of anything interesting in theri sphere (excpet Procyon), I just never got that info. I just happenesd to stumble upon it. DIdin't even know there was a clue til I read it at PONAF.
Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 10:52:08 am Same here, to be honest. I stumbled on it by accident.
Fortunately, you don't NEED to ever hypercast the ilwrath to win the game. Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Lukipela on April 16, 2003, 01:00:12 pm Umm.. Don't you? How else do you get that enormous fleet away from Procyon?
Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 16, 2003, 01:08:50 pm Well, in the 3D0 version you do. But in the PC you didn't.
Besides, I imagine you can always wait till the Kohr-Ah wipe out the Ilwrath. Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Lukipela on April 16, 2003, 01:30:20 pm Are you sure about that? I seem to recall doing the whole Ilwrath thing specifically because I couldn't get to Procyon once I'd aqquired the Sun device. But it is a long time ago....
But sure, you can always wait for them to go extinct... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on April 16, 2003, 01:47:30 pm Seconded. You have a huge fleet of Dill-Rats at Procyon - at least in the PC version...I'm not really sure though what triggers the fleet being there - sometime it is for me and sometimes it isn't. Wouldn't hurt trying to consult the source to find out when the time is there for someone to do it.
Caught You, Didn't I? We Have Monitored Your Visit To This World With Great Interest. Your Plans For Trickery Are Pitiful And Make Dogar And Kazon Clack Their Mandibles Against One Another And Snicker With Amusement. And So Now, Squishy Hu-Man I Wonder What Sort Of Noise You Will Make When I Pull Off Your Arms? A High And Wailing Scream, Or A Low Moan Of Ultimate Suffering? Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Lukipela on April 16, 2003, 01:54:13 pm I never had any trouble visiting before I got the sun device, so I always assumed that that was what trigered their presence over there...
Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 17, 2003, 12:52:46 pm Maybe it's just my copy.
But I've never, ever encountered the Ilwrath guarding Procyon. Not once. ...I've also almost never ever used the Umgah Caster on Procyon... that might be part of it. Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: shyguy on April 26, 2003, 03:07:25 am Wow, I was about to pull my hair out before I found this thread. I don't recall having these difficulties when I played the PC game years ago. This time, I stumbled upon the Suppox by accident, and I had no idea they had the Ultron (I was trying for ages to get the Ultron out of the Utwig or to assemble an Ultron out of the 3 parts I had). Nothing in the 3DO version indicated the Supox had it.
Also, that little tidbit about where the Syreen homeworld is located is definitely not in the current version. At first I was searching all over the starmap for "Syra"; then I was systematically checking every star system near Betelgeuse, since I recalled they spent 75 years adrift after leaving Syra, so they couldn't have gone that far. Two questions: Was the Umgah homeworld ever mentioned? Again, this was a case of going through every system before finding it (luckily, it took me only four tries). Someone above mentioned there's three egg fragments. Where did you find the info that indicated there were three? Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Kohr-Ah_Primat on April 26, 2003, 08:49:11 am There is no info that indicates there are three, but constant obssessive searching has yielded the locations of 3. Besides, the Druuge absolutely refuse to buy the third, lending credit to the belief that this is because if you sold the third one, you'd never be able to win the game.
I believe it was stated in a prior post that the text Beta Copernicus reference was excised out because it wasn't captured during the voice recording sessions with the actor. However it's not a big deal because you can still find a Mycon fragment on three seperate worlds in Mycon space just through trial and error. I've never heard the Umgah homeworld directly referred to, but it's possible it's referred to. It *is* said that they make their home in the Orionis constellation, so it wouldn't take too many tries to find the proper one (Beta I believe?) anyways. Title: BRe: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on April 26, 2003, 09:21:43 am Quote Was the Umgah homeworld ever mentioned? Again, this was a case of going through every system before finding it (luckily, it took me only four tries). FWIW, on the other conversation questions, the Beta Leporis reference and the ship giving by the Supox and Utwig don't exist in the PC version... On this question...if you go back to Arilou they'll kind of try to "help" you with the Umgah once they've been taken over... Have you checked the Umgah yet? Answer #1: Our exploration skiffs have not returned. We are concerned. Perhaps if you ask later, we will know then. Answer #2: We have discovered something strange and frightening about the Umgah When we approached their vessels, we were instantly attacked and the Umgah made no attempts to contact our ships or respond to our hails. Using our own psionic sensitivities, we determined that they are under some form of psychic compulsion. The source of psionic control commands appears to be Beta Orionis, the Umgah's home star. We sent vessels to investigate this location, but none has returned... we fear they are destroyed. There's one reference anyway...reminds me of a question...I'll read more, but I'm wondering if there's a reference that indicates where the Taalo psionic nullifier is in the game... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Paxtez on April 26, 2003, 04:45:05 pm I went through the games comm files.
1) Syreen never say where thier homeworld was. (Thus having to find an egg fragment would mean exploring every system/planet in mycon space.) 2) Mycon never say where thier homeworld is. (Back to mycon space...) 3) The Utwig never say they gave the Ultron to the suppox, furtermore, then never mention the suppox except once. (Meaning someone may not even know they exsist, and the only way they even exsist would be to randomly explore space and hope you run into a suppox ship.) 4) Ilwrath does say where thier homeworld is I just missed it =) Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on April 26, 2003, 06:51:58 pm Unfortunately those things were cut out of the 3DO version from the PC version (as you can see from the quotes above)..they were really rather important to know...
As a thought, I wonder if they can add these little factoids back in as maybe a "additional information being transferred to computer" or something similar... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Captain Smith on April 26, 2003, 08:50:08 pm Quote I never had any trouble visiting before I got the sun device, so I always assumed that that was what trigered their presence over there... FWIW I looked at the source....and you can take this as reliable or no... This happens when you approach orbit of Procyon: Code: if (GET_GAME_STATE (CHMMR_UNLEASHED)) { //do this stuff//} else if (GET_GAME_STATE (SUN_DEVICE_ON_SHIP) && !GET_GAME_STATE (ILWRATH_DECEIVED) && ActivateStarShip (ILWRATH_SHIP, SPHERE_TRACKING)) {InitCommunication (ILWRATH_CONVERSATION);} Basically if you have the sun device, the Ilwrath haven't been "contacted" by Dogar and Kazon, and I'm not sure about the last one by looking at the code, but I think it relates to having some kind of contact with the Ilwrath in the past in their space...I'm sure someone who knows the source better can explain... (a lot of it really is greek to me) In the conversation code we get: Code: else if (GET_GAME_STATE (GLOBAL_FLAGS_AND_DATA) & (1 << 6)) { NumVisits = GET_GAME_STATE (ILWRATH_CHMMR_VISITS); //Conversation & Response of battle// The IF statement is set to be true in the specific code above... I'm sure someone can give us some ideas... Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Krogoth255 on April 26, 2003, 11:11:49 pm The Ilwrath fleet orbiting Procyon is triggered at least in the PC verison after you acquired the Sun Device from the Mycon to prevent the player from speeding up The Process to force the player to do one more thing to free the Chmmr it happens regardsless if you haven't contact the Chenjeu with a caster
Title: Re: Where to go? (I think I'm stuck) Post by: Krogoth255 on April 26, 2003, 11:22:24 pm opps sorry for double posting :'( anyways the location of Ilwrath homeworld wasn't hard to find for people who play originaly had Star Control 2 since it had their sphere of influence around Tauri constealltion on the old Starmap